The case of the disappering fish....


I have had enough !!!!!
I have been busy with work so I haven't been stopping by but .... 2 yellow tails & 1 blue damsel have vanished ..... I also saw the shrimp picking at the clown .... (like behind his gills) I stuck in the net and stopped him ...... that ws earlier no the clown is lying on the bottom!!!!!
:mad: I checked the water all reading are the same as posted before........


peppermint shrimp do occasionallly clean so that was probably ok but i have no idea whats happening in your tank im officially stumped


Active Member
If you lived on the other side of the state, I'd be tempted to personally stake out your tank with a red light after lights out.


post close up clear pics of remaining fish.
The shrimp sounds like it was cleaning the clown, perhaps there is a parasite or infection in the tank.
I assume this could be due to the stress associated with the overcrowding.
There should be bodies. Your system just couldn't process that much carnage. I consider my "clean-up" crew to be great, but only 1/2 of a small cardinal fish was processed overnight after a recent death. These critters are not like squirrels.


Some of you are just plain hateful....God forbid the crittics here have never made a mistake or had some unexplained issue with thier own tanks. Being critical early on is one thing but continuing the barrage is quite another.
"do you have any other pets".....:mad: Why, concerned for there safety???? Get real, next you'll be telling him he will be / is an unfit father.
D12 Nice way to moderate a thru a tough thread


i think the pets remark may be because a cat or dog or even a bird could have cought the fish, i know i wouldn't put it past my cat... course shes half feril...


To Magooo2...I think the question "do you have any other pets" is relative to if fish are jumping out of the tank, maybe some other pet is eating them ???
To there any possiblility the fish are escaping the tank and another pet is eating them (my dog will eat smaller fish that try and "swim home") ???


Thanks Magooo... I just like you got tired of the constant beating that DanJ was receiving and said enough was enough. I also think that the pet question, like New2u and Bigdogzack has both mentioned, is directed at the possiblity of the fish jumping out and beeing eaten by the other pet. I feel that if people just used logic instead of badgering others, it would be a lot more effective way of making someone realize that they may be wrong.
DanJ: I agree with TimO please post a clear close up of the affected fishs. We might be able to see something that you have missed.


Good Morning all ... as far as the pet issues go I have 3 Boxer dogs .... If a fish managed to get out ...( highly unlikely) they wouldhave "told me" not try to eat it. My tank is in a room the dogs don't go in unless I'm there because it's my office & on the 2nd floor. I will try tonight to post pictures of the fish... that's a lot of posts 5 anyway... hard to get close up w/ more that 1 at a time. water level is currently 2" below top due to evaporation .... well gotta go ....



Originally posted by New2u
make sure to make that up with regular dechronated not salt (i learned that the hard way)

I prefer RO/DI water
but that's just me.



Originally posted by DanJ
water level is currently 2" below top due to evaporation .... well gotta go ....

Hey DanJ you have some sort of top off system on your tank? How much evaporation to due get per day. My fishes and corals where suffering due to salinity swings because I had 2 gal of evaporation per day. I've since installed a DIY auto top off that's connected to my RO/DI filter and they've been alot calmer.


2 gal evaporation per day!!!!!!!:scared: :scared: :scared: is this what i can expect when i set up my 55???
:scared: :scared: :scared:
btw sorry for the hijack


Active Member
Evaporation rate depends on alot of factors, lid/hood type, lighting type, water temp, air temp, air humidity, filtration methods, etc... Everyone sees a diffrent rate.