The Basics of Aiptasia


Staff member
The zoos are closed because I just cleaned off the glass in order to take the pic...this stirred up a bit of sand which irrated the zoos. Thus they closed. :D
This specimen came in on a large clump of zoos, and was there living quite well with them for at least 2 wks before I chased him off attemping to kill him. The zoos are not bothered.
Granted it does look like aip, however, the fact that this single specimen has not reproduced, I feel is odd, and may mean that it is not aip. This anemone has had no ill effect on anything yet. Granted, it only hangs out in the zoos.


New Member
Going to have to agree with Tim here. From the appearance in the picture I would agree that it is Aiptasia. I had one like that too. It didn't move as yours has done though. It was also reproduction free for about year, then 'boom' all over the place. I don't know if they have to reach a certain size or maturity first or not, but it obviously has given you concern since you're asking. Go with your gut and smoke it.
The only method I used was Aiptasia Stop by injection with a syringe and needle. I can't really vouch for the other methods, but I know Tim has tried just about everything, so he would know what works. Thinking of the safety of the zoos though, injection with a hypodermic syringe may be more desireable than the baster method. I got a 5ml syringe with an 18gauge needle from a vet for the total of about a $1. The kalkwasser solution in a hypo would probably work very well in your case and protect the zoos.
Hope I've helped.


Active Member
Hi Beth,
Im not a marine biologist sadly, so I cannot be sure and anyone feel free to correct me, but i think they mainly reproduce (in the home aquaria at least) when disturbed, just like a weed. If you for e.g., tried to pull it and missed some and its tentacles went everywhere it would multiply greatly.
Are the zoos open when you have not disturbed them?


New Member
I enjoyed your article very much.
I got the added benefit of the Copper Banded Butterfly.
I wanted one anyway and the cute litte guy ate the pests.
I will say, I was warned that he would eat my polyps too, but that hasn't happened. However, the feather duster did disappear shortly after the butterfly arrived.
I can live without the feather duster. :)


Staff member
Well, I zapped him tonight and he's dead. Was able to extract the "body". Hopefully that is the end of that.
I really hate doing that...goes against my grain. Didn't get into this hobby to kill anything.


Active Member
Hi Beth,
Yes it is a little against your grain! But, i think it was kill or something else be killed in a matter of time. I bet you kill weeds in your garden without thinking :)
Thanks Lainee, yes they are pretty fish!

bang guy

Hi Beth,
You undoubtably didn't really kill it, just that one instance of itself. I'm pretty sure it has thousands of clones out there off the Florida coast. You just killed off a small part of it. ;)


Active Member
all this talk of murder has made me think of my favorite Shakespearean drama: MacBETH
Hmmm?? I will have trouble sleeping tonight thinking of our poor Beth who can't wash out the stain of murder:
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep!” the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.
Macbeth. Act ii. Sc. 2.
Thanks Beth ....:D


Staff member
If I'd known there were so many heartless souls here, I'd brought you all over so you all could do the dastardly deed! :(
Actually, Tim, it does bother me cut branches, trim stuff up in the yard, etc., or even get rid of a diseased plant....but I do do it. But weeds are another story. Its either me or them, and anything goes!
Well, this guy was in my tank for quite a long time without reproducing or wo bothering anyone, so I do hope it was an aip.


Staff member
Yep, its a human thing to give value to some creatures, and no value to others....sorta like the fish pond at Walmart.
Hard to believe women would be laughing about killing ducks....women are usually pretty sentimental about such...especially if they did the running over. You must have some hard ladies at work!


Active Member
lol i like to think of myself as an aiptasia hitman.....the godfather of the underground aquarium organised crime circuit! :D
Thats heartless about the geese. We got another rescued kitten yesterday, we now have 4 cats, all rescued. I enclose a picture, but think this: this kitten was about to be gassed in a factory with 3 of its siblings for being a nuisence. Its brother suffered a broken neck.
We call it Minnie and it is in perfect health :)

bang guy


Originally posted by Beth
Well, this guy was in my tank for quite a long time without reproducing or wo bothering anyone, so I do hope it was an aip.

It definately was Beth. I believe beong surrounded by Polyps probably prevented it from multiplying. The rick was very high that it would eventually prpogate though. You did the right thing.


Staff member
That's one cute did hypo him before bringing him home right? ;) jk
Do you do cat rescues?
I ran over some animal about 10 yrs ago [either cat or racoon]. There was a real rainstorm going and I could hardly see. I was on a highway and the animal just ran right out in the middle of the road trying to cross. I stilll think about that!


Active Member
LOL no i forgot to hypo but I have a quaranteen cage ready for her :)
I dont actually do the rescueing but all 4 of our cats are rescued. I try and support those charities as best i can.
I once drove over a rabbit by accident on a country lane here, that really upset me, but accidents will happen i guess.


thinking i may have a little of this pest in my tank, i would get the peppermint shrimp but wouldn't my yellow tang or bi-angel eat them? also is this the only anenome they will eat or would all be in danger?


Active Member
Hi there,
I had a Yellow Tang with a peppermint and they were fine.
Not sure but I dont think it attacks other anenomes, if only because of the size difference, but i think someone better verify that for me....


My husband has doing the battle with aip in our tank for about a month. We bought two peppermint shrimp, but havenot noticed them eating anything, thought the shrimp are pretty small. The other night, my husband injected the aip with a small amount of vinegar. It instantly died he said (I wasn't home). He tried kalk, and it didn't work. He said he wouldn't do it again, because he worried about the affects on the tank, but nothing bad happened.
Has anyone else tried this? I don't know where he got the idea.


Active Member
mishka - welcome - vinegar will lower your PH level -- depending upon the size of tank it could lower it significantly - so I'd suggest checking your PH then doing a water change ....