The 'How to Pronounce' Thread...


I think we need this thread for people just getting in to the hobby with all the latin and germen names in this hobby its tough.
Heres a few common ones.
Tunze powerheads and skimmers = "toon-zee" or "tun-zee".
Chaetomorpha (chaeto - a common macro algae) = "Kay-tow" .
please stop calling it "cheee-toe"
Zoanthids (soft coral) = "zoh-an-thids".
Koralia powerheads= "kor-al-lia".
Actinic lighting (blue supplement lighting)- "ack-tin-ick".
Aiptasia (pesky anemones)- "app-tay-jah"
False percula (A.ocellaris) - "Or-c-le-ris" not "false percula"<-- (this will make Bang guy happy.)
Please feel free to post more.


Well-Known Member
Kalkwasser = "caulk-wasser"
Amphiprion = "Amfi-prion" (Amphiprion Ocellaris Percula)
Banggai Cardinal = "Bang-guy" Cardinal
Aquarium = "A-qwer-E-um" NOT "Qwarium"
Nemo = "Clown-Fish"
Caulerpa Mexicana = "caw-ler-pa"
deoxyribonucleic acid = "D.N.A." (just for kicks!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Kalkwasser = "caulk-wasser"
Amphiprion = "Amfi-prion" (Amphiprion Ocellaris Percula)
Banggai Cardinal = "Bang-guy" Cardinal
Aquarium = "A-qwer-E-um" NOT "Qwarium"
Nemo = "Clown-Fish"
Caulerpa Mexicana = "caw-ler-pa"
deoxyribonucleic acid = "D.N.A." (just for kicks!)
Don't forget that D.N.A is also short for the National Dyslexic Association and the two should not be confused.


Active Member
and lets remember that anenome is not an enemy
how bout xoozanthellae (or how ever you spell it)


Active Member
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
Chaetomorpha (chaeto - a common macro algae) = "Kay-tow" .
please stop calling it "cheee-toe".
Mmm... Cheetos.
Originally Posted by FaTcAt

False percula (A.ocellaris) - "Or-c-le-ris" not "false percula"<-- (this will make Bang guy happy.)
Check your spelling.
BTW, doesn't this thread exist? I remember another one going around not long ago that got pretty comprehensive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
False percula (A.ocellaris) - "Or-c-le-ris" not "false percula"<-- (this will make Bang guy happy.)
I pronounce it: Awe-sell-air-is


You wouldn't believe how helpful this is for those of us who live in the po-dunk hills of the middle of nowhere. I literally have nobody who's ever heard most of these words before, let alone know how to pronounce them. No fish stores, no other local reefers, no nothing. Keep 'em coming!


good thread.
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
Chaetomorpha (chaeto - a common macro algae) = "Kay-tow" .
please stop calling it "cheee-toe"
That is messed up. I didn't want to look like an idiot when asking the LFS for Chaeto, so i looked up the pronunciation and they gave me the wrong one.:
They have a "hear it" button, and I went out of my way to learn to say it, and I said it wrong. I had to say it like 5 times to the LFS before they got it, and they didn't even correct me. Stupid dictionary.
I also thought it was pronounced astinick


Active Member
Yeah this stuff is great to know. You can know a lot about this hobby, but if you can't pronounce something in front of another reputable reefer, you'll look like an idiot.
BTW, I thought that DNA joke was golden



Well-