The Border

mr. guitar

This is just a question for you to express your opinion. We were talkin about this in Early American History and wanted to know what y'all think. Should we close our borders? I think we should, not being racist at all, because anyone could walk in our country. My teacher made an excellent point...Bin Laden could just walk in and we wouldn't know it until he made another terrorist attack. I'm perfectly fine with people comin into this country to be a citizen...and not to be illegal. As long as they...
Speak our language
Respect us
For example...If I went somewhere to live they would expect me to know their language. I shouldn't expect them to know English. That kinda thing. Anyway, what do y'all think?


Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Speak our language
Respect us
give us those 3 things and i'm fine w/ them living here illegal or not. hell, i don't even care if they don't speak english right away. as long as they make it their first priority to learn it ASAP.
i completely dismiss the bin laden arguement. you can't completely avoid terrorism. completely closing the fences will just provide a minor hurdle for a terrorist to destroy but it's not gonna completely prevent it. not even close. and even though YOU'RE not being racist, 70% of Americans will convert into oversentetive crybabies should the borders completely close.
i say leave it how it is. that's how our country was built and continues to build. our policies don't need to change. what needs to change are ungrateful attitudes of illegals, and their supporters. too many people are coming to this country to exploit it. this never happend up until the last 20 or so years.


Active Member
Many of the people who come here illeagally are creating here exactly what they are trying to escape from. They thumb their noses at our laws and refuse to learn our language and asimilate into US culture. Here in SD I see it all the time. This country cannont continue to give free handouts forever. Should we secure our borders hell yes, but more importantly why hasnt it been done already.
The laws against illeagal immigration already exist but are not enforced, we dont need any more laws, its the cowardly politicians who refuse to acknowledge them because many are incapable of making correct but unpopular decisions. The way to fix it. Write your congressman and tell them to:
1. Target the companies who hire illegals and hold them accountable.
2. Militarize the border, the national guard needs to monitor this area with the border patrol permanantly not just for a few months in the summer.
This has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with protecting our way of life.


Active Member
Great points everyone. I have no problem with immigrants providing they adhere to the 3 aforementioned points.
My biggest problem with "illegal" immigrants is the fact that they arent paying taxes. :mad:
$20 says this thread gets a little heated!!


that would rule. we need some liberals. there's not enough liberals here. also, i propose a 4th "Don't Breed em if You Can't Feed em" rule.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
$20 says this thread gets a little heated!!

i will see that and raise you a locked or deleted...

i would have to agree with the tax point and speaking English...

mr. guitar

Good points Phixer. Ok, don't get to heated up about this. I didn't want this to become a huge debate on what's right and what's wrong. Thanks for y'all's opinions!


Active Member
The Constitution, Artical Four, section Four,
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion,


Active Member
we need more liberals? are you freaking kidding me. look at californias barbra boxter and that other crazy lady. we dont need more liberals. we need to enforce the laws we already have set on the imigration. you know what ticks me off???
when im at the market with my mom buying food with my familys money that my dad works hard for. then next to me, there is someone of a different race ( not going to say what but im sure you know b.c i live in southern california) 1.) talking on a cell phone. 2.) has an IPOD in his pocket and is buying food (like beer and candy) with food stamps, free of charge b.c the goverment takes care of all of these illegals. we as hard working american citizens shouldnt have to tolerate such things. and these things come to past b.c the liberals have no respect for 1.) the constitution and 2.) our forfathers. if california gets a democrate governer God help us. we dont need our taxes to be raised... just my .2 cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i will see that and raise you a locked or deleted...

That's funny right there!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i will see that and raise you a locked or deleted...

i would have to agree with the tax point and speaking English...


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
well if we close the borders who is gonna work the fields? i know you guys wont. heck i know i wont.
Prisoners... who else?


Active Member
Here are some ideas. Community service programs work, when given the option of the slammer or picking stawberries Im sure most folks would choose to pick strawberries.
Also most prisoners have to demonstrate good behavior to become trustees before being allowed to performe mundane tasks like making license plates.
White collar criminals could be offered a reduction in their sentence if they chose to complete xx hours of community service doing manual labor. Im sure many would jump at the chance to work outdoors rather than being confined, even if it is only to pick produce.
Probably not a good analogy, but remember how thrilled those guys were to tar a roof on the Shawshank redemption.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Many of the people who come here illeagally are creating here exactly what they are trying to escape from. They thumb their noses at our laws and refuse to learn our language and asimilate into US culture. Here in SD I see it all the time. This country cannont continue to give free handouts forever. Should we secure our borders hell yes, but more importantly why hasnt it been done already.
The laws against illeagal immigration already exist but are not enforced, we dont need any more laws, its the cowardly politicians who refuse to acknowledge them because many are incapable of making correct but unpopular decisions. The way to fix it. Write your congressman and tell them to:
1. Target the companies who hire illegals and hold them accountable.
2. Militarize the border, the national guard needs to monitor this area with the border patrol permanantly not just for a few months in the summer.
This has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with protecting our way of life.
Word for word, I agree 150%! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!


Originally Posted by GNorman
we need more liberals? are you freaking kidding me. look at californias barbra boxter and that other...
i was talkin about on here. not polititians. i could care less about polititians.


I am missing something ........Just what is racist about closing a countries borders.......A border thats closed is closed no matter what color a person is...........and its not a racial thing nor even remotely in the same catagory.......I think your teacher needs to go back to school to learn what racism is and what closeing a border means. Plain and simple if your not in possession of a birth certificate showing you are a naturally born citizen of the USA, or earned your citizenship legally, or on a visa that has not expired, your back side needs to be on the other side of the fence no matter what your skin color is.


most of us (myself included) will agree with you GSD. but what you're missing is the fact that our country is full of whiney liberal babies. the media likes whiney liberal babies because their ignorant hypocritcal protests entertain the rest of us through shock value. hence, they get a lot of attention from the media because they generate ratings so THEN appears that this "racist" issue is a lot bigger of a problem than it really is. at that point, laws and actions can actually be implemented based on this HYPE. it may sound silly but don't forget that one of the biggest factors influencing world economics is Consumer Confidence. a.k.a--->hype.
this is no different.
that's the long version.
here's the short version: people are idiots.