
LOL...I use a digital..and the glass ones, and I have one of those lights you point at an object


Active Member
Ok LFS in a week mom hates my lfs. She said its sad the way the fish move(fish as in one scooter blenny in the desplay tank) but i keep saying they are scooter blennys they stay on the ground most of the time


Active Member
So I just had my mom read my temp she said its 86 im going to try more ice than 20 to see if it lowers


Active Member
OH its floghtin its floghtin oh ya oh ya oh ya oh its floghtin its floghtin in the hott fishy taaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkk oh ya oh ya its floaghtin its floghtin oh ya its floghtin in my hott FIIIIISsHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY TAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK


Well somehow you need to open it up more...get more air to it.....and let the fans blow across the water more.........the fan alone should make a big difference


Active Member
I cant take off the hood without me messing somthing up I only have 2 little fans near the tank blowing on the water i have one big fan on top of my whole room


Ok, here's my suggestions:
Make more RO ice, but in the mean time, you can take regular tap water ice and put it in bags and float it in the tank
take the canopy OFF, or at the very least, leave it open, do whatever you have to do to pry it open
get that fan blowing across the top of the tank again, even if you have to stand there and hold it, you really need to get the temp down. if you have more than one fan, get it aimed at that tank
turn any powerheads off
turn any extra filters off, including uv filters, leave ONLY your return pump running, even turn off the skimmer if it runs with a pump
make more ice, RO and regular tap, the RO can go right in the tank, the tap needs to float in a bag
get a digital thermometer


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/380031/test/20#post_3306080
I cant take off the hood without me messing somthing up I only have 2 little fans near the tank blowing on the water i have one big fan on top of my whole room
messing what up?
what's more important, the life and health of your fish or the way something looks?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380031/test/20#post_3306089
Good luck.
I've been through the hell of an overheating tank, it's not fun. I had to literally turn off everything and stir the tank water by hand to keep it oxygenated. It was NOT fun
Thanks goodness I have never had to go that far...but the lid off and fan on the water should make a BIG difference IMO


Active Member
Crappppp my fan just blew and we have like no batteries thats it im lowering my air to 70 degreese