The Border


Active Member
There's a report coming out of the Middle East that Al Queda is warning muslims to leave NY and DC because they have smuggled a WMD across the border and are going to use it during upcoming "holy" month.
IF that occurs, every one of our dang politicians, from both parties, who have stalled border security legislation will need to be tried for being accessories to murder.


yes but it won't happen because nobody would be clever enough to smuggle WMDs across the border and then be STUPID enough to announce it before it detonates. especially considering that el kayduh hates the majority of muslims living in the U.S. more than non-muslims so why would they try to save them?
it's just silly rumors that are designed to make soft, fruity Americans do what they do best: panic and make stupid decisions. in the last 30 years we've been our own worst enemies.


Originally Posted by soto
abusing me?
you probably dig black leather too....
not so much with the black leather... only in a nice jacket.
and yes, abusing you is awesome!


Active Member
Intelligence regarding terrorists groups attaining WMD are skethchy at best. WMD is really not the choice of weapons for terrorists groups in general. However, they will use them if they have acquired. I doubt seriously they would send a warning message....they usually talk after the act...not before.
For certain...we will be hit again.....but I am amazed at what appears to be Amreica going back to sleep regarding security, border issues, etc.
As I drive through the outskirts of town, it is quite easy to spot illegals. many Border Patrol agents have told me they pick up the same folks numerous times.
IT is not a difficult task to cross the southern border. We're like the convenience 24/7...but we have no security cameras. Come on in and take what you want., bring what you have and stay as long as you want.
We have a short attention span and are easily distracted.


Active Member
I just don't believe closing the borders is plausible at this moment. There's so much open space that is unwatched and fences can be cut or climbed. The problem is people that jump the border and do get caught get a ride back home, take a nap, and jump it again. We would have to bring thousands of troops home to guard it and what about the Canadian border? I live right on this border and crossing the river in a boat would take about 10 seconds. I could swim across if I wanted to so terrorists could easily sneak across especially in the remote areas. We need to come up with a better way to secure the borders before we even bother with talk about closing them.


Active Member
The border could be easily monitored/patrolled given the resources this country can use. The illegal immigration is costing our government and economy billions of dollars. It is a growing problem and so is the price tag. Using the military/national guard resources could close the border this weekend....if the country was so inclined to do so.
Not a very difficult project to undertake by this country. This is the USA...all things are plausible...if we have the will, drive and determination to stop it.


and nobody here has suggested ELECTRIC fences yet either! if they can contain a t-rex in jurassic park then they can certainly hold back a few hundred illegals.


uhhh... they failed in jurassic park... didn't you watch the movie?
and i think there's a big difference between canadian immigrants and mexican immigrants.. i don't mean to stereotype, but canadians seem to like their country. They have a good economy, and therefore there is no reason for them to illegally immigrate. They don't come here to feed off of our government because they don't need to. Mexicans on the other hand live in a crappy economy and immigrate here to get away from it. They also bring with them drugs, and 30 children a piece to suck our economy dry. IMO, the mexican border needs a lot more watching than the canadian border...


they failed cause that fat idiot hacker dude infiltrated the system before getting gaffled up by an acid spitting dilophosorus. as long as we don't have fat dudes trying to infiltrate the system for the new border patrol then we'll be fine.


how do we keep that from happening? monitoring the fences is going to be costly enough, but then having to monitor the people that monitor the fences is going to double that cost, and now we're wasting a lot of money... and you know some fat mexican dude is going to come along and infultrate the system so his brother and sister can reap the fruits of the american economy, and we're right back where we started... duhhh!!!


Hi everyone i have been reading the thread and i am very impressed that nobody got wild because it is a very touchy subject and opinions rise hard and fast usually, But you no what they say opinions are like a holes everybody got But any way i have a best friend that lives in england and he has a girl who lives here in the states.He has been trying to get a visa and then eventually become a citizen.He has been unable to get a visa because their is a quota on visas and big business has them tied up for workers that will work for less.Any thoughts on this matter?


do you not know me yet? cmon Jen, where's our history???
what we do is keep the fences electrified for only half of the time. we let everyone know the juice is only on half of the time. this will encourage potential hoppers to take the RISK.
we monitor the fences with motion detecting, night vision cameras. everytime someone comes up they'll have a 50/50 chance of getting juiced! THEN we take the camera footage and create a TV show. kinda like America's Funniest Home Videos. we'll raise plenty of revenue from advertising. we can also raise money by getting casinos involved. since there's no guarantee of electrocution and chance is created, we now have a gambling venture.
again, i solve the problem. sweety, you just keep pitchin and i'll keep knock'n em outt've the park.


what's with you and casinos?
what happens when we get sued by people's rights activists for electrocuting foreigners?


Originally Posted by gimli023
He has been unable to get a visa because their is a quota on visas and big business has them tied up for workers that will work for less.Any thoughts on this matter?
money talks. kinda sucks for yer friend but we are a greedy folk.
oh and Jen, you know very well that my militia will take care of activists.


your chinese kid could distract them, and that's when the militia will take 'em out...
it's full-proof!
now if we could only find that $3billion, we'd be good to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
they failed cause that fat idiot hacker dude infiltrated the system before getting gaffled up by an acid spitting dilophosorus. as long as we don't have fat dudes trying to infiltrate the system for the new border patrol then we'll be fine.
oh and Jenn... i think its foolproof...


Active Member
Trust me, the Canadians are bringing drugs across the border, not in near the numbers but access to drugs triples just crossing the border. Not that I would know.....


Active Member
dc2mlbsm...good point i cant think of any (white)caucasian people that would work in the fields and i dont think prisoners would :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: