The Babies Are Here!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Wow, you can tell they are getting bigger too. Wat are you going to do with them?
I have several local reefers who are on a waiting list to buy one. So as soon as they are ready they will go to several homes. It will take I believe 4 months or so before they will be ready to go. I need to try and get them to eat frozen food before they can leave, so in one-two more weeks I'll see if I can slowly transition them over to some cyclopeez.


Really great pics!! Especially that close-up shot!
They are sooooo cute!


Active Member
Absolutley beautiful. I think I may have a pair of bangaiis. So far I have not seen any aggresssion between the two of them and have had them now for 3 months and a couple days. One of them deffinetly has a longer dorsal fin than the other. So we'll see what happens. Really I cant tell you how wonderful a thing that is for this species. And soooo cute too. What are you feeding them now? Phyto enriched BBS? Man if my bangaii ever stops eating I'm gonna freak out!

Maybe Banguy will chime in with his pis of the Bangaii egg showing the eye... It's supreme!


Active Member
I'm feeding them Phyto and Zoecon enriched BBS right now. I've gone about 5 days with no casulties, BUT I did find one tonight.
I'm hoping it was just a fluke but this is the time that they will start dying if they have not been receiving the correct nutrition. Hopefully I won't lose to many over the next week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I'm feeding them Phyto and Zoecon enriched BBS right now. I've gone about 5 days with no casulties, BUT I did find one tonight.
I'm hoping it was just a fluke but this is the time that they will start dying if they have not been receiving the correct nutrition. Hopefully I won't lose to many over the next week.

Good Job AZ.. Dammm, you have the Christmas Music at "MALL" volume... he he lol


Originally Posted by azfishgal
IMO, it's not hard at all. You just have to put some time into it. I personally think a Nano Cube would be perfect to breed clowns in. I was going to use my Nano Tank as a mini-reef and put two black and white clowns in there, hoping they would breed. But looks like I have my hands full with my Cardinals.

Awesome! Congrats.
My maroon clowns bread all the time but my tank 30inch+ deep, 6ft long and 2 ft wide so I can't easily reach the hatch lings hence they become food for the tank unfortunately by the time they hatch. If you check the grey area (in the attached picture) right behind the anemone and above the maroon clown you can see the eggs on the rock they are protecting. I think they are more inclined to do this in my tank with the large fish because they have the anemone for protection.



Active Member
Congratulations azfishgal! they look really nice and healthy. just curious, do you know if the parents are wild caught or tank bred? I have been trying to keep one in my tank, but have been unsuccessful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
Congratulations azfishgal! they look really nice and healthy. just curious, do you know if the parents are wild caught or tank bred? I have been trying to keep one in my tank, but have been unsuccessful.
You will have a horrible success rate with wild caught Bangaiis. Please do not buy any more wild ones. The wild population of them are in trouble. This site sells awesome aquacultered bangaiis. Thats were I got mine.
There also has recently been what appears to me to be a small burst of members who are becoming Bangaii parents.


Active Member
it's great that you had babies of a, nearly endangered, fish, it's somethin to be proud of. if you sell 10 of your babies, thats 10 less taken from the wild that people would buy.
congradulations, nice job, and good luck!!