I just added my 6 line wrasse and bangaii cardinal to my 120gallon reef tank. My Scopas Tang seems to have issues with the 6 line so I moved the LR around to create a new environment. He seems to still have some agressions toward the 6 line.
Is there anything else I can do...or should do...or will the tang simply adjust to his new tankmates. (I don't think he even noticed the Bangaii yet) They have only been in the same tank for an hour or so at this point but I don't want the wrasse to get stressed out. Is this behaviour normal?
Other inhabitants:
2 firefish
1 perc
Any advice will be appreciated.
Is there anything else I can do...or should do...or will the tang simply adjust to his new tankmates. (I don't think he even noticed the Bangaii yet) They have only been in the same tank for an hour or so at this point but I don't want the wrasse to get stressed out. Is this behaviour normal?
Other inhabitants:
2 firefish
1 perc
Any advice will be appreciated.