

I run mine at 78, I don't have a chiller. You should try to keep it under 80. And like most paramaters, you should try to avoid large swings.


New Member
Thanks to all..mine has been running 78 - 82 and I didn't know if a 4 degree swing was to drastic ?


Active Member
If it's not having any ill effects it's fine but yeah I would say 4 degrees isn't that big of a deal as long as it's gradual throughout the day.


Well-Known Member

My reef stays at a balmy 82-84 on very hot summer days it went to 86 with no effects on anything.
In nature the temps jump around, it ges even in te 90s on some days, so I don't think that temperture being always steady is as important as SG, PH and the rest.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mdftla
Thanks to all..mine has been running 78 - 82 and I didn't know if a 4 degree swing was to drastic ?

It depends on the animals you're keeping. Generally, 4F isn't too big of a temperature swing but it's on the edge in my opinion. If you bump up your heater 3 or 4 degrees I think it would be an improvement.