tangs and foxface.....


Active Member
i have a good friend down there in houston.i just got back a bit ago from the er.two of my dogs decided to fight and i stuck my have where i shouldnt have.got some stiches .but my mastiff wanted no part of the fight .he ran far away.the bigger they are the wimpier .


well thats y u have fish lol....they dont bite lol....well hope for a speed recovery....if i have any questions ill def be asking u...so far uve been the most helpful person....o and ps how long would it be if i go the three "tang size fish" when there small before id need to upgrade?

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/40#post_3400129
because of having three or just the fact of having a tang?
Usually people buy tangs rather young as it;s cheeper to buy the 2" size versus one that's already 6"+. A 2" tang will need bigger home in 12-18 months than a 55 or 75g tank - espically if you plan more than 1. Also aviod buying tangs smaller than 1.5 inches - as they can be more difficult to feed, and survival thru qtine and possible ich treatment in such a small tang is even harder than with the larger specimens. Some places will sell tangs as small as 3/4 inch long - but IME they don't do well in qtine & treatment.


well i have a 90 gal is that goin to be the same time line? i know they are all 4 ft tanks so is that the issue?...what about a YT kole and sailfin?...which combination would be best?

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by JacobsDad09 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/40#post_3400324
well i have a 90 gal is that goin to be the same time line? i know they are all 4 ft tanks so is that the issue?...what about a YT kole and sailfin?...which combination would be best?
The sailfin has NO business in anything under 150gal - that's the largest growing of the Zebrasoma sp. reaching over 12" in the home tank. The TY and a kole could be a very tricky combo, as the YT is possibly the meanest of the zebrasoma sp. and is likely to NOT accept another tang - epically in a 90g - 4ft tank.....I have 6 tangs in a 475g tank - notice that I DO NOT have a YT? there's a reason for this!
About the only tangs I've easily paired with a yellow tang is the hippo, blonde naso, and powder blue. I'm not saying that a YT won't pair with another type - but the smaller the tank - the odds of it NOT
working go up exponentially.
And finally 2 tangs in a 90 is really pushing it but 3 is well beyond reason. If i were the tang police - I'd be saying your 90 is too small for even one.


Active Member
my sailfin was 2 inches when i got him,he is now 4 inches in 6 months.yea they grow fast.he flies across the 6 foot tank all day.top to bottom.a hippo is a good choice if you want a tang.they arent such big swimmers like the others but ich is a big problem with them.this bobby is tough to do the right way.all of us want a fish or two we just cannot have.


Active Member
Have you looked into any of the dwarf angels? They would be perfect in size for the tank, are a little bigger and come in a variety of colors. You can only keep one per tank. Then, you could get a tang (perhaps with contrasting colors with the angel for more diversity). Then, perhaps a trio of schooling fish for more water movement. Just a thought.


sooo ok how is a YT and a hippo or 2 butterflies? plus ill look over what i wanted for other fish but i was looking into like maybe 2 dwarf angels 7 green blue chromis 2 grobies 2 clowns and maybe toss in 2 royal gammas?...to much?(drawf angels and the gammas were the newest to the list)


Active Member
you need to do alot more research on fish for now.two angels will fight to the death.only one per tank unless its 200+ gallons then even problems sometimes.grammas are aggressive fish,cromis tend to kill each other off over time untill the king only remains.butterfly fish are of a more experienced fish keepers fish.hard to get or keep them eating.
clowns depending on which ones are very aggressive also.alot has to do with how much lr and spaces the fish can call home.
that being said some combos work out and some dont.it depends on the fish itself.if you plan to mix fish together be prepared to be able to return one if they are always fighting.not good to have a fish that has to hide all the time.
after years of this you will learn what can go with what.i would suggest find every fish you like post them here and we can scratch the one we think wont work and help with the ones that will.also alot has to do with how you introduce them to the tank .meaning more aggressive fish last .id you want 3 clowns add them at the same time so not one already thinks he owns the tank.

