The BEST day EVAR!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I could post feeding vids all day long, but I don't feed live...I'm assuming that's what you're referring to...wanting to see him eat live.
He's eating ground turkey, mixed with bone meal and vitamins...trying to shed those unwanted pounds. Once he's back down to ideal weight, he'll start getting whole foods...rabbits, pigs, chickens, quail and ducks.
Damned lizard is going to eat better than I do


Very interesting thread!!! Best of luck to you and I am sure your expertise will prevail! I have 2 questions....are they live or egg bearers and do they make any sounds?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
For one, their bite is not infectious, they carry no bacteria, in captivity.
And, please give me ONE, just ONE, verifiable source, saying they've caused a single human fatality.
so in the wild, they have a nasty bite. and in captivity, they have no bacteria in their mouth? that is complete nonsense. an infectious bite in the wild is an infectious bite in captivity. like someone else said, maybe not AS infectious in captivity. but what do they eat? raw chicken? yeah, that's not going to cause bacteria buildup in their mouths.
the confirmed death was a woman who died from an infectious bite in 1983. of course, that came from wikipedia, so I'm sure in your mind that makes it not true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
yes, I'm very for real and you don't know what you're talking about. if a pitbull has, say, a parent or grandparent (in their bloodline) that was bred to fight, that dog is more likely to turn bad, even if it's never been bred to fight.
my pit's father was bred to fight, my pit's grandfather was bred to fight. my pit is the most loving pit ever. hes only mean when u try to hurt our family. i can understand why you would think that but it all depends on how you raise your pit.


Active Member
Do you also believe, since it mentions on Wikipedia, that they are also evil spirit that "...walks upright, breathes fire...".
And, I know exactly what you meant, by "bacteria", Pontious. Don't try to say now "Oh, well...I meant just any bacteria". I have bacteria in my mouth, but if I bite you, does that mean you're gonna die?
In the wild, they eat carion (exactly like Komodo Dragons do). That diet, in return, gives them the "bacteria", in their mouth, that you're referring to. Guess what?...Komodo Dragons, in captivity do not have the same deadly bacteria as the ones in the wild. Why?...because they do not have the same diet, thus not eating the dead and decaying animals, thus not contracting the deadly bacteria.
Just another example of you, not having the slightest idea about what you're talking about, without having to look things up online.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
my pit's father was bred to fight, my pit's grandfather was bred to fight. my pit is the most loving pit ever. hes only mean when u try to hurt our family. i can understand why you would think that but it all depends on how you raise your pit.
Also looking at him I see none of the traits typical in a fighting dog when breeding to fight, so your dog most likely did not have any of the traits passed on. Pontius is not saying all dogs, but that the potential is there more prevalent than in standard breeding.....this is not strictly to pits either, it is all dogs. To give you an example, Chows are very quick to bite and attack. They have a sketchy temperment typically.....doesn't matter how they are is a trait passed on due to breeding. In my business I have been bitten 5 times....4 were by chows, no warning either...the other was a stupid cat.


Active Member
How'd this turn into a discussion about pits?

Anyway, I just think it's going to be an unfortunate end for this animal. Every couple of months, Andy comes on here all excited about a new animal... only many of the animals are gone months later.
In April of last year, he comes on to discuss his excitement over his new ferrets.
Then in May comes the raccoon...
Another dog comes in June. By that time, apparently you got tired of the ferrets because you had 9 snakes, 3 dogs and a racoon.
Not to mention your beloved dragon moray that you simply got tired of one day and tried to trade for some very expensive fish, (except that all of the fish died while in your care).
Now you simply have "a dog".
You are taking on a large, exotic animal because everything is super-cool when you first get it. And your plan is to give it a room in your basement with a heater and a kiddie pool, (so long as you can afford the electric bill).
I think this is unfortunate for the animal. While it may be none of my business, you did post this on a public forum so I'll speak my mind if I choose. I feel like I need to lecture you like a child by telling you that an animal is a commitment, and not your personal toy to play with while they are new and fun. Anyway, I've said my peace... good luck.


Active Member
dude i just read your thread about dom your pitt, i really hope you didnt clip his ears or tail! they look a lot better with them. oscar my half pit half boxer (lives with my cousin due to neighbor issues) had his ears clipped when he was a baby. i wish they were never clipped!


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
my pit's father was bred to fight, my pit's grandfather was bred to fight. my pit is the most loving pit ever. hes only mean when u try to hurt our family. i can understand why you would think that but it all depends on how you raise your pit.
if you have a dog that was bred from fighting dogs, there is always going to be a chance that it could turn. Just because it hasn't turned yet, does not mean that it absolutely will not. that's not to say that it WILL turn either, just that there is a chance.


Active Member
Not even gonna bother quoting your post, Crimzy.
We didn't just have 9 snakes...we had 12. All besides ours that were personally owned, were placed in homes with experianced reptile keepers. ALL were rescues, either where people couldn't handle them anymore or they were not properly taken care of. I guess I'm a bad person for taking them, so they wouldn't die, in the care of inexperianced person.
We had the ferrets, yes. We took them from a friend, who had rescued 6+ and were all jammed in one cage, most were sick and not a single one was eating properly. We placed them in a single family home, where are 10 year old girl and an 8 year old boy were absolutely in love with them. I guess I'm a bad person.
The raccoon was found at my work. Her mother and siblings had been trapped by a neighbor and relocated. She would have starved. We raised her until it wasn't possible to raise her anymore. We placed her in a wildlife conservation center, where she was housed with other raccoons. This place also had Hawks, Bald Eagles, Red Fox, Weasels and even a Couger. They kept her until release. I guess I'l a bad person.
The three dogs that you're referring is the one we still have. My 13 year old Choc Lab lives with my parents because they missed him, once I moved and wanted him with them. The third dog (Dominik) was placed with a single family, who's very much loved Blue Pit had recently been stolen right out of their back yard. I guess I'm a bad person for making people happy. And no, premilove...his tails and ears were normal.
And, I'm not even going to get into the DME thread. You know I much I loved that fish (I had her for more than 8 years) and I was devastated when she died.
It's funny, yet irritating to see that you've taken the time to find all of this info, trying to discredit me in front of everyone because if I remember correctly, you've found my experiance and info so "valuable", at times, that you've gone to lengths of specifically PMing me and even emailing me, just to ask MY opinion on certain subjects. I remember, many times, in misc threads, where someone has had questions and you've said "ask Andy, he'll know".
To say that I lost pretty much all respect for you is an understatement, unfortunately.
And, with my track record for being a bad animal keeper, in your experiance, this Monitor was taken from horrible conditions. No heat, no humidity, no habitat, a diet that was so unhealthy that he wouldn't have lasted another 6 months in the care of the previous owner. I guess that also makes me a bad person.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy http:///forum/post/2988876
How'd this turn into a discussion about pits?

Anyway, I just think it's going to be an unfortunate end for this animal. Every couple of months, Andy comes on here all excited about a new animal... only many of the animals are gone months later.
In April of last year, he comes on to discuss his excitement over his new ferrets.
Then in May comes the raccoon...
Another dog comes in June. By that time, apparently you got tired of the ferrets because you had 9 snakes, 3 dogs and a racoon.
Not to mention your beloved dragon moray that you simply got tired of one day and tried to trade for some very expensive fish, (except that all of the fish died while in your care).
Now you simply have "a dog".
You are taking on a large, exotic animal because everything is super-cool when you first get it. And your plan is to give it a room in your basement with a heater and a kiddie pool, (so long as you can afford the electric bill).
I think this is unfortunate for the animal. While it may be none of my business, you did post this on a public forum so I'll speak my mind if I choose. I feel like I need to lecture you like a child by telling you that an animal is a commitment, and not your personal toy to play with while they are new and fun. Anyway, I've said my peace... good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
It's funny, yet irritating to see that you've taken the time to find all of this info, trying to discredit me in front of everyone because if I remember correctly, you've found my experiance and info so "valuable", at times, that you've gone to lengths of specifically PMing me and even emailing me, just to ask MY opinion on certain subjects. I remember, many times, in misc threads, where someone has had questions and you've said "ask Andy, he'll know".

Not trying to discredit you... I just disagree with your revolving door policy on animals... especially one like this. You are fairly knowledgeable about aggressive fish. I wouldh't go overboard patting yourself on the back but for the most part you do know your stuff. Does that mean that I shouldn't disagree when you post something like this?
You taking on animals like this... 3 snakes that SHOULD be over 20 feet each at full growth, 9 other snakes, a crocodile monitor, in a house with dogs, raccoons, ferrets and whatever else looks cool for a minute. Sorry bro, this is like the newb who takes on fish that he couldn't dream of taking care of at full growth, on a regular basis. The bigger problem is that you are not a newb... you seem to know exactly what you are getting but justify it by saying, "I'm not stupid, I know what I'm doing." and dropping some silly names that no one cares about. Why don't you do the responsible thing and get animals that you can provide for during their entire lives? I've heard so much crap from people claiming to have "rescued" the shark from the LFS and now putting them in the 50 gallon tank.
Anyway, rant over. I look forward to your next thread in 3 months about how you have gotten yourself a Gila Monster while the Crocodile Monitor was successfully released (into the back alley of Chicago).

Good luck.


Active Member
That's right...I do know my stuff. And, when I admit that I'm not too sure about something, I contact the right people.
And the names of a couple silly people that no one cares about?...well, if you're content to sit around, play high and mighty, the internet knows all and doesn't care about contact with certain people who have had YEARS of experiance with this species, then I guess it just shows your level of intelligence.
Sure I had all of those animals in the same house and at the same time. But, what you're trying to insinuate is that they were all around each other and had opprutunity to interact with each other. What you're not stating and you know to be true, was that they were all in proper habitats, separated from each other and none ever knew anything about the other animals (especially the snakes).
I could really care less to say one more word to, as you stated...rant over.
I'll be more than happy to post pictures, in 3 months, of him. And, I know half a dozen places to purchase Gila Monster. Just because I can, doesn't mean I will...they're venemous and I choose not to. If I became aware of one that was being ill taken care of, mistreated, etc...I'd take it in a heart beat, provide proper care and then find someone who had experiance and give it to them.


Active Member
And since every single arguement you and Pontious have had, simply because you read it online and so therefore, it MUST be true...
"The crocodile monitor is found exclusively in Papua New Guinea. It is a rather docile animal which is easily domesticated and may be kept around the world as a household pet."
That came from the website of the Honolulu Zoo.