Tang picking on new tankmate....


I just added my 6 line wrasse and bangaii cardinal to my 120gallon reef tank. My Scopas Tang seems to have issues with the 6 line so I moved the LR around to create a new environment. He seems to still have some agressions toward the 6 line.
Is there anything else I can do...or should do...or will the tang simply adjust to his new tankmates. (I don't think he even noticed the Bangaii yet) They have only been in the same tank for an hour or so at this point but I don't want the wrasse to get stressed out. Is this behaviour normal?
Other inhabitants:
2 firefish
1 perc
Any advice will be appreciated.

bang guy

Just give them time to settle out who's boss.
Eventually the Tang will be best buddies with the Wrasse when it want to be cleaned.


Thanks Bang Guy, I was hoping that was the case and am very happy to let them sort it all out on their own.


Active Member
My Blue (hippo) and Yellow Tang both get a little "possive" when a new tank mate arrives...
Generally the "rearrange" the rockwork trick works but occasionally I have had to put an "eggcrate" divider in the tank to keep the newbies seperated from the locals...
This seems to help the "locals" concentrate on establishing new territory in "their" side of the tank...while the newbie establishes his...
Then a day or two later I'll pull the divider and each faction has their own turf...


I hope your're right guys, but my blue tang ate my sixline, he shredded him tail, fins, then the fake eye on his tail.


New Member
That's one of the symptoms of a Tang that's in a tank too small to house it. A Blue Tang really should be in at least a 6 foot tank and preferably 8 foot or more.
The cramped quarters you have your Blue Tang in is causing a normally easy going fish to be aggressive.


I just got home from work and the fish are all sleeping...but before I left, things seemed to be going a little bit better. Tang was still chasing the wrasse into the rock work but it didn't seem to be as big of an issue. I will keep a close eye on them though.
Thanks for the replys


Actually my tang is the one of the most peaceful fish in the tank and has no problems with any other fish but for some reason he just hated the sixline. And my tang has plenty of room he's only 2 1/2" long. (AND YES HE WILL GET BIGGER AND SO WILL MY TANK)