The Border


I don't mean to just jump in here, but has anyone heard anything about the new laws passed in Hazelton, PA? Basically, they don't want illegals living in their cities anymore and are trying to make it so that anyone who rents to or employs illegals are fined crazy amounts. They were being blasted for that, but being originally from that area (Wilkes-Barre, PA) I have to say that I don't blame them. Shortly after the illegal immigrant population grew in northeast Pa, so did the drugs and crime. My grandmother actually found used drug paraphenilia on her porch one morning. It is disgusting. We definitely need some type of punishment for these people. (And as far as welfare is concerned, my mother and stepfather made just $27000 last year with 3 minor children in their house and they made TOO MUCH money to qualify for welfare!!) You guys joke about t-rexs and parrots punishing people, but IF it actually happened, this country would be so much better off. (Think of how fast we would get rid of our deficit selling tickets, who wouldn't pay to see that? :hilarious )


i was thinkin more along the lines of part 1 where that goat gets tied up and gaffled. the auto-raised cage is muy superior!


Active Member
Originally Posted by schneidts about the countless people on welfare or unemployment who make very little effort to get work, who live better than many hardworking families. Simply put-illegals for welfare in.


Originally Posted by soto
i was thinkin more along the lines of part 1 where that goat gets tied up and gaffled. the auto-raised cage is muy superior!
oh no.. you have to make it more terrifying than that. Throw them in there

with nothing but a handgun to protect them, in a very large cage after they've been dipped in blood to attract the t... that'll get people thinking twice about being dumb...


OOOOHHH! reality show! Put 10 people in a room, and they all have to decide who has to go in the t-rex cage in order for everyone else to survive! hmmmm.... interesting...


decide via gladiator combat baby! we'll give em football helmets and aluminum baseball bats. last one standing gets to battle the t-rex with the chainsaw. we place the crossbow, a flame thrower, and a land mine in various locations throughout the giant arena.
you see, a land mine is good because our gladiator will not only hafta place it strategiclly but he'll also hafta lure the t-rex over to step on it.


touche! this is going to be a good one... you think abc will buy it?


not unless we put some giant mickey ears on the t-rex. they're owned by disney and disney's cheap. remember, we wanna raise as much money as possible so we can donate it towards positive causes.
pay-per-view. people will pay. oh yes they will.
$250 per event. hell, i'd pay $1000!!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by soto
that would rule. we need some liberals. there's not enough liberals here
. also, i propose a 4th "Don't Breed em if You Can't Feed em" rule.

You called, darling?

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by soto
decide via gladiator combat baby! we'll give em football helmets and aluminum baseball bats. last one standing gets to battle the t-rex with the chainsaw. we place the crossbow, a flame thrower, and a land mine in various locations throughout the giant arena.
you see, a land mine is good because our gladiator will not only hafta place it strategiclly but he'll also hafta lure the t-rex over to step on it.