The Difference Between Men and Women??????


I'm talking about things in general......but the first thing that comes to my mind........when we get married......."Women expect men to change"........."Men expect women to stay the same".................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's the difference? Anyway, what's the real difference. Why is there a greater than 50% divorce rate. Something "aint" right. Why is it something we all strive for, yet seem to be so inadequately prepared for, as evidenced by a 50% divorce rate.???????


Active Member
If you marry someone with the hopes of them changing you shouldn't get married to them at all. People go into marriage with too high of expectation of what its like. When the stresses of everday life take over, they hit the bricks because its not as fun as they thought it would be.
Most people are way too imature when they marry too. When they are more concerned about the $25,000 wedding than where they will be living and paying bills there is a problem.
Just my 2 cents.

nemo lover

Because us people in the year 2004 made it so acceptable to be divorced.
I feel also that now a days people get married to fast. They don't really get to know there partner. I don't think alot of people even take there vowes seriously (you know the for better or worse). Every marrage has there ups and downs. Some can be controlled and some can't.
I personally have been with my husband since 9th grade, and married since 2000. It has been a rollercoaster we have been through alot more than anyone could probably imagine. But were still kickin and In love and have beautiful kids to prove it.


Active Member
I believe the divorce rate is so high because people jump into marriage to fast, and they marry for all the wrong reasons and they don't take the time to get to know the other pesron well enough.
I'm very happy to say my soulmate and I will be married for 19 years this Sept., we've been togther for about 21 years.:D Lisa


Active Member
Depending on where you live, divorces have become pretty easy to get also. Just show up in front of a judge and claim irreconcilible differences and you leave a freeman.
I'm happy to say I was married to my soulmate for 10 years and I'm now married to second soulmate for 5 years. This is my last soulmate. I can't afford another X-wife.
And as far as the difference? It has to be those bodacious TA-TAs! I always get that "deer in the headlike" look when the hounds get released.


Active Member
Shoes. If men could figure out the shoe thing, wedded bliss would be easy!

No really...I just finished an article on male/female brain function and emotion. Fascinating stuff. It suggests that we are wired differently for communication and emotion, and our brains get in the way of understanding each other. Who knows!


Ooooh, it's irritating!! If you compare a healthy, fit man to a healthy fit woman, the guy has all that the woman want like...
Stronger finger nails
Longer eye-lashes
Larger chest
Smaller waist area
Faster growing hair
Usually healthier, stronger hair
Oh yeah, and all the fun jobs!!!

tony detroit

Active Member
Well the report I read, I think in playboy, whether or not it was valid said that while 50% of marriages end in divorce, 50% of the divorces wish they had stayed married and worked things out, the other 50% of the divorced were happily divorced. So in total 25% of marriages end up happily divorced from this study, 25% of marriages end up divorced, wishing they had worked things out, and 50% stay married.


Women watch tooooooo much TV. They get all the wrong ideas about life. For instance Soap's, I actually watched one, man everybody is good looking and they seem to be cheating on each other..... Do any of them work??
Hey wait,I could live that life... Anyways TV is baaaad for women.


Active Member
if men are such better drivers how come they pay more for insurance. You need shoes to match different outfits i dont see why that is hard to understand. I have been happily married for 18 years my husband is my best friend. We still go on a date once a week. even if it is just to arbys or something like that. I deal with a lot of men wanting to know what there wife can take to make them more frisky (thought that sounded better than horny) I tell them try doing the dishes and getting a baby sitter for the kids if that doesnt work come back and see me for
