The Difference Between Men and Women??????


.....anyway, I'm noticing a bit of "male bashing" going on here. I like Bill Mahr's answer to today's typical female opinion of us ..."Men" ......"Quit bitchin about the man you are with, until "YOU" start showing better taste"........
Anyway, the number one reason for divorce has been and continues to be ..."money". Study after study proves this. And, it wasn't until the early 70's ( I think 72 ) that you could not divorce for no other reason than adultery. California was the first state to come up with "irreconcilable differences", and the divorce rate jumped from somewhere in the 30% range to the 60% range, overnight. So much for "till death do us part".
So who is really to blame....makes you think???

nemo lover

"Male bashing" we were only talking about the difference between nem and women and then you men started up about the ta tas, soaps, driving, women=evil thing so don't even say we are bashing you. one of the points we were trying to get across is being at home and rasing kids is more than a full time job and it would be nice if some men would notice that before we get stressed out.
I not a basher really im not im a lover. Sorry if we came out that way.


Active Member
yep Nemo is right. The female bashing started first and that proves the point. That is another thing that some women have to listen to in a marriage. Negativity towards women by her husband and his gang right to the womens faces.
I think the answer to your question is plain and simple: Some men's problems is that they think are something to women that they really aren't and they can't keep their little ponies in the coarall.


I don't see how sitting around the house watching kids can be compared to a real full time job. If you didn't have income coming in from you spouse, what would you do? Get a real job.
I don't have kids, but I tried to put my self in your shoes. If I were a stay at home MOM, what would my day be like? Get up in the morning get breakfast ready,send kids off to school,clean the kitchen, start laundry, watch SOAPS,maybe vacunm,iron cloths ,watch more SOAPS,kids come home,watch Oprah,start dinner,clean dishes. Now I this may not be right, but I probably not far off.


Active Member

Originally posted by oceanic110
I don't see how sitting around the house watching kids can be compared to a real full time job. If you didn't have income coming in from you spouse, what would you do? Get a real job.
I don't have kids, but I tried to put my self in your shoes. If I were a stay at home MOM, what would my day be like? Get up in the morning get breakfast ready,send kids off to school,clean the kitchen, start laundry, watch SOAPS,maybe vacunm,iron cloths ,watch more SOAPS,kids come home,watch Oprah,start dinner,clean dishes. Now I this may not be right, but I probably not far off.

:hilarious :hilarious

don't say anything until you have kids. They will take you to the breaking point and back again in a matter of minutes.
Mothers AND Fathers. Kids just don't raise themsevles. That is the scenerio you are painting.


Don't want kids..... I have the right to say what I want. You are right about the breaking point. Kids will definitely change your life. I have seen what it has done to my friends.


Active Member
Yes, yes you do have the right to say anything you want. But your outspoken unknowlegdable opinion of stay at home moms is exactly the type of ideals that I am speaking of. My children have changed my life for the better. But ask me that on a good day.
Devoting our lives to these little human beings is a gift for us. Just because its a challenge doesn't mean you should not do it. Ask any of your friends if they wouldn't do it again. Most very young un planned parents will tell you No. Most adults who are ready to move on with their lives and contribute something to another life will say yes.
I say yes I would. But I will also add its the hardest thing we both have ever done in ours lives and nothing will ever again compare. :)

