tangs and foxface.....


so i found this video on youtube that is almost exactly what i wanted to do(except the corals) is this set up wrong? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r1H2NjsgOw&feature=related


Active Member
they look happy to me. in the japan culture they stuff alot more fish in the tank than that.the trick is to add slow but if you want 2 tangs and a foxface better to add the at the same time being territorial and all..you dont want a tank crash due to too much bioload .the system needs to mature.a hob filter is always a good idea if you dont mind the noise when the water gets a little low from evaporation. a sump eliminates low dt water levels .it evaporates in the sump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface#post_3398718
if i ad like 40 lbs of live rock and add say 20 lbs of "dead rock" will it cure and not cause a spike? cuz at my lfs live rock is $8 lb and for 50 lbs that 400 bucks at once plus if i add it will cause a spike yes?
Honestly, would add 40 lbs of dry rock and 20 lbs live rock. Either way there should be an ammonia spike when starting a new tank. Here is a link that can shed more light on cycling a tank:https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/forum/thread/386044/let-s-talk-about-cycling


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/20#post_3399010
where can i get dry rock? and how long will i have to cycle the tank in order to cure the dry rock?
Check out Marco Rocks site. You don't need to cure dry rock, only live rock. Ammonia spikes occur when there is more of a bio load than the tank can handle so any new tank will need to be cycled in order for bacterial colonies to populate before adding livestock.


Active Member
dry rock dont cycle just the lr personally if you have lr already i would just add dry and rearange it mixing it together .it will spread in no time.
the bacteria will spread and grow according to the bioload in the tank .so add the dry rock and wait a couple weeks then you can add a fish or two.


ok sounds good....im trying to get everything lined up for my tank becuz im goin to pick up a 90 gallon tommorrow and this is my first exp w salt water fish and i really dont feel like killing hundreds of dollars of fish trying to work out the kinks i can just ask on line....does anyone know where i can find used skimmers at? the lfs said a hob was good but i really want a sump since everyone says it does wonders and its also alot quieter since im sure my wife will b!atch if its too loud lol


Active Member
i wouldnt worry about a skimmer for a while .i dont run one and i have 3 tanks.but i will when i get my big tank going.its all about patience and letting the tank mature.
i would find a nice 30 gallon long tank for a sump and a mag 9 or so pump ,maybe a $125 set up .is the tank drilled?


i doubt it....the lady before was using it for chilids and so i doubt it is drilled....i plan on starting this 90 in say 6 to 8 months after i get all the equipment i need for it....such as some nice power heads sand and and the filtering but thats y im so worried about a sump cuz if i need a sump i should look for it now before i set up the tank to get it cycled w the tank correct?


Active Member
you can add a sump anytime.the trick is water volume .just dont overload the tank with fish.i keep alot of rock rubble in my sump.good for bacteria and pods for fish food.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface#post_3398449
fox face is to much or 3 is to much?
Hi, two things to kind of help you figure what can get along with what....color and body type. A yellow tang and foxface are too close in color and will see each other as a threat. A hippo and yellow tang are really not suited for a 90g, but I kept a Hippo in my 90g for 5 or 6 years (I lost count). I arranged my rock in the center of the tank not against the back wall so the tang could continually swim around and around the tank, and in and out of the rocks. Otherwise they stress out and go back and forth like a caged lion against the glass and get mean.
A yellow and hippo can get along...again be sure to arrange your rocks so they have lots of swim room, eventually you will have to move them to a bigger tank which is a pain in the butt and hard to do when you have had them a while. Moving all the rock just to get to them is not an easy task, and if you have coral it really gets tuff.
The smartest thing is not put tangs in a 48 inch tank, the next smartest thing is to get one tang and a small one at that. LOL...after that don't tell the tang police.


Meowzer is a delicate creature. One who lurkes the deepest darkest depths of her pantrie. In her pantrie, she lives with 30 cats and she belives she is a cat also. So meowzer spends her day using a litter box and eating cat food all day. She tends to drink out of the toiler the Queen cat always yells at her for it. So now she runs around playing with yarn.
Secretly she trys to snatch a fish out the fisht a


Active Member
i wish a new guy would live closer to me.i have so much equipment around.NH is a bit far to donate this stuff.i always loved my 90.had it for 20 years.now its a turtle tank.they are perfect for learning and an easy size to clean.cant wait for the pics.HINT