

Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
small ones and let them grow like hippo or purple tangs in a 72 bowfront
dont do it, tangs need 6ft of swimmin room, 72 doesnt give that


Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
what if i only put a purple and a yellow
still, tangs need 6ft of swimming room, a 72 is no place for either of those


Tangs can be mixed, but it does not matter how small they are they still need a 6 foot long tank. I am sorry but your tank is just not big enough.


6th feet of swimming room fith feet of swimming room why are tangs the most popular and most kept saltwater fish,why does this rule apply only in these boards when they say.
Oh put some damsels and a clownfish
Isn't that for a nano
seriously just because some grow big doesn't mean ALL GROW BIG and need a 6ft long tank!


Try a Butterfly only tank,many species,colorful,and compatible!
No 2 species are anything alike!

Angels,they attack eachother.


Originally Posted by Seattle
6th feet of swimming room fith feet of swimming room why are tangs the most popular and most kept saltwater fish,why does this rule apply only in these boards when they say.
Oh put some damsels and a clownfish
Isn't that for a nano
seriously just because some grow big doesn't mean ALL GROW BIG and need a 6ft long tank!
Tangs are also the first to die from stress. These fish are open water fish. They are distance swimmers. A 72 gallon bowfront is not very big. If you notice the people that successfully keep tangs are the people with a 125 or larger. Why is it this board that says it most? I don't know, maybe because we have responsible hobbiests on these boards that actually care about other people's fish and their health. Sure, you could put a tang or 2 in there and they would probably be fine for a few months, but what happens when the stress of a small tank finally gets to the fish? It is not going to be a pretty sight.


i have 3 yellow tangs, a vlamingi tang, a hippo tang, and a kole tang in my 240
these guys constantly cruise from one side to another, they definitely need the 6 ft or larger


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Tangs are also the first to die from stress. These fish are open water fish. They are distance swimmers. A 72 gallon bowfront is not very big. If you notice the people that successfully keep tangs are the people with a 125 or larger. Why is it this board that says it most? I don't know, maybe because we have responsible hobbiests on these boards that actually care about other people's fish and their health. Sure, you could put a tang or 2 in there and they would probably be fine for a few months, but what happens when the stress of a small tank finally gets to the fish? It is not going to be a pretty sight.
Actually very few species of surgeneonfish or tangs are open water fish, most, according to a very popular highly read book, occupy only a few square yards on a reef. In the author's same experience with tangs, he has found that juevenile tangs do quite well in a well setup 55 60 or 75 gallon. Of course there always the issue of overcrowding, but a couple tangs in one those tanks should be fine.
In case youre wondering the author in question has about 30+ years of marine fish experience.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
In case youre wondering the author in question has about 30+ years of marine fish experience.
what book is this?


I had a Blonde Naso, Blue hippo, Red Sea Sailfin, Yellow and Fox Face in a 93 gal corner bowfrontf or a little over a year. Although they seemed to be fine for most of the time, they the Hippo and Sailfin have definatley outgrown the the tank and I had to find a 220gal to move them into. then comes the real problem of catching them.


I would say keep the amount of tangs minimal.How about something like this?
Lavender Tang
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Sohal Tang
Black Tang*If you wanna use 500$

Clown Tang
Gem Tang*if you wanna use 3,500$ :scared: !
Pick 3 or 2 of the above,PLEASE don't make it a tang only tank the annoying tang police will arrest you


a sohol and a clown would be retarded
no way are they gonna work out
their the same fish only the sohol is the red sea epidemic basically
yes their are a few differences but not that many