nemo lover

Thats not how it works picture this
you have a 8month old, and a 4 1/2 yr old.
Your day starts off like this-
Your husband accidently wakes the kids up at 5:00
There now cranky because they did not get enough sleep.
You change the baby diaper while the other is screeming in your ear shes hungry.
You make a bottle for the baby and food for the 4 yr old.
But the 4 yr old doesn't want eggs she wants cereal and you don't have any left.
So you try nicely to explain that to her while your husbands asking you"where did I put my keys"
then the baby is crying because she wants you to hold her and your husband wants you to help him find his keys
And the four yr old is throwing a tantrum for cereal. all of this and its not even 5:30
Finally you find the keys. make lunch for your husband and off he goes.
You feed the baby baby food.and feed the fish. While the 4 yr old watches cartoons.
And your 4 yr old tell you shes still hungry ,and will not eat anything exept cereal.
So the baby is tired she was up till 1:00 the night before because she has teeth coming in. You put her back to bed.
Then you try to make a pot of coffee
and the four year old for no reason at all kicks the dog so you spank her and yell at her don't ever do that again. and put her in time out (the corner) she screams bloody murder and starts banging on the wall.
Now once again the baby gets woke up.
You go get the baby calm her down. Change her diaper and the phone rings your little sister missed the bus. She needs a ride to school. You rush around getting the kids dressed, and diaper bags packed. Rush out the door put the kids in there car seats go pick up your sister and bring her to school.
All of this so far on 4 1/2 hrs of sleep and no coffee.
9:00 you get home put the baby down in the living room give her some toys put on a dvd for the four yr old. go into the kitchen and get some coffee while doing the dishes.
checking on the kids constantly because the could get into something.
You get the dishes done and start a load of laundry.
you 4 yr old is still hungry so you make her a bagel.
The dog is scrathing at the front door because he has gotta go. so you wait for the 4 yr old to finish her food and get the stroller put the baby in it and off to take the dog for a walk.
you get back and play with the baby for about five min. put her in her jumpin jimmy and clean the rest of the kitchen (Sweeping, moping) etc. the baby falls asleep in the jumpin jimmy so you cant vacum the living room or youll wake her up.
so you go clean the kids room make there beds.
while your 4 yr old is coloring at the kitchen table.
you clean your bed room and the batrooms.
then get some meat out to defrost for dinner.
Put the clothes in the dryer and try to take a shower. the 4 yr old wants to take a bath now so after your done you make her a bath and the baby wakes up.
You put her in the bath too. get them dressed and make lunch and feed the baby at the same time your tryin to eat.
The 4 yr old spills her drink all over her lap, chair and floor. So you get up clean up the mess. While the baby is starting to fuss because she wants to finish eating. We finish eating and change the 4 yr old clothes put them in the wash and grab the clothes out of the dryer.
You then put the four yr old down for a nap and she crys for about 30 min because she says she not tired. Then you try folding the clothes while watching the baby, and get on the stair master.
And you remember you have a dotors appoinment so while the 4 yr old is sleepin you get your self and the baby ready and then wake up the 4 yr old get her shoes on and off we go to the docs.
get home 15 min before your husband gets home and try to start cooking dinner. While the kids are playing and making a mess.
Your husband comes home and says he is starving you tell im dinners almost done. Ask him if he could watch the kids for a min while you sit down and he tells you I worked all day. I would like to sit down a relax now. Its not like you worked all day. After eating dinner you do the dishes and give the kids a bath.Walk the dog. Clean your fish tank. Pop on a movie. Put the baby to bed ,and wait for the 4 yr old to fall asleep. Put the 4 yr old in her room, and head to the bed. Fall asleep and 1 hr later your husband is wakin you up for some nookie. You tell him your tired and they don't understand why? IT TOOK MY HUSBAND A WEEK OF DOING THIS ALONE TO REALIZE ITS NOT AS FUN AS SOME THINK IT IS.
PS. this was a good day. imagine a bad one.


Active Member
And to think you wouldn't have gotten a shower if you didn't have that dr's appt.

Oh..........I have to find something I read in a Dear Abby
And my son is still hungry!!


Active Member

Originally posted by oceanic110
she's like the energizer bunny.

all of 'em are. I wish I had 1/2 the energy my kids have. Its true what they say "energy is wasted on youth" :)



Originally posted by aarone
IME its gotta be genitals

From the mouth of babes - or teenagers, in this case.
So Aarone, you are saying that, if a person lost their genitals (and I won't go any further than that!!!) they would cease to be a man or woman? This really is something I didn't learn in my bio or genetics classes. So, please explain how this happens? Maybe they would be like clown fish - changing sexes whenever the need arises?
I'm really curious!

nemo lover

no not like a 24/7 hobby like a 24/7 job.
My hobbys are our fish tank, and training/riding horses, and building model car/trucks with my husband. The stay at home mom is not like a hobby.
p.s thanks oceanic110:mad:


WOW nemo lover, you are great with words!!! I am printing this thread and putting it on my fridge. But I would be the only one to read it cause the hubby "worked all day".
And I will have to point this out again, I WAS IN THE STINKIN' ARMY!!! We did more by 9:00 than most people do all day (except the marines
) And it was nowhere near raising kids.
But anyway NM I goota ask... when you're cleaning one room and the daughter is messing up the one you just left, does the hubby act like he can't believe it's a mess?? Mine actually told me to get a full time job, and pay the bills and he would watch the kids...sarcastically, of course. I would LOVE to work again, I would LOVE that freedom, but I know that he would pull his hair out... He is NOT the multi-tasking type.

nemo lover

I worked a full time job up until I was seven months pregnant with my second daughter. And went back to work after the baby was three months. My husband is the one who begged me to stay home he he finally covinced me and for awhile would throw it in my face. But now he understands, and we know our roles. Life is getting better everyday.
Mine has also offered that too. But I know I would come home to a wreck. and all the clothes would be