The Basics of Aiptasia


The two women were probably easing the pain of what had happened with laughter. I would bet they were hurt when it happened. Giving them the benefit of the doubt. (or they were just plain old jerks)
But on the other hand, I just squashed an ant that ran across the carpet - didn't think twice...
Isn't our level of attachment humorous? I hate ants too. Especially the fireants.


I just recently rescued a large open brain that was left for dead in a tank that aiptasia had taken over and killed everything else in the tank. I brought the brain home to my 125gal that has just 2 peppermints in it and they heat seeked and ate the aiptasia that were growing out of the brain and slowly killing it. The brain is now happy and grows to bigger than a large cantelope now! So, exciting to see that you can get the little

and your corals can recover and move on. This brain now eats again, even though it does still have the 2 wounds where the aiptasia had killed off part of it's body. I can't say enough about my peppermints... they're a saving grace! only takes them a day to smell that little nasty aiptasia! Best of luck to all of you batteling those nasty anemones!

john reed

Tim Great post.
Its nice to hear everybodies troubles about aip. WERE NOT ALONE. So here's mine. I've tried the STOP AIP worked so so. little buggers kept coming back. I've tried the saringe with boiling water in the tank again so so. So what I did was pulled the live rock out of the tank then do the saringe with boiling water (BURN BABY BURN) :) This seemed to do the trick. PS On top of that I added 5 P shrimp. One question though how do you keep them out of a FLUVAL 404 filter. DIE AIP DIE
I also had an ongoing battle with AIP, however I started this:
(1) moved small piece of rock close to AIP
(2) let it sit there with current flowing in the direction of the unwanted rock
After a while I would say maybe a few days the AIP moved onto the rock I placed in next to it, I then removed the rock I did not want it anyway and wow no More AIP.
Now I do not know for sure that all of it is gone but it sure looks like they left out on the rock I threw away. Maybe someone else has other info but I just did not want to risk chemicals and for some unknown reason some thing takes out my pepper mint shrimp. Does this sound like a good solution or am I just mislead by early results?


Active Member
I am bumping this up for Don Jasper. I send him some of my LR and LS and he has the nerve to complain that it has a little bit of aiptasia on it. Oh yeah did I mention that I paid the shipping. :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: Brothers :rolleyes:


New Member
After reading all of this, I am convinced that I have one aiptasia. I had quite a few on rocks when I first started my tank four years ago (came in on live rock from a "pet" store). Over time, they all disappeared - except - I now have one huge one - it is about five inches long when extended. It has attached itself to the glass near the light - it's "foot" is over an inch in diameter. It occasionally moves, but mostly just stays there. I have never had anything disappear (shrimp, fish, snails, crabs, etc.) that I attribute to the aiptasia. I will even admit that I started feeding it about a year ago (krill). I have never since seen any others (2+ years). I have read all of this horrible stuff, and based on the pictures, I really do think it is aiptasia. I guess I know what you all are going to tell me - kill it, now, before it spreads - but... Well, some of you probably understand.
Also, I have a ton of bristle worms in my sand and rocks. I have read the threads that say they're good cleaners and mostly just shift the substrate. So, if they're not bad for the tank - how come everyone (including sell the bristle worm traps???:confused: Also, I just added some snails to my tank and I found bristle worms eating one on the bottom of the tank. I assume it was dead and they found it. Will bristle worms attack the slow moving snails or hermit crabs I have added to my tank?


Someone at my lfs said to use HydrogenPeroxide?
For the record I used boiling water and boiling high contrated slatwater adn them guys just came back bigger and stronger.:mad:


New Member
I am SOOOOO glad that I wussed out killing the anemone that I had in my tank. It looks a LOT like the pictures and fit the description EXCEPT the part about being aggressive and spreading/reproducing throughout the tank. Turns out it is a Curly Q and not Aiptasia! Just proves that you shouldn't jump to conclusions!


great thread! i've got 100's of these things in my tank so i'm gonna start eradicating.
we're gonna start with a couple peppermint shrimps. BUT i do have a question: will they get along with the 2 scarlett cleaner shrimps that i already have???
after adding them i think i'll do the ol' boiling water and suction method with a couple basters. i think it's also important to play "angel of death" and "reign in blood" by slayer while doing this. beer will help also.
time ta kill!!! :happy:



Originally posted by plum70rt
Look , now how to get rid of them?

These look like brown zoos I could be wrong be they look like zoos


Active Member
my peppermint shrimp don't eat my aiptasia. i've got 6 or 8 of them in my tank. i've tried kalk and it does the trick but they come back eventually. maybe i'll try the stop aiptasia stuff from chem marine....:notsure: