Tank size question


Im getting a new tank to set up as a reef. I can get either a 210 g 72Lx30Dx24W or a 180g 72x24x24. They are both the same price($20 difference). The only problem i have with the 210 is the depth. Will it affect my lighting if i want clams or spr with my lps. Im getting 3x250mh 4x96pc coralife lights. What would you guys get?? the 210 or 180 and why?


Active Member
210g, more water volume. The MH you are planning on putting on either tank will do good with either one.


I know nothing about big tanks. What do i need to make sure it has to be a reef tank? It has two overflows, what else?


Active Member
Usually I would say the bigger the better. But I just helped someone set up a 120 tall that was 30" deep. I always liked the look of a tall tank but I would have to say what a pain in the butt to work on it. I'm an average guy about 6' and reaching the bottom is almost impossible. Its nice to look at but I would never get a tank that tall just b/c of the reach issuse. Also the deeper you go the bigger the lights have to be. Don't really know if the 250's will get that deep.


Thats what i was thinking also. I can just get to the bottom of a 24, on a 30" id have my shoulder in the water.
Turningtim, what should i make sure the tank has to be reef ready? Is regular cross bracing ok or should i be trying to get euro bracing?


Active Member
Well that really depends on you. Are you going custom or pre-built? What are your choices? From what I have seen with euro brace, they still have cross braces but are glass. I assume we're talking about glass? are you going RR? Center OF or 2 off center or corners?


I dont know except that i want glass. Im trying to find a pre built with euro bracing. Is that possible or is euro bracing always custom? I want a reef so i need 2 overflows,correct? offset or corners dont really matter to me.
Like i said, i dontt know anything about big tanks but i want this to be my main display for years, no more upgrading, so i want to make sure it has everything i need for a reef.


Active Member
Check out Glass Cages dot com! See what you like! Also search the archives for plumbing 101. squidd did a great job of explaining the ins and outs of a full system. Its long but a great read. I would strongly suggest doing a lot of home work on this. I/we can only offer opinions. You have to decide! Its your tank and there are several ways to set up a reef tank. Is there one better than the other. Don't really know! I have my thoughts but other members are just as successful with different set-ups. Your tank, your call.......
Just see what makes good sense to you and really decide which way you want to go and stick with it. From what it sounds like I totally agree, do it once and do it right!
No worries I will be around to help if you want. I honestly don't know if I'm more addicted to SWF then my own tank!


Active Member
heres my 180 before i set it up
its the common size 6'x2'x2'
i would only go wider not deeper on a reef tank otherwise ur guna need 400W's to keep clams and sps at the bottom
i personally like wider anyways but the 180 is a great tank!
i got mine for $1200 which inluded using a 1/2" clearview flat polished glass to be more close to starphire
a black backing with euro pracing around the perimeter makes it so easy to not hnave a cross brace i can reach in and grab anything outta my tank without having the cross brace
it came with a center overflow box and all the plumming for the sump return was drilled to go through the center of the overflow box to conceal it....
i then added 6 holes to accomidated 1" bulkhead 2 were for the CL exit and 4 for the CL return using an Oceans Motion 4 way and it works great no powerhead in the tank and all corals soft hard and in betweeen are loving the flow
by the time i added the extra holes and tax it was at like $1375 its a great tank and looks just as good!



Very nice! I think i read its a lee mar? is that right?
Theres so many things i dont know about big systems. Its very intimidating and frustrating trying to figure out what kind of tank to get and what it has to have to be a great reef. Then where to buy one from :help:


Active Member
yeah i think i told u about it on another thread but its a top manufacturer out here in southern cali thats what most people try to get
but i think i would go with the 180 as to a tall 210 or if u want go wider than deeper


Yeah, i agree, i think 30 deep is just to much. Ill be swimming every tine i gotta spot feed something. Im looking at a 225g 72Lx30Wx24d. Its pretty sweet but $1500 + shipping. Thats alot of scratch considering then i still need a really big stand.


Active Member
make ur own stand if at all possible i made my stand and canopy for my tank cost me about $350 in materials and i made the panels outta american cherry
very easy too took me about 16hrs all together of after work messin around in the garage


Active Member
Every time I see that picture, I have to look twice. It looks great. Probably saved a ton of money and did a better job by DIY.
For a reef tank wider is usually better than deep. The reason; light penetrates shallow water better and a wider tank will generally have a better CO2 exchange rate due to the larger surface area. I still like the look of deep tanks though.


Very nice Murph
, tell me where to send the check for $350 and how long it will take for you to make me a stand!


Active Member
thanks guys!
yeah i figured they wanted to charge me something like $600 for an oak stand then another $250 for a canopy that was funa be too small and only have a piano top instead of a front removeable panle like mine....
same with the stand i made it with all 4 removeable panels for easy access
yeah im pleased how it came out
if i had to do it again i would probably made the stand another 6" taller but it works the way it is now :happyfish
hey if u lived close i would help u out they are really simple to build if u ever need any ideas or anything let me know ive got pics on how i made it and all the materials its worth u trying urself


Thank you very much for the offer, i may just have to take you up on that. If i get the tank im looking at, ill probably have to try and build my own rather than spend another god knows what for a 72x30 stand.
For the tank, what do i need to make sure it has to be a nice reef with lps and some sps? 2 overflows? what else?


Active Member
Very nice murph! Love that set-up!
Su, that 225 sounds cool. Is it a custom? Love to have that width.


Active Member
u dont need two overflows but u can do a center one if u want depends on what ur lookin for...
u can do two smaller corner ones or a larger center overflow up to u id rather do a center one its less chance for leaking and less plumming IMO
well if u wanna keep sps its a hole nother monster
ur guna need a nice size skimmer, something like mine im running an ASM-G4 skimmer in my sump
ur guna need lots of flow on the order of 25X's plus depending either by utilizing a closed loop system with some sea swirls or what i have an Oceans Motion 4 way they allow for more of a random flow pattern than just a straight return from the pump
ur guna need some good lighting at least some 250W MH's id say on that tank do 3 if ur electric bill isnt crazy like here in so cal.... i only run 2 due to my electic bill already costing me an extra $100 a month for my tank the way it is now another MH would increase it by another 30 a month! but all my sps, clams, softies, lps and anything else is doing just fine but i run DE's
id say if u want some sps and clams ur guna need a calcium reactor too a dual chambered one is better i have the MRC-CR2 works great i never dose anything for calcium or alk
id say id invest in a UV filter too thats more up to u but i think they help
ur prob guna need a chiller too
there lots of things lol take it one at a time learn what u want and go from there
u have any questions ask here i spent many hours researching and i have a similar tank to what ur wanting so feel free to ask ive got some good opinions once in a while lol