Originally Posted by
LOOK pal I paid good money for this PPV and somebody is gonna fight ! Make's no matter to me if you got paid or not . I WANT TO SEE BLOOD!!!! And I don't care what you call it as long as somebody takes a beat down .
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Naw, cant be too hard on them, they are both good members of the boards.
Thier oppinions seem a little on the vanilla side with neither being an agressor, just both too stubbourn to finish without the last word.
The issues have been posted, feelings were bruised. thats all.
The above is also why we have junked up the thread with BS and heckling. Thread is dead....well unless they want to really toss a wrench into the long term effects of such a simple dissagreement. Both hopefully can see that would help nothing and both deliberatley avoided it. Kudos on that part.
Two stubbourn senior members. Both will shake hands and walk away.
Post, quote, or delete my posts as needed.
"Cool lizard......., good point.............., something to think about"
that about somes up this entire thread.
Aaah yes... I remember with great fondness when a simple debate would escalate to the point where one poster would, in all sincerety, inform the world that he was getting into his car to cross state lines and go to beat up the opposition. Is this what you want?