Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)


Active Member
Looking good. I'm envious of you. I bought my 150 Gallon used as well from someone and it was my very first tank. I would say I did everything... WRONG. I didn't clean the tank well, I didn't sand and polish the acrylic... and as an end result my tank was a disaster for a while. Nice work though. However, you mentioned that you had a structural engineer come out... is this on a second floor or one first floor above a basement? I'm assuming it's not on solid slab...?


Our Home is a year old so the structural engineers involved in building the home met with me and went through loads with me. We looked at the Bend Stress, Deflection, Shear of the area and everything checks out fine. He told me the best position for the tank in relation to the room etc. It sounds like we were right on with placement.
What was nice, was that he still has access to my blue prints and was able to reference all of the design properties etc.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Tanuki http:///forum/thread/387001/tanuki-s-ocean-adventure-180-upgrade/20#post_3402910
Our Home is a year old so the structural engineers involved in building the home met with me and went through loads with me. We looked at the Bend Stress, Deflection, Shear of the area and everything checks out fine. He told me the best position for the tank in relation to the room etc. It sounds like we were right on with placement.
What was nice, was that he still has access to my blue prints and was able to reference all of the design properties etc.
Wow, that's nice. I'm in the process of even FINDING a structural engineer who will come out and look at the areas I wish to place my 110. Mine is a coach home, so it's all on the second floor. I'm a little nervous about that, and I want to be SURE the tank isn't going to go visiting the person below me in 3 years....


Active Member
tagging along for this one.
The tank looks cool and a real good deal from the sounds of it. Nice job. Did you fully break down your 75g??


While I was in San Diego my friend filled the water for me 5 gallons at a time with his RO unit. I am glad he lives like 5 minutes by foot from my house. I got home late last night, but still made a point of scaping the tank.
Here is what I came up with:


I tested the water last night and am showing: Ammonia- 0 Nitrite- 0 Nitrate- 5 I used a lot of live rock and live sand, is 2-3 weeks enough time for this have cycled? I have my CUC living in there now and they are fine, but I have someone buying my old tank and am trying to hold out as long as possible to make sure the water is stable enough to move my fish into this bigger tank. I have about 200 lbs of live rock, Live sand, and all RO water. Salinity is good and the basic levels appear to have cycled. I also only had the tank half full with all of the rock for a week or so and am thinking that made the cycle a bit more concentrated as well? Anyway, I don't want to rush the move as I have a well established tank and don't want to lose fish from rushing it. No corals yet.
Here are a few shots of the different angles around the scaping. This will give you a better idea of what the fish have to work with:

Also I noticed that I missed a couple of the scratches when I sanded or maybe I scratched it while scaping. Is there a way to get scratches out of acrylic once the water is already in? I am assuming any level of sanding will leave the tank looking cloudy.


Well-Known Member
You can add one or two fish now, and in a few days retest to make sure all is well...then add one or two more and continue with that method. I would not try and add all my fish at one time just before giving up the original tank. I am of the opinion that you should add your fish a few at a time testing as you go, until you get them transferred.
I like your rockwork, it has lots of little crannies and a cave.


^Thanks for the input. Luckily there are only a few fish in my other tank so it shouldn't be a huge deal. One thing is that they are both fairly aggressive fish so I want to get the small fries into the new tank before I add them.
Also what are your feelings on 3 tangs being better than 2 if adding more than one? Wow that sounds like a question from the LSAT :)
I have a Yellow tang, but would like a Hippo. Will I need 3 total for this to work?


Ok I added my clowns and a goby yesterday. Things look good so far, but I will continue testing and monitoring levels. I am adding the rest of my live rock to the sump tonight.
Here is the Goby with his new Pistol Shrimp:



Active Member
Hey that is cool especially when the clown came by to have a look, the Goby is doing exactly what he is supposed to "Watch Man" LOL
And your tank is looking good!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanuki http:///t/387001/tanuki-s-ocean-adventure-180-upgrade/20#post_3408448
Ok I added my clowns and a goby yesterday. Things look good so far, but I will continue testing and monitoring levels. I am adding the rest of my live rock to the sump tonight.
Here is the Goby with his new Pistol Shrimp:

One of the coolest things about the pair, you will always see one of the shrimps "Antanna's" on the goby, as he is almost completely blind. That is how he tracks him.... I love this symbolic relationship!


^Very true. What stinks, is they finally found a rock to live under so it may be a while before I see the shrimp again. Will it come out at night or anything to eat? Also how well do the shrimps protect the goby?


Active Member
He will protect him very well as far as anything going in after them in there home. They are very vicious when it comes down to it. My coral banded shrimp and pistol got into it one day, I hear the normal snap, followed by SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP.......... I was thinking WHAT IN THE WORLD is that dumb pistol up to?!?!? Went up to my tank and saw my CBS with one pincer missing, 3 legs gone and one antenna missing! It was the funniest thing I had seen! My CBS bullied everything, then he got him some!
They will come out during the day, especially during feeding time! I use to feed mine small silver sides, and spectrum pellets and I had him for 3 years and took him for in-store credit!


Thanks all.
So I wanted to get my trigger and yellow tang in, but because I was planning on a few other tangs down the road, I picked two up yesterday so I could get everyone moved in and shut down the 75. Water levels have been great with the following fish in the 180:
30 or so Hermits
6 Turbos
1 emerald crab
2 peppermint shrimp
1 pistol shrimp
1 yellow watchmen goby
1 pj cardinal
2 ocellaris clowns
2 red fairy anthias
5-10 nassarius snails
1 cleaner shrimp
So I added a few things yesterday. LFS had a buy 2 get 1 free deal, so we got:
1 med-large Sailfin Tang
1 Small Blue Hippo
1 med-Large coral beauty
The sailfin and the yellow tang went straight into negotiations when added but are now best friends. The hippo does its own thing.
Once these were added, the small/ med sized trigger went in (I have had him for a while and he mostly just keeps to himself).
Anyway, hopefully we stay stable. It has been 24 hours though and all the new fish are healthy and swimming out front. They all seem to be getting along and water levels are continually stable.
I have now around 200 lbs of live rock in the display, and maybe another 60 in the sump. It does great for filtration!