tanked the tv show. cycling?


I stopped watching after the first 2 episodes.....gave me a headache...LOL
Maybe they should just state.....there is more to setting up a tank then we actually show....For more info...please go to BLAH BLAH BLAH


I had not watched since the first episode, but caught a rerun of the one with Atlantis. I was curious to see why Atlantis would need these guys. It was for a cracked overflow on one of their tanks. Turns out at ATM was no scheduled to work on the tank, they were originally only there as spectators and to do the shark dive, but Joe ran into them, said the overflow was leaking and his repair guy was out sick and they fixed it for him since they originally built the tank.


Well-Known Member
Just to chime in on their filtration methods... I've seen glimpses here and there of their so called "life support system". This is a copy taken from their own web site. Looks like they are running a combination of mechanical, chemical, biological and u.v. on their set ups.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3421146
This thread really quite active for this time of day! I just had to post something!
Your post should have read..."This thread is really quite active for this time of day! You missed the "is". If you're going to post in this forum then you need to come correct with your grammer there traveler.



This thread really quite active for this time of day! I just had to post something!
Shouldn't you be in school? Lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3421148
Your post should have read..."This thread is really quite active for this time of day! You missed the "is". If you're going to post in this forum then you need to come correct with your grammer there traveler.
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3421232
HAHAHAHAAA so much for perfection huh? BAM!
Stay in school. School is cool!

GRRRRR.. LOL... you guys got me.... BUT, 2Quills, it is "grammar", not "grammer"... HA!!!
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Shouldn't you be in school? Lol
Yes, I was at the time of my imperfect post. But weren't you supposed to be working? Lol.... I was typing a paper and got done early so I just went on here for the 5 minutes that I had.


They make nice systems, but like the OP says...dropping new fish right in is so misleading it's insane!! They do this yet every show explain the reasons to have a QT. In fact, built an elaborate QT in that kitchen for a couple.


Well-Known Member
Snagged this off of Mark's site if anybody is interested. Talks about their quarantining and cycling procedures a little bit.


I've always suspected that either they used pre-cycled water or that the cycling process is edited out for TV, but I also think I heard somewhere that these guys have invented a product that allows them to skip or dramatically shorten the cycling process and that this product will be released to the public some time in the next few years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wartooth1 http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3425122
I've always suspected that either they used pre-cycled water
or that the cycling process is edited out for TV, but I also think I heard somewhere that these guys have invented a product that allows them to skip or dramatically shorten the cycling process and that this product will be released to the public some time in the next few years.
paging Florida Joe....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Wartooth1 http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3425122
I've always suspected that either they used pre-cycled water or that the cycling process is edited out for TV, but I also think I heard somewhere that these guys have invented a product that allows them to skip or dramatically shorten the cycling process and that this product will be released to the public some time in the next few years.
I had kind of suspected the same as well. There is already a product on the market that does minimize the cycling process to days rather than weeks. It was origionally developed for use in public aquariums. And now Dr. Tim Hovanec is marketing it to hobbyists. He was also one of the origional developers of Biospira. He claims to have isolated the nitrifyers that work in our aquariums. And according to him a lot of the products that have been on the market never really worked for the fact that they were created using culturs of nitrifying bacteria from water treatment facilities. Which were the wrong type for our aquariums. From what I've seen on some of the reviews is that it works pretty well. There's another one called Microbacter7 I believe that supposedly works to.


i was having this talk with my lss ya (local saltwater store)......they do nothing but saltwater fish and corals. the manager has been in saltwater amost all his life and knows what he is doing. we both were saying that we would like to see a after pic or show of all the tanks 2 or 3 months from the setup date. fish dead, algea blooms and so on and such forth. lol. tanked does build cool tanks but thats as far as they should go.