the global warming swindle


Originally Posted by sciknen
there are hybrids that fly i mean leik over 150
hell this guy in texas makes hybrids right he uses turbine engines
like plan engines
and the things are crazy effiecent and crazy fast
yeah we all saw the video. I bet they are a dime a dozen.


well the ones in texas are definetly dime a dozen,but if the state govt really wanted to they could do it--- i dont think its necessary, but they could. it would cost alot of money... but my hole argument is that its not necessary to change the way we live because its just a natural cycle of the sun.
still, whatever way these "solutions" to global warming come I guarentee all will be eventually abused all around the world


Originally Posted by Darknes
I will address one of your fallacies: Greenhouse gases would not cause the atmosphere to be warmer than the surface of the earth. A good understanding of heat transfer with knowledge of radiation, conduction, and convection teaches otherwise.
Ah, but a thorough understanding of chemical equilibrium kinetics and thermodynamics will tell you that if water vapor is present you essentially ignore the effects of CO2 in concentrations up to 35%. Refer to my paper on a new activity coefficient derived through statistical mechanics. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research.
This matter is far more complicated than Q=hAdT, though one dimensional is just a joke, even three dimensional and CAM is ill-equipped in handling chemicals capable of dissociation.


Originally Posted by sciknen
these unecessary things will happen
and its human nature to exploit something good
Yes, oil is good. When explaining crude oil to the lay person or even grad students, the best way to think of crude oil is a gigantic basket filled with muffins (carbons). Its like a God-given welcome basket, there is no other substance on earth that has the abilities that oil does, its amazing.
I like to think about societies thousands and thousands of years from now finding our land fills. Those things will provide incredibly rich, concentrated oil it would be a superb sight to see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
im going to address a few myths
the sun
cud it be that the sun causes the flux in temp on earth?
from the begining of astronomers they have been counting the spots on the sun
and over 1000s of years there is a correlation to the amt of sun spots and the temp of the earth
more spots higher temp
wow i havent laughed liked that in a long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
where do we get water from ummm kitchen sink???
where do u get ur top off water from?
so we are going to take our drinking water, which is rationed in some states during the summer, and make fuel out of it.
not flaming you, but the plan sounds like it wasnt thought through all the way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
well the ones in texas are definetly dime a dozen,but if the state govt really wanted to they could do it--- i dont think its necessary, but they could. it would cost alot of money... but my hole argument is that its not necessary to change the way we live because its just a natural cycle of the sun.
But what if our CO2 emmissions are influencing natural warming? I mean Kyoto was a con job and despite any of his screwups Bush will be remembered for not dragging us into that scam.
However that doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to research this stuff. There are other implications beyond warming. Look at it this way. What happens if your house is shut up tight in the winter time and the CO2 levels in the air increase? The PH level in your tank will drop. What if we are having the same effect on the ocean. Forget warming, if we manage to kill off the plankton it wont matter cause we will all be dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
hydrogen is in water
i dont htink we are gonna run out of that
It takes energy to break the hydrogen bonds in water to create hydrogen fuel which is a very strong bond. This energy would be coming from our coal-powered plants.


Active Member
with all this hub-bub over alternative energy, and the "go-green/tree-hugger" movement, if there was an efficient way to use an alternative fuel, dont you think a company would have capitalized on it?
something like this would attract the big money investors in a hot minute.
besides. when antartica thaws, they will find a ton of oil under it.
oil comes from decomposed and fossilzed plants. antartica was once a tropical island. (pls correct me if im wrong)


Active Member
its easy to say that "they" would have capitalized on it by now. unfortunately that is one of the biggest obstacles, figuring out how to make one of the new alternatives clean, abundant and profitable.


Active Member

Originally Posted by saltn00b
its easy to say that "they" would have capitalized on it by now. unfortunately that is one of the biggest obstacles, figuring out how to make one of the new alternatives clean, abundant and profitable
you said it right there, my friend.
if its not profitable, you are not going to invest your (and other peoples) money into it.
that would be like betting your house that the Knicks will win the NBA Championship next year.


dont get me wrong i dont believe in polluting. i recycle a ton. but i do drive a truck and i love it. im all for dolphin safe tuna. we should be studying the situation. we should be studying the sun as well as co2 emissions. i just think that its just political BS. what the gov't is trying to do is scare us into believeing everything they are saying.
bang guy- can you prove there is? other then what the gov't tells us. can you have absolute proof of your claims. go watch the video theres my proof, head of dept.s of MIT and various colleges saying thats how it is.
salt noob- it makes more sense that the thing that gives us heat can make the earth get's alot simpler. it's also proven
cowfish- it was a joke. we have an abundent supply of water, from the ocean, to the rivers.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
its easy to say that "they" would have capitalized on it by now. unfortunately that is one of the biggest obstacles, figuring out how to make one of the new alternatives clean, abundant and profitable.
You can't ignore the slippery slope with alternatives. The best part about oil is not gasoline, kerosene, or jet fuel, its the other stuff we can make out of the distillation by-products. It will be a long time before alternatives are profitable because without the enormity of oil reduction today we wouldn't have all of the polyesters, dyes, fertilizer, plastics, rubbers, (look around your house if its not made entirely of wood or metal, I gurantee its an oil derivative). So the fight to make it profitable has little to do with vehicle emissions or even industrial emissions, its the 5000 unit lot of $13 trash cans bought by Wal Mart that is the real issue, plastic dependency.
Lastly oil companies own most of the IP associated with alternatives, they will capitalize the second they think they can return a profit to their investors.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sciknen
bang guy- can you prove there is?
Are you seriously doubting that the atmosphere contains CO2? OK, here goes:
Yes, I can prove the atmosphere contains CO2. Trees require CO2 to make sugar. My trees aren't dying so there must be CO2 present.
Burning Gasoline produces CO2. If it's not going into the atmosphere then where is it going?
This chart shows that CO2 levels at 12,000 feet are above zero:


Do you have a graph depicting CO2 chemical effectiveness versus year? Especially in a place like Hawaii with a high humidity, the CO2 is damn near non-existant. This is also why plants can extract it fromt the air so easily, the water vapor is almost pushing it out.
Global warmers would have more clout arguing about the poles where CO2 can actually contribute to the activty of the gaseous mixture.