The Border


Active Member

Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
dc2mlbsm...good point i cant think of any (white)caucasian people that would work in the fields and i dont think prisoners would :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
I know this is long but hope you will read in its entirety, here is why they would, we already using one product produced by inmates if you drive a motor vehicle. License Plates.
Dont know how much you've studied penal law but many states are currently using work/release programs with great success. Also called community service, if license plate MFG was privatized they would cost a lot more to MFG.
Same principle for goods made in China, the labor is cheaper there so the cost is lower. Wal-Mart is another example of this.
Many inmates would rather be outside working than spend 23 hours in a 6X8 cell. I know this to be true, I visited one today in the county jail. Thats why so many seek to become trustees.
From an economic standpoint it would also reduce the cost of produce because the labor costs would be reduced.
It would reduce the numer of illeagal
immigrants entering our country because these jobs would no longer be there.
When your incarcerated you become a # , ethniticity has no bearing.
What does the US gain by employing illeagal
immigrants? What do we stand to loose?
OK now lets use the arguement of prisoners not wanting to do this kind of work and prefering to stay locked up indoors. Prison is about rehabilitation. If criminals opposed this kind of work to that degree then maybe it would deter them from commiting the crime in the first place and the prison population would decline. As an extreme example, the crime rate in Singapore is fairly low per capita because they cane people for stealing. A very strong deterent to crime. Barbaric yes, but folks dont steal there.


Active Member
I still reject the belief that people wouldn't do the jobs that illegals do.
I know people that work the fields.
I know people that work cleaning houses.
I know people who work in kitchens.
When did our supply/demand model suddenly falter from lack of illegal immigrants? If a job isn't getting done people will pay more. The job will get done.
Canada imports workers and then deports them at the end of the season. Also a viable option.
If you live in a border state you see first hand the danger our country is in. .


Active Member
I think this can be a win/win situation for the US because prison labor is cheaper. Not to mention how much would be saved in incarceration costs by reducing sentence time in exchange for labor. Its expensive to incarcerate someone, we pay for this in taxes.
Another benefit of using prison labor is health care cost. It's already funded and cost less because its government and not private practice. If the jobs in this area are removed there would be less incentive to come here illeagally. And the inmates would gain some rehabilitative benefit.
The only problem I can see with importing folks for seasonal work like Canada does is that they burden our health care system each time an illeagal alien uses the emergency room. A cost that is payed for by tax paying US citizens.
Your right, the janitoral positions should be filled by American citizens. If someone can afford to have a maid they can afford to pay an American citizen the minimum wage. Mostly the economic elite doing this.