Tanuki's Ocean Adventure (Some new corals!)


Sorry for the link failures. I forget that this site is really weird for html/ photo links.
This last weekend was the big Mountain West Reef Fest in Salt Lake. I was given the unique opportunity to participate in the Reefscape contest. The theme this year was "Nano 10 gallon." Did I mention that was also the only rule? There was tons of rock provided by VidaRock and Sand and tanks. I spent a few hours getting mine how I liked it, and somehow I got first place in the competition. I don't know if it would be considered a serious competition though? They did have prizes though and flew the judge in from California so maybe it was a big deal
Scott Fellman was the judge. It was a ton of fun though and really competitive. I couldn't believe how awesome the tanks all were. Mine was pretty basic:

Also I won some frags and a Lunar Eclipse ZOA and bought a few things too.
Lunar Eclipse Frag:

****** Toadstool with buttons (won in a raffle)

Montipora Filled with Greenbay Packer Zoas:


Cup Coral (won in raffle, not sure exactly on the name?)

And I bought a nice maxima clam (maybe 6 inches across?):

and I bought a Blue Spot Jawfish who I love.



I got nervous about the Moorish Idol in the tank, so I traded it to a local guy for some nice looking frags. His tank is a bit bigger than mine and has more natural food for the fish. So far polyps are out, but they have only been in the tank overnight. The Mystery Acro didn't seem to have full extension so I may move it when I get home today.
Mystery Acro:

Green Milli:

Paradise Birdsnest:

Purple Milli: