The Evil Bible


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Nope, but after a quick glance it seems that this organization has never seen the thousands of people who are fed and clothed each day by the local church soup kitchen or mission right around the corner.
They are free to spread the hate if that's what they want to spend their time and money doing.
Funny how Christianity is the one thing in this world that it seems "PC" to attack.
" is a non-profit web site which was developed to promote atheism"
Isn't there a nice way to promote atheism?
There is a specific agenda here that is not related to promoting atheism. Why is the Judeo-Christian God attacked, but no other? It's not that these people do not believe in God, but that they are angry with Him. I feel sorry for them.


Active Member
What I don't like about it is that people blame God for the evil in this world. If I went out and killed someone, would it be God's fault because I'm a Christian? NO, it's MY fault, because I CHOSE to kill that person. God gets blamed for stuff because no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions. I WISH I had the freedom to do something bad and then blame it on The Great Giant Chicken... then everyone would hate that instead.
Yes, Hitler did cause the holocaust because he thought he was doing God's work, but that isn't God's fault. It's Hitlers fault.
The truth is that Religion has both good and bad repercussions. Those who understand it, generally do good. Those who contort and pervert it, do evil.... the worst kind of evil... the kind that uses God as a reason.
Let me put it another way. Let's say John doesn't like Bob... so John goes and tortures Bob's family.... is it Bob's fault? Or is it Phil's fault? Or Sally's fault? Nope, it's John's fault. John was wrong. No one else. In the same way, when evil happens, it's not God's fault or Allah's Fault or Buddha's fault... it's the person doing the evil.


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I've just been reading more about it, and a lot of it is taken out of context. And it's all OT stuff, which is hugely different than NT stuff. You need a deeper understanding of the bible to discern what is actually being said. If our society took everything at face-value, then we wouldn't have much of a society left.


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As Zig Ziglar says paraphrased -- I read the bible everyday, and the newspaper to see what the other side is up to.


Religious Atheists;
Someone who hates religion so much that their atheism has become a religion of its own.
Hank: "Man, it's so disgusting that our that our school has a bible study group! I'm going to make a petition to get an atheist club started!"
Bob: "You're totally a religious atheist."
Hank: "AM NOT! So do you want to come to the national prayer week protest blood drive on Saturday?"
according to


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Originally Posted by sickboy
I like finding contradictions in their "contradictions"....
Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of crap I don't agree with. And I could argue atheistic positions better than they can. But there is only so much you can handle, before you just get ticked.


Active Member
AND, at the end of the day, no matter how much you argue, it's not going to change the stubbornness in people.
At the end of the day, people like that will only hear what they want to hear. The sooner you realize that, the better.


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Hey Yearofthenick, actually Hitler did not believe in Christianity. He used the language to get into power, but was a commited pagan. He believed in the old Germanic and Norse gods. After taking power, he went after Christians, as well. All the Nazi religious ceremonies and rituals were based on the old pagan beliefs. If you ever get a chance, watch the History Channels program, "Nazi Occult Conspiracy". One of Hitlers famous quotes is that Christianity was nonsense and hindered the path to Aryan enlightenment(paraphrased heavily). Nazi officers had to swear an oath to the Aryan (Norse and Germanic pagan) gods and Hitler.


Active Member
Personally, I find it interesting how they revealed the contradictions that are written in the bible. Every Christian and person of relgious faith relys on the words and preachings from this book. It's the supposed foundation for their beliefs. So are you saying this organization is misinterpreting the various verses they bring up to show that God wasn't the all-caring and loving entity he's portrayed to be? Just because you don't believe in an 'All Powerful Being', and think the Bible is just a book of quotes written by philosophers who got their ideas second-hand from people who supposedly witness the events, you're not supposed to criticize it?


Active Member
Bionic, I agree with most of your post and I am a Biblical literalist. 1)The Law and the Prophets (as Jesus called the "Old Testament"-a title I despise) were written when Israel was a tribal society, surrounded by idololaters who sacrificed their own children by burning them alive and sexual diseases, due to the rampant immorality (confirmed in archeological finds) were destroying civilizations. 2)There was a "Day of Atonment' when the slaves were freed, if they chose (many chose not to be-thus the phrase "bond servant"). 3) The harsh rules brought about a lasting civilization that ended the necessity of enforcing the brutal nature of the Law-for the most part. Jesus told Peter to put his sword away when he tried to fight to save Him from the Romans, who would kill Him the next day. He said "My Kingdom is not of this world, else my followers would fight". The battle was no longer a physical fight, but a spiritual fight for survival. The Scripture is lesson in the brutallity of the human condition and the Gospel is story of redemption out of the war and hatreds of the past. Some of my best and closest friends have been non-believers. And yes, someone has to wrestle with what appears to be inconsistencies if they are going to understand the message of salvation. I have no problem with a civil discourse on the Bible. I welcome my faith and Scripture being challenged. Christians are told to "have an answer for their faith that lies within them" and "to live at peace with all men, if possible".


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Originally Posted by mantisman51
Bionic, I agree with most of your post and I am a Biblical literalist. 1)The Law and the Prophets (as Jesus called the "Old Testament"-a title I despise) were written when Israel was a tribal society, surrounded by idololaters who sacrificed their own children by burning them alive and sexual diseases, due to the rampant immorality (confirmed in archeological finds) were destroying civilizations. 2)There was a "Day of Atonment' when the slaves were freed, if they chose (many chose not to be-thus the phrase "bond servant"). 3) The harsh rules brought about a lasting civilization that ended the necessity of enforcing the brutal nature of the Law-for the most part. Jesus told Peter to put his sword away when he tried to fight to save Him from the Romans, who would kill Him the next day. He said "My Kingdom is not of this world, else my followers would fight". The battle was no longer a physical fight, but a spiritual fight for survival. The Scripture is lesson in the brutallity of the human condition and the Gospel is story of redemption out of the war and hatreds of the past. Some of my best and closest friends have been non-believers. And yes, someone has to wrestle with what appears to be inconsistencies if they are going to understand the message of salvation. I have no problem with a civil discourse on the Bible. I welcome my faith and Scripture being challenged. Christians are told to "have an answer for their faith that lies within them" and "to live at peace with all men, if possible".

Very well said. One of the few logical responses I've ever heard from someone who believes in God and faith. Religion is what binds certain individuals who question their reason for being. Most people who I regard as 'religious fanatics' are those who've had a traumatic experience in their life, or feel despondent and lost in the direction their lives are going. They need that belief that there is some higher being watching over them, and there's this magical place they'll end up in when they die. For those type of individuals I only say "Whatever gets you through the day. If believing in God and Heaven is what does it for you, more power to you". The one's I do have a problem with, are those who try to push their beliefs and philosophies on me. The fanatics that say I'll burn in Hell because I'm Pro Choice, have no problem with homosexuals having a legal bond, stem cell research, because I like to have a drink now and then, or even if I like to dance. If you want to have faith and don't agree with my principles, fine. Just don't try and force me to beileve with you.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm
Personally, I find it interesting how they revealed the contradictions that are written in the bible. Every Christian and person of relgious faith relys on the words and preachings from this book. It's the supposed foundation for their beliefs. So are you saying this organization is misinterpreting the various verses they bring up to show that God wasn't the all-caring and loving entity he's portrayed to be? Just because you don't believe in an 'All Powerful Being', and think the Bible is just a book of quotes written by philosophers who got their ideas second-hand from people who supposedly witness the events, you're not supposed to criticize it?
Absolutely Yes, we are to criticize it. But the supposed contradictions are not contradictory at all when you begin to understand a deeper meaning behind the bible. Most of the contradictions they were using on that website are actually just the difference between the new testament (NT) and old testament (OT). Yes, God is unchanging. Yes, God is all-knowing. We have the same God as we did in the old testament, but the rules are different because of the resurrection. Again, the rules are different.
Example: back in the day, if you sinned, you needed to sacrifice an innocent animal or else you'd be struck down by God (which happens a lot in the OT, sometimes entire cities, like Sodom and Gomorra) but because Jesus was our innocent and sinless sacrifice (NT), we have been relieved of that sin. For those who do not partake of this forgiveness, death will eventually come. We all die, but the question is where we go when it happens.
Now I'm not going to throw everyone under the bus because they don't believe the same religion as me. The truth is that I am not to judge who is righteous enough for heaven or not... none of us have that right to judge. SO having said that, I'm not going to go there.
But that's why that website has no standing in my mind... because it's a reaction, not valid information. If they dug a little deeper and actually studied the bible, they would see that contradictions are almost non-existant. I say almost because I haven't read the entire bible word for word and with enough depth to check all words for contradictions. IF someone has a contradiction, bring it up here and lets talk about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Absolutely Yes, we are to criticize it. But the supposed contradictions are not contradictory at all when you begin to understand a deeper meaning behind the bible. Most of the contradictions they were using on that website are actually just the difference between the new testament (NT) and old testament (OT). Yes, God is unchanging. Yes, God is all-knowing. We have the same God as we did in the old testament, but the rules are different because of the resurrection. Again, the rules are different.
Example: back in the day, if you sinned, you needed to sacrifice an innocent animal or else you'd be struck down by God (which happens a lot in the OT, sometimes entire cities, like Sodom and Gomorra) but because Jesus was our innocent and sinless sacrifice (NT), we have been relieved of that sin. For those who do not partake of this forgiveness, death will eventually come. We all die, but the question is where we go when it happens.
Now I'm not going to throw everyone under the bus because they don't believe the same religion as me. The truth is that I am not to judge who is righteous enough for heaven or not... none of us have that right to judge. SO having said that, I'm not going to go there.
But that's why that website has no standing in my mind... because it's a reaction, not valid information. If they dug a little deeper and actually studied the bible, they would see that contradictions are almost non-existant. I say almost because I haven't read the entire bible word for word and with enough depth to check all words for contradictions. IF someone has a contradiction, bring it up here and lets talk about it.

