The Border


how'd you know? just this morning i looked in the mirror and realized that my nose is just too big. skin's unhealthy too. i haven't been to the gym in a few months and have been drinking like a fish instead. it's startin to show...


what about it?
it's black, goes fast, handles great, has an Iron Maiden CD in it, and makes me feel good knowing that i help contribute to Germany's economy. $678/month. that's almost $23/day. WOO HOO!!


Active Member
LOL... time to bring it back to the topic at hand...
First off, fences DO work. Ask this Israelis.
Second, I reject the argument that people here won't do a job so we need illegals. I've got several youth who work on farms in the community (they could drive 15 minutes and work at a mall but they CHOOSE not to).
Third, the words racists, xenophobe, etc. are thrown around by people who can't justify their position.
fourth, Our country was built by law abiding people... (well, after that whole revolution against the king thing anyway...).
Being a racist would be saying "only (insert ethnic group here) should live in this country". Saying "you need to be here legally" isn't racist, it's law abiding...
Here in Texas I see/hear Spanish everywhere. You know what? No offence, but the last time I checked we won our War of Independence from Mexico over 150 years ago... When I call my cell phone the first thing I here is "por espanol blah, blah, blah numero dos". I was in Cozumel and tried to use my phone... when I called the stinking menu it didn't say "for English press 2"!
I respect any hard working person. In fact, we're losing the good old american work ethic that has made this country great. We have laws to allow people to come here legally. Those need to be respected.
Lastly, don't forget that Mexico has THEIR military on THEIR southern border trying to keep out central American illegal immigrants.


and what goes on at the southern mexican border is a LOT worse than ours. i've got a lott've friends that live/d in mexico and they even say that most of the mexicans have a VERY large racial prejudice attitude towards the south americans. they look at them as a lower class of person.
it's not uncommon for apprehended south american border hoppers to be kidnapped, raped, and murdered by the mexicans. all we do is put em in a van and send em back home yet WE'RE the racists.


Originally Posted by soto
what about it?
it's black, goes fast, handles great, has an Iron Maiden CD in it, and makes me feel good knowing that i help contribute to Germany's economy. $678/month. that's almost $23/day. WOO HOO!!
uhhh, that's not what i meant. You said you were too sexy for your shirt, and i was asking if you were to sexy for your car... hence the "what about your car?..." comment... jeeze!
and i agree with you journeyman... now i remember why you were my hero...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
and i agree with you journeyman... now i remember why you were my hero...

Hehe, I need to update my resume to include that. Maybe I can get paid more


Originally Posted by jdragunas
uhhh, that's not what i meant. You said you were too sexy for your shirt, and i was asking if you were to sexy for your car... hence the "what about your car?..." comment... jeeze!
and i agree with you journeyman... now i remember why you were my hero...

i know what you meant. YOU are just jealous that i'll be listening to iron maiden on my way home from work. can't blame u


Active Member
don't worry Jen, the second you hear their "music" you would probably know what he is talking about. Their metal hasn't changed since I first heard them in high school


Active Member
I live about 10 miles from the Mexican border in a town with a large military base. Illegals basically come here from Mexico for two reasons . One to transport drugs and two to seak employment.
The corrupt Mexican government does nothing to stop the illegals from coming Why?
Billions of dollars are sent back to Mexico from illegal workers in America. THis money is DRAINED from our econmy and pumped into the Mexican economy. Factor in the social services and medical assistance this country affords get quite a price tag for the open borders. This price tag comes at a cost of billions.
The drugs moving from Mexcio to this country is a big business. The money this genrates can buy influence south and north of the border.
The illegals trash the desert and show no respect for our laws, etc.
Until such time there is signficant body counts attributed to poor border security i.e. addtional terrorists attacks...this country will do little.
Shame on Washington.