Tank Temp


What temp is good for a tank with fish, inverts, lr and someday corals. I am looking for a good all around temp.. Mine without a fan rund 81-83 degrees and with a fan 77-80 degrees... Thanks :help:


Active Member
yeah i think like 81 or so is as high as you should let it get...my temp gets up to 84 at times and i lost my carpet anemone due to the heat....in my 30 g tank my tank is always around 80 or so and i have never had any problems....


Active Member
I run mine at 79-80 degrees. I have read where some reefs in the ocean are as high as 86-89 degrees though. I think you most people will run their tanks around 79-82 degrees.


Yep anywhere around 80. Like the above thread said some parts of the ocean are at temps around like 88 but it is not reccomended for your tank. The most important part is trying to keep the temp your going to keep it at constant. Try to find out what range your tank goes from with lights on and lights off and try to keep it within like a one to two degree range. Watch the fluctuations and make sure there isnt a swing anymore then 5 degrees. Anymore then that will cause stress on whatever is in your tank. Good luck.


Active Member
76-84 is fine.
Stability is key.
You don't want your temperature to fluctuate more than two or three degrees over the course of the day.


Active Member
2 thumbs up. Well said!
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
76-84 is fine.
Stability is key.
You don't want your temperature to fluctuate more than two or three degrees over the course of the day.


Active Member
mines been going to 79 at night and 85 during the day. its only 50 degrees outside so i can only imagine what will happen in the next month.


now im confused. Some are saying 80 while others are saying closer to 85. Mine runs around 83 natrully, but I don't know if it is too high...


Active Member
85+ is on the high side. Ideally you want to keep it between 78-83. But its important to keep the variance to 1-1.5 degrees. If you start to get to a 2 degree swing then it will start to stress fish and effect shrimp and snails. Shoot for 80 and keep it under 84. Where ever you end up keep it consistent. Remember temp has to do with tank size, equipment run and cooling.


Active Member
Don't be confused. You should be shocked if everyone said one temp. The fact that 6 people said 6 different temps is normal. If your range is between 78 & 85 your fine. Though I wouldn't run my tank at 85. I run mine at 79 - 80 degrees. I think that is an ideal temp.


Active Member
83 is fine so long as it is always between 82-84. You don't want your temperature going up and down and up and down, day after day.
For example, if it is 78 in the morning before the lights are on, and then it is 86 when the lights turn off at night, this is not a good situation. When the temperature fluctuates in a range of more than four degrees over the course of one day, not only is their stress on your creatures from that, but you also have to remember when the temperature changes significantly so does your specific gravity which is even more added stress. A tank with 35 ppt salinity will have a specific gravity of 1.026 at 78 degrees, but at 86 degrees the specific gravity will be 1.023-1.024.


Active Member
actually, thats why a lot of people have tank crashes. i let my temp fluctuate between 79 at night and 85 during the day so that when the temp reaches 86 or such in the summer, it wont be that stressful on them.
if your tank never goes above 81 or below 79, then that one time it does go up to 84 degrees, theres gunna be a lot of stress on the animals.
by letting the temp swing, its sort of like them building up a resistance and when the tank does go to an extreme temp, they wont be as sensitive.

bang guy

Originally Posted by teen
actually, thats why a lot of people have tank crashes. i let my temp fluctuate between 79 at night and 85 during the day so that when the temp reaches 86 or such in the summer, it wont be that stressful on them.
if your tank never goes above 81 or below 79, then that one time it does go up to 84 degrees, theres gunna be a lot of stress on the animals.
by letting the temp swing, its sort of like them building up a resistance and when the tank does go to an extreme temp, they wont be as sensitive.
If only it really worked that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
actually, thats why a lot of people have tank crashes. i let my temp fluctuate between 79 at night and 85 during the day so that when the temp reaches 86 or such in the summer, it wont be that stressful on them.
if your tank never goes above 81 or below 79, then that one time it does go up to 84 degrees, theres gunna be a lot of stress on the animals.
by letting the temp swing, its sort of like them building up a resistance and when the tank does go to an extreme temp, they wont be as sensitive.
just curious how the latter 79-81 with a fluctuate to 84 is goin to be stressful but a constant fluctuate to 79-85 will not? seems like it would still be rough on them considering the major fluctuation still happens??