Well thak you for that .... but ... you missed the partwhere I traded my 3 yellow tangs for supplies. If you ment yellow tail.... damsels, yes ... it wasw experimented with the sharks removed, did you not read the soap opera????

the hawaiian damsel will be leaving soon, though not soon enough!!! I had seen aggressive behavior in them before but never actually taking pieces off.... it was horrific.. tonight I move them to the 5 gallon tank for export to the lfs, in trade for some b&w & true Percula Clowns.
:cheer: I knew of their agressive tendancies but never witnessed or imagined the level of visciousness the hawaiian damsels could inflict. The sharks on the other hand have always been extremely passive to a fault. I had a wrasse that chewed the sharks around the area of the dorsel & they never retaliated. I returned the wrasse & healed my sharks, they grew up in a fw community tank..... just to give you a brief history....