The Babies Are Here!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
You will have a horrible success rate with wild caught Bangaiis. Please do not buy any more wild ones. The wild population of them are in trouble. This site sells awesome aquacultered bangaiis. Thats were I got mine.
There also has recently been what appears to me to be a small burst of members who are becoming Bangaii parents.
yeah, i agree. i think more people should start breeding endangered fish, thats one reason i'm gonna breed/sell seahorses someday. there has the last yea ror so been a major outburst in seahorse breeders too, wich probably saved alot of wild ones.


Active Member
Sorry, things have been busy with the Holiday's and of course my many mouths to feed now. I appreciate all the comments. It's been fun to share this adventure.
Whatsupdoc, it does look like you will have little ones soon.

OK, things were looking good, BUT on day 13 I lost 8 babies!!!
Like Frank said this is some what of a mystery with Bangaii fry, as this seems typical during the second week. Maybe lack of nutrition, I don't really know. I've been soaking the live brine shrimp and adding PhytoPlex to the shrimp, doing all I can to make sure the BBS are packed with vitamins, but for some reason it wasn't enough to save the those that I lost. I lost one yesterday and none today, so I'm hoping we are past the worst of it. Only time will tell. I've tried to feed them Cylopeez a few times but they won't eat it. I'm going to mix it up with the BBS and maybe they will eat some in their haste to down the BBS. I am happy to report I still have 21 live babies. Here are some pictures taken earlier today, at 15 days old.



Active Member
Oh, I believe my pair are wild caught, but not sure. I've had them for about 6 months or so and didn't realize they were close to being on the endangered list until recently. This is the pairs first batch of babies. I have several local reefers who have already said they will pay $12/fish when they are ready to go. They are excited to get tank raised babies to help with the over collection of these beautiful fish.


Active Member
The babies are 3 1/2 weeks old (from the time the father spit them out). I've only lost 2 babies this past week and I think the rest should do good as they are starting to eat more Cyclopeeze. I'll be happy when I can stop hatching brine shrimp!
I think I have 19 or 20 still left. It's hard to count the little wigglers. But they are growing and have lots of personality. Some of the larger ones will chase the smaller fish but no big fights that I have seen. There are plenty of hiding places for those who may get scared of the bullies in the tank. I'll try and get some updated pictures by the end of the week.


thats awsome!
congrats to you! I would love to do something like that one day, how many times do u feed? like 3 times a day or more?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
thats awsome!
congrats to you! I would love to do something like that one day, how many times do u feed? like 3 times a day or more?
I wish, try 5xs a day! But I'm now cutting it down to 4xs a day. Of course this means a lot of water changes, siphoning and continual check on the water parameters. It's a lot of work and I won't even come close to making up the cost after selling them for $12 each, but knowing someone has a nice looking fish that was not plucked from the ocean is good enough for me.
Now ask me if I'll do it again........


hi azfishgal!!,
you have inspired me to get a (couple) hopeing they will become mates, two bangaii cardinals, i have them in a 75 gallon with lots a room, they swim together, and hang out where ever they swim together, you think i might have a chance at being as successful as you,, at being a guy with mating cardinals??
well you have done a great job,, i was bored by bangaii cardinals before i read your posts, they are very interesting fish SO,, i purchased two, let me know your input PLEASE


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmcrete
hi azfishgal!!,
you have inspired me to get a (couple) hopeing they will become mates, two bangaii cardinals, i have them in a 75 gallon with lots a room, they swim together, and hang out where ever they swim together, you think i might have a chance at being as successful as you,, at being a guy with mating cardinals??
well you have done a great job,, i was bored by bangaii cardinals before i read your posts, they are very interesting fish SO,, i purchased two, let me know your input PLEASE

IMO it's not hard to breed them, just taking care of the brood once they are free swimming is another story. They are VERY interesting fish and I will never have a reef tank without a pair. I'm sure since you have them you probably think the same thing. Especially when it's feeding time. We call our pair little sharks when it's feeding time because they don't mess around. Of course my pair only eat Mysis Shrimp and at times will snatch up some algea sheets the tangs have picked off.
Frank is the best person to get advice from when it comes to Bangaii Cardinals. So read all you can from him (he's posted a few times in this thread). Just remember, when you get a brood of babies that means hatching BBS (baby brine shrimp) and then making sure they are vitamin fortified as the BBS do not hold enough nutritional value. If I were to do it all over again I would probably just try Cylopeeze first to see if after 1 day they would start eating it, but you need to have some BBS on hand in case they don't eat. I'm now giving them 50/50 of BBS/Cyclopeez and they are finally starting to eat the Cyclopeeze, which is MUCH better for them. Hatching BBS is the hardest part and takes the most time, but if you want to keep them alive it's sometimes a must. Like I said above, I'll be happy when they are eating 100% cyclopeeze. In about a month I'll try adding some chopped up Mysis Shrimp, as that is what my adult pair LOVE!


So how are the babies doing? The last update was quite awhile ago. I'm sure everyone who followed your success wants to know how they are doing now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
So how are the babies doing? The last update was quite awhile ago. I'm sure everyone who followed your success wants to know how they are doing now.

Well, I gave an update three days ago so............

I still have about 20 babies and they are 4 weeks old today. I'll try and get another picture posted soon.


Active Member
Babies are still going strong and no new deaths to report.
I walked up to the tank to take some more pictures and as soon as I pointed it at the tank my battery died!!
So it's now sitting in the charger and when it's done I'll take a few pics and hopefully post by the end of the day.


Hello, well as i said,,
i Purchased 2 bangaii cardinals, 1 is bigger than the other, they have been hangin out together for a week, to day i see the bigger one nudging the littler one from under neath, the littler one responds by swimming around and around the bigger one, this goes on and on, untill the littler one gets scared or something, and swimms off to the other side of the tank, and then 5 mins later,
they are side by side again,, ?? are they fighting or just showing who is dominanat, or??
what you think??
let me know


wow im so jealous. I originally wanted a pair of cardinals in my tank but then I decided against getting any... luck for me I found this post I think they will be going in soon. congrats on a job well done!