What's to contradict? Read tthe passages they posted. How else do you interpret murder and ---- in those passages? What passages do they cite you feel are not valid? You saying they made them up? No, you disagree with their interpretations. You're trying to justify murder just because of the times and lifestyles the authors of these passages lived in? Give me a break. Murder is murder. There's no interpretation there.
You're one of the fanatics I described in the latter part of my second response. You should listen to mantisman51. He appears to understand the interpretations of the Bible more than you.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm
What's to contradict? Read tthe passages they posted. How else do you interpret murder and ---- in those passages? What passages do they cite you feel are not valid? You saying they made them up? No, you disagree with their interpretations. You're trying to justify murder just because of the times and lifestyles the authors of these passages lived in? Give me a break. Murder is murder. There's no interpretation there.
You're one of the fanatics I described in the latter part of my second response. You should listen to mantisman51. He appears to understand the interpretations of the Bible more than you.
Woah where did all this emotion come from? Man, I'm surprised at your response. We must be looking at different examples. I'm not trying to justify ---- nor would I ever even think to. In fact, in the OT, God destroyed the city of Sodom because there was so much ---- and evil going on.
Please show me the passages in the bible that say God blessed any ----.
And Please, Bionicarm, let's try to be as objective a possible... Please don't throw me under the bus just because whatever I say urks you the wrong way. Let's work on the power of knowledge, not instinct and reaction. We're intelligent people... lets act like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Very well said. One of the few logical responses I've ever heard from someone who believes in God and faith. Religion is what binds certain individuals who question their reason for being. Most people who I regard as 'religious fanatics' are those who've had a traumatic experience in their life, or feel despondent and lost in the direction their lives are going. They need that belief that there is some higher being watching over them, and there's this magical place they'll end up in when they die. For those type of individuals I only say "Whatever gets you through the day. If believing in God and Heaven is what does it for you, more power to you". The one's I do have a problem with, are those who try to push their beliefs and philosophies on me. The fanatics that say I'll burn in Hell because I'm Pro Choice, have no problem with homosexuals having a legal bond, stem cell research, because I like to have a drink now and then, or even if I like to dance. If you want to have faith and don't agree with my principles, fine. Just don't try and force me to beileve with you.
ahhh I see where this emotion is coming from.
First of all, I'm a Christian. I drink (love mojitos) and I dance. I believe in stem cell research. I am pro life, but don't hold it against anyone when they say they're pro-choice. That's your decision and I have mine... who am I to say that my ideas are the only way?
As for homosexuals, I have gay friends. Not many, but I have gay friends. Just like I said in my earlier post... who are we to judge who goes to heaven or not? I certainly am not pompous enough to be the one. Again, no one is.