Tank size question


Active Member
as far as overlfows go i like the way mine is but id make sure its black back to match everything that way it doesnt stand out....
its up to u IMO one is simpler to plumb lol but hey what the heck


Active Member
thanks tim!
took a while of research and learning on my own as to what i wanted took me about 3 months to get everything i wanted i wanted to make sure i got each piece of equipment that i thought would work best together


Active Member
murph, I'll probably hit you up when I'm thinking switching device. Looks very clean which I like!
su, started design, a little simplier then murphs' but gotta run for a bit...


Active Member
no prob tim if u switch stuff up let me know thats y i went this route i wanted a clean look this go around with good equipment


Active Member
yup i have a JBJ Auto Top Off System
cost about $100
i have a 5g jug on the side with fresh RO/DI water that a small power head is in and when the float goes low it actuates it to fill the evaporated water
heres a pic first is the float 2nd is the piece of equipment whhere it shows status and where u plug the feed pump into
good investment worth the money to keep things stable



Active Member
su, here is a VERY basic layout for the 180 but I think it will give you a base to start decideing what you want/need. Nothing is to scale (well kinda).
The black holes are returns, yellow is CL inlet and the red CL output.
We can tweek things and get more ideas from murph and everyone else, but at least we have something to look at. Once you make decisions and run numbers I can draw to scale and then you can see how it will all work together.
So if you get the tank down then we can talk about sump/fuge and equipment......


What do you think about ditching the closed loop and going with tunze?
Still trying to decide if i should buy cutom from glasscages, miraclesaquariums or just a store bought AGA


Active Member
Don't know about the tunze except there are nice pc of equipment from what I've read/heard. I have no doubt that if you go store bought AGA we can figure something out as far as added flow for what you want to keep. Whether it be by tunze, internal CL or HOB CL. It will work and be a nice tank and set-up.
I will say that any of the options above will give you more versatility and may be worth the education you need to make decisions on a larger custom tank down the road. Besides reading here and on other sites thats how learned. I'm constantly trying new things and play with my 55 (probably too much).
I like you are a info junky but with the input of folks around here I've now decided to fish rather than cut bait.........


ok, sorry tim but let my stupid questions begin.
On your pic there are 6 holes drilled. The black 2 are returns for the overflows? arent there usually 4?
The yellow is the CL inlet. That would need to be drilled and act kinda like another overflow? being right in the middle like that, i dont understand how it would work.
The reds i actually get, at least i think, those are the returns for the cl, need to be drilled and could be drilled whereever i decide based on the setup, right?
Also, what are check and gate valves?


Active Member
The blacks are the returns from the return pump That comes from the sump. The OF are the light blue boxes and don't have any "holes showing" b/c that will depend on the flow you want through the sump. the yellow is 1 larger hole that is hard plumbed to a external pump and then the water gets pulled in there and out the red holes. there is no OF for this. It just pulls water out and puts it back in the tank. Murph has his on a switching device that alternates which holes gets water at different times.
Again this is rough and numbers will have to be crunched in order for it to work as a system, But this should give you a decent idea of what the back of the tank MAY look like.


Ok, now i think im getting it. One more though, the yellow closed loop inlet, that doesnt go into the sump/fuge right? I think i read somewhere that the water basically stays in the CL piping, going out the inlet and travelling back to the tank thru the 3 inlets, which is what makes it a closed loop and prevents any type of flooding. Is that right?
Also, the black returns on the top, those are the returns from the overflows right?


p.s.- you have no idea how much i appreciate all of this Tim.. lets just say if i can actually get this ordered by my b-day on saturday because of your help, just let me now what drinks and food to have on the table in front of the tank and when youll be there!


Active Member
Yes thats right! But I don't get what you mean by from the OF. The OF drains to the sump/fuge and then gets returned by the return pump. The black is where the return pump outlets.
Here is some more diagrams. I think it will help.



Wow, i actually almost get it! unbelievable! youre a hell of a teacher bc as my wife will tell you sometimes i can be really dense!! Thats the first simple pic of a CL ive seen, makes it easy to undrstand even if your retarded about this like me.
Thats what i meant, that they were the water being returned from the sump from the overflows.
Ok, i feel alot better about the closed loop now. You think thats the best way to go in your opinion? and if so whats sizes should we think for the sump/fuge? Im gonna have a stand built so size shouldnt be much of an issue?


Active Member
Well I think you should do 2 separte tanks, unless you can get your hands on a 125 or 100 and have the stand made to fit that. But I would not go any less than 55 (75would be better) for the fuge and then we would have to think about a sump.
OK, You need to make a decision on which way you are going to go b/c now sizing things and flow calc need to be considered.
I still think you could have one heck of a tank with a standard 180. You could with out a doubt make things work and it be just fine. Like I said it may be the learning experience you need and rushing a custom tank like the one we're talking about is a big mistake. Besides like you said the 180 will be a LOT easier on the wallet. You could also start on it now! there is also no rule that says you can't get the 180 drilled for a CL......
There is a real quick way to my heart LPS!
Don't worry about it, If I didn't hang out here I'd probably be sucked into Oprah or something stupid!


Before i decide,On the CL, does the pump go behind the tank or under it or does it matter? Done have much room behind is the reason.
Really, a 75 fuge for a 180g, thats pretty big isnt it? what dimensions?
Also, the CL returns , are they just flexible ball socket tubing with some kind of flare nozzle? Do people usually have the flare nozzles exposed or behind their LR?


Active Member
The 75 was more for the 225. The 180 would be fine with a 55fuge then we have to figure out flow and then how big a sump could fit. These are all varibles that can be worked out once the tank/stand decision is made. Or you could get a 60" long 100 and do it all in one.
the CL outlets can be whatever you want. I don't like loc-line for anything. You could use 45 degeree PVC for direction flow or a seris of PVC. The flow is not about pressure it about flow and turnover rate. If properly sized you will not have dead spots.....


Whats wrong with loc-line?
Ok, i think ive decided to get the custom 180 and go with a closed loop. Two questions, 1)The pump goes under the tank for the CL ?
2)what is the argument against a closed loop? why do people not like them?
make that 3, once i go closed loop and get the tank running am i stuck with it forever? can i shut it down while the tank is full and switch to tunze if i wanted for some reason?


Active Member
Custom 180? AGA and then get the CL drilled? :notsure:
I just don't like Loc-line, IMHO Its ugly! I also don't see the need, again its about flow and turnover. Not about blowing pressurized water around for the sake of it.
Yes the CL pump can be placed anywhere you want. But must be sized correctly for the flow you want including headloss.
Everything has to work together as a system!