Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)


I recently purchased a 75 gallon tank and have been setting it up as a reef tank. Not more than 2 weeks ago I found a stellar deal on a 180 in the area and decided that even though my 75 is basically brand new still, I wanted to do the upgrade. I mean how do I pass on a great deal for a 180? It is the style I have been looking for as well. Very modern, and will match my house perfect.
I haven't decided if I want to use any of my existing live rock, water or sand to cycle the tank. I kind of want to start from scratch with fresh RO water, but we will see. Also debating going totally bare bottom as well.
Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of the new tank. I will be bringing it home today!

It does all need a good cleaning too.

Comes with a wet dry filter, timers, lighting (needs upgraded), pumps, skimmer, the works. I am pretty excited.
Updates to come.
Yay! Can't wait to see the build project on this one. Looks like a pretty good system for what you paid for it. The tank alone would have cost $500. I'm excited for yah. So, what are your plans? Equipment list of the upgrades? What kind of tank is it going to be? I think I read one of your other build threads and you mentioned getting this tank. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah, I need to get everything here so I can really notate what all it has in it/ what came with the deal.
Off the top of my head:
180 display (Says it is a "US Aquatics" but i can't find anything online about that brand)
Wet/ Dry Filter
Aiwaki Return Pump
Ballasts and Lighting (3 Metal Halides and VHO's)
Timed Feeder
Wave maker (I think)
Lighting timers
Full Reef Buffers
Test kit
200 lbs of crushed coral (which I will probably give away to whoever ends up with my 75)
Dry rock (not sure how much, but I think he said he has a full tank of dry rock)
Protein Skimmer (not sure on brand)
I think there are a few other things he said I can have, he just wants it out of his house. He told me he paid something in the range of $5,000 for the tank when new.
As for my plans. I want to go full reef. I think with a tank this side I can actually have different things going on in different areas. I would like to have a clam farm for one area, and who knows what else? I haven't decided on show stopper fish or anything yet, but that will come. I am open to ideas though. Maybe some kind of tang will do the trick.
My current stock list is:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Niger Trigger (He is very docile)
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Pajama Cardinal
2 Watchmen Gobies
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
30 various snails and hermits
1 Kenya Tree Frag (not sure I want to keep it, but maybe)
3-5 Purple Mushrooms
1 Green Star Polyp
1 Montipora Frag
So really I have a lot of room for adding etc.
I would like to get these fish one day:
Flame Angel
Percula Clown
Besides that I am open to ideas haha. I guess I have been more preoccupied with getting the tank and making sure I have room for it, than I have been thinking about stocking. I guess my only MUST HAVE Baller Item is a Blue Carpet anemone.
Sounds like you have a pretty good start. I'm not familiar with US Aquatics brand aquariums either. That was probably way before my time. You should probably leak test it before your bring it in your house! Looks like a pretty good start to me. Your most likely going to have to update that protein skimmer that you have there - or leave it in and add a better one. You should also make room for a nice sized refugium so that you will have enough copepods growing for that dragonet you want. Best of luck and I'll be checking this thread every now and then. POST PICS!


Yeah I definitely think a few things need updating. Kind of regretting having made a deal to sell my 75 already because the skimmer and pumps would be really nice to have for this.
I trucked the tank home tonight and cleaned it up. It had a good layer of mud and sand mixed with gravel on the bottom.

We had to cut a few of the lines in order to disconnect them and move the tank, so tomorrow I will:
Replace Lines
Clean Sump
Throw away Bio Balls (Shopping bag full if someone wants em)
Plug everything in
See what is broken and what is working.
I am hoping all goes well!
I like those home made drawings on the wall. You should frame them!
Looks like it's coming along. Let us know what works and what doesn't. I hear yah when you say you regret selling your 75. I just sold an RO Unit that I wish I didn't because I'm getting back into servicing aquariums again. But, by selling that RO Unit, I've picked up four new accounts. So, I guess it's not all that bad.
Anyways, it looks like it's coming clean. Post pics of the before and after shots on your sump. Can't wait to see results.
Have you put any more thought into what you are going to stock your tank with?


I put a level on it today and it looks to be fine. I see the illusion there in the image though. I wonder if part of it is that the hood is a bit warped and maybe protrudes?
I cleaned out the wet/dry filter and threw out the bio balls. Put maybe 30 lbs of live rock in where the balls were, but I am going to break some more down and put them in. I am still trying to decide if I want to cut that section of the sump open so I can have lighting and bigger rocks in there, but I may brake the rocks and put them in.
I also redid the plumbing on the tank. Bought new hoses and clamps and went to work. I also plugged in the ballasts and lighting to see what really works vs not.
The Halides warmed up and work fine, but the others seem to not work. I am guessing the bulbs are bad as I am almost positive there is electricity.

I still need to polish the inside of the acrylic, but after that, I am ready to add RO water. I am guessing monday or tuesday.


Active Member
I was talking about the area at the top of the stand - bottom of the tank where the doors are. Looks like the tank is hanging in space at those two spots.


Yeah the tank is suspended across those two spots but it was designed that way. The previous owner (it's a used tank) had never had issues with the suspended area though.


The new tanks are not that expensive, it’s the cost of electric, maintenance, and stocking the tank. I like the large ½ circle tanks, can't afford one, having to move for every engagement I win, thus, the mini reef.


^Start up is much more expensive than any of that stuff. My water and electric bill hasn't flinched since I hooked up any of my tanks.
Yes there is a good amount of time and money you invest in maintenance, but I think it will be a long time before maintenance catches up with the hardware and livestock.


Well today I:
Sanded and buffed out the tank
Wiped down the hood and got all the mold off of it
Added 10 gallons of RO to the tank (why? because I can)


^Cool and feel free to chime in with advice at any time as well!
I am really thinking of just using that hood until I can afford a nice hanging lighting combo. The hood now is a little warped and just too bulky/ out dated imo.


A six foot tank requires 700-900 watts of lights, 2-3 metal halides, you would be wrong. Of course your electric bill goes up, 10-20x flow rate, might want 50-100x. Lighting in 12-14 hours a day, pumps are 365/24/7 the value priceless when someone else takes care of the tank.


Why would i pay someone to take care of the tank? It's my hobby not theirs, and my house is solar powered :)


Finally got a hold of the structural engineer for our home to confirm my capacities etc. He confirmed I am nowhere near my capacity and things should be smooth :)