tangs rule

Active Member
As far as tangs go IME - the YT and hippo are "usually" an easy pair up - again it depends on the specific ones you get, but still in a 90g those 2 would be a little tight, and that would be "it" for your larger fishes. Ideally, if your plans could afford an upgrade in a year or 2 to somthing in the 125+ range that'd still be best. Ive never hade many of the butterfly fishes (only the longnose) so others will have to fill in there.
Even in that rather big tank of mine - there are some species of tang I know to avoid, cause they are just mean as heck towards other tangs and other similar colored/shape/sized fishes. Possibly the most agressive tangs that I cannot have are the YT, sohal, and clown - as their addition would "upset" the balance of the 6 already in there. Yes I do keep a powder blue and purple together, but the ones I have get along fine with the blond naso, achillies, hippo, & orange shoulder - BUT grouping more than 2 tangs should only ever be attempted longterm in tanks in the 200+ range.
As far as the angle fishes go - there are some stunning fish out there, and several of the dwarfs are just goregous and perfect for a 90g, though keep only 1. MOST of the larger full size angles are too big for your tank - but the Navarchus (blue girdled) is borderline for your tank, but is an absolutly electric & stunning fish, if you don't mind the $180 or so to get one. Again, keep only 1 angel in a 90.


k....well thats y im here to ask the questions before i get these fish and badabing they are all fighting or dead lol.....ok good advice ill have to keep thinking of what id like and waht works but today i just bought "the new marine aquarium" so ill be reading up on that and seeing what it has to say...alot of people say its a good book but ill be keepin in touch as to what fish may work together


ok so i did some looking up and based on what i read but im winging a little bit of it this is what im looking for in my 90.....1.5 inch of base about 70 lbs of LR:
1 Kole tang
1 Hippo
1 dwarf lemonpeel
7 green blue chromis
2 clowns
1royal gamma
1 long nose hawkfish
2 watchman gobies
and maybe 2 cardinals of some sort but i feel like they would be a lil over the top
and a CUC
too much? or just right?


Active Member
way too much thats 18 fish.i would say about 10 fish in a 90 if they are 1-3 inches max.
you need to cover the tank if you want the hawkfish it will jump the tank.
this isnt like freshwater where you can pack them in.i have never had freshwater ,i went right to salt.but salt fish have alot of personality and dont alway like each other.
from your list i would go with
the gobies
hippo ( i wouldnt push the envelope with the kole too small of a tank the hippo is not as big a swimmer like the other tangs)
cromis but maybe 5 .( i wouldnt get them myself since they kill each other and dont really school like they do in the wild)
clown ,only oneunless you want percs then two they arent aggressive like most of the others
thats what i would do and add them in this order as the tank matures like another one or two every 6-8 weeks .
the gamma is a nasty fish and hardly behave.
so thats 10-12 fish


yea i wanted percs and the book i got said i could have 2 hippos but id rather have something a lil diff then two of the same...the gamma was a late add cuz my wife says "ohh i like those ones could we have one of those?" the cardinals i wasnt very fond of anyways so that kind of makes me glad as well...on the chromis ive heard sooo many different opinions on them from dont have them at all to have at least 7 so they school better becuase less then 7 they will fight each other so the larger the crowd the more they tend to school....have u had any chromi from exp or is that ur idea of damsels fighting? just trying to get some feed back(i know everyone on here basiclly has more exp then me lol)


Active Member
i have not had cromis but have read about them many many times.i have read keep odd numbers 5,7 like that but 7 fish is alot of fish for a 90 if you plan on having other kinds of fish. .if this is your first tank i would put off any tang for a while.they are not an easy fish to keep.i am not saying it is impossible.but not recommended.are you going to qt fish before you put them in the dt? if not i would really stay away from tangs.ich is a big problem on tangs.i have an orange shoulder in my qt for almost 4 weeks now.
look at some anthias i have a square in my qt with the tang now .great fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/386733/tangs-and-foxface/40#post_3401059
i have not had cromis but have read about them many many times.i have read keep odd numbers 5,7 like that but 7 fish is alot of fish for a 90 if you plan on having other kinds of fish. .if this is your first tank i would put off any tang for a while.they are not an easy fish to keep.i am not saying it is impossible.but not recommended.are you going to qt fish before you put them in the dt? if not i would really stay away from tangs.ich is a big problem on tangs.i have an orange shoulder in my qt for almost 4 weeks now.
look at some anthias i have a square in my qt with the tang now .great fish
I was just going to suggest a small harem of anthias (like 3).