tangs and foxface.....


Active Member
see we all think alike.mine does big time laps in the 33 qt.cant wait to see him fly around the 250 then hopefully the 500 this winter.


i have a 10 gallon i was goin to set up for qt before the dt is that goin to be a big enough tank...that was goin to be my next set of questions.....but back to the chromis....if i took them out and put the perc clowns in instead of them as a "cycle type" fish what would u replace them with? id like something either bright and beutiful or small and school-ish


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/60#post_3401064
i have a 10 gallon i was goin to set up for qt before the dt is that goin to be a big enough tank...that was goin to be my next set of questions.....but back to the chromis....if i took them out and put the perc clowns in instead of them as a "cycle type" fish what would u replace them with? id like something either bright and beutiful or small and school-ish

These are just examples. If you decide to go with anthias, choose a type you like and get 3 females. One will change to male.


Active Member
you dont use fish to cycle a tank anymore it is mean and cruel.if thats what you are planning on.go get a piece of raw shrimp and put it in the tank for 3 or 4 days when it gets running.that will kick off the cycle.no fish needs to go through an ammonia cycle it eats their gills up and usually kills them.if you plan lr from the start sometimes you dont need the shrimp because of die off on the rock from transport.but the shrimp wont hurt.in the qt deffinitly a shrimp since there is no lr.


not to cycle the tank but out of the bunch the perc clown is the most hearty correct? so if im just starting my tank and i have a spike or anything else id rather have the heartest fish in the tank first...hints where i would call them a cycle type of fish....


Active Member
really once the tank is cycled any of the fish you listed will be fine.the trick is to not overload on the bioload.meaning dont add 4 fish right after the cycle.90 gallon is a good sized tank i would think after the cycle is done and you have 70 lbs of lr and alot of good flow via powerheads 2-3 fish and feed light should be ok then another two in a month or so.and so on.


how long should i wait if i plan on adding like 20 lbs of LR and 50 lbs of dry rock?....how long do u think it would take for the dry rock to become "covered" with bacteria? and would it still be ok to add the clowns after i cycle the tank?


Active Member
you plan to start the tank with no lr?i would set the whole thing up with sand and lr from the start.add the raw shrimp,watch it cycle then add the clowns.


no i plan on starting w 20 lbs of LR becuz at the lfs its $8 lb and 70 lbs times $8 is 560 bucks so i was wondering if i could start the tank w 20 lbs and 50 lbs of dry rock to save some money if i can spread the bacteria from the Lr to the dry rock but i had planned on adding the shrimp then adding the clowns


Active Member
yes 20 lbs of lr and the 50 of base is fine.you always take an ammonia spike chance if you add lr later.$8 is nuts.i get some premium stuff around 6-12 inch lr for $4 .i would order from the internet then you can add it to the tank and wont need to add the shrimp.the die off from shipping will do it.i would still get a bucket of saltwater and shake the lr in it.


Active Member
before i found the guy i get mine from now i have bought online.go to craigslist and look.lfs are nuts for what they want for lr you know they pay $3.50 a lb.i have bought a 45 lb box from ebay years ago.good price but one big rock and a bunch of 4 -5 inch.but if you are just seeding and can get bigger base rock its good.since you will cycle the tank with it you wont have to worry as much about hitchers if there are any.you will have a month to watch .
you know i think my supplier has started shipping stuff.i can ask him about it.


awesome and if not yet im not plannin on starting the tank up for like 6 to 8 months will i get all the equipment so even if its in his plans that would be awesome too....i love the look of marine tanks but hate the dent in the pocket ya know lol...im so excited and so ready to get it goin but iknow i have a loottttt of work left to do before i even think about puttin water in my tank....and on that note how does RO units work? is there a size or amount of gallons a day i should look for in units? name brands any major differences?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/60#post_3401787
awesome and if not yet im not plannin on starting the tank up for like 6 to 8 months will i get all the equipment so even if its in his plans that would be awesome too....i love the look of marine tanks but hate the dent in the pocket ya know lol...im so excited and so ready to get it goin but iknow i have a loottttt of work left to do before i even think about puttin water in my tank....and on that note how does RO units work? is there a size or amount of gallons a day i should look for in units? name brands any major differences?
For RO, check out the air, water, ice website.


still makes no sense to me....dont know the diff in a unit that is 140 or 270 what makes them diff besides the gallons per day?