The Basics of Aiptasia


what if I begin adding kalk to my water as a supplement like the jar says with the drip method will it affect him then. I really like him. Is it common for them to be a brownish color? He closes up inside himself at night. I am actually trying to ID him too.


Active Member
Hi Guys,
SaltyJ - No dosing it wont affect the aiptasia and certainly wont affect the other anenomes (not badly anyway :)). Its the sheer concentration of the powder and the direct application to its mouth that burns it. Yes it is normal for them to close up at night, like any anenome or light sensitive creature.
aliciak - not entirely sure, it has the characteristics of one, looks perhaps a bit dark for one? I think someone a little more experienced might have to ID that big is it?
All the best,


It's about 2" big. Looks dark burgandy or brown. It pulls in on itself when you touch it and there is only one in the tank so far.


Active Member
yes they do pull in whenever you go close to them, the crafty bunch.
I think it is aiptasia but it wont hurt to wait another day for someone else to verify that, there are some useful hitchhikers that come in on LR etc that look very similar to Aiptasia.
Wait and sit tight for little bit, if a shark or someone identifies is as such :))) then we can commence 'operation kick aiptasia ass!'.
All the best,

blue dew

Thanks for the thread and wealth of information that yourself and everyone else has added. I've been fighting the aiptasia beast since first setting up my tank. I'm down to one that my sole Peppermint shrimp won't touch. I started with about 3 nice size ones and a dozen tiny ones. He took them all out except the one right in front. Boiling water didn't work for me either, but I was lucky in the fact that they didn't spread (Didn't know about the spreading bit prior to this post). I'm gonna try Kalkwasser next.
:eek: I had bought an aipstasia about 4 months ago for $10... I didnt think they were such pest... My aipstasia has been very good to me... It hasn't multiply or moved much since I have put it in the tank... also when the tenticles get very long I kinda rip them off with a long stick that I have to feed my BTA ... I'm thinking of removing it now that I am reading all this post.... What shoul I do?


There is an anenome called a curlique, that looks like aiptasia. Could you possible have one of these instead? Normally aiptasia are not sold.
If possible, post a picture. If you really believe it is an aiptasia, it would not hurt to get rid of it before it multiplies.
A curlique appears to have rings on the tenticles, check out


New Member
Is this aptasia?? it has been growing on on side of a rock that i bought when i set up my tank 4 months ago. is is clustered only on one side of a sea mat rock. it hasnt spread at all to adjacent rocks. Initially i kind of liked it since it has seemed quite benign, but now i am not sure. should i try to eradicate it?


Elegance vs. Aiptasia
You ask what do I mean?
Place an Elegance Coral next to an Aiptaisa and the Elegance will kill it off! I have first hand experience. It works!
Yes it was an aipstasia...:( I killed it.... it was vvery sad to kill it, but I did it :( ... I boiled a lot of water and I killed it with a small turkey baster... just kept hitting it with hot water, till it turned white and removed the remains for a proper burial ;) Flushed it :D Now I sleep with a cleaner consience knowing my corals are safe!!! thanks guys...


Active Member
Glad you have dealt with it :) Its mildy satisfying really, knowing that that aiptasia had intentions to kill your livestock, and youve killed it! :D Or am I just going mad with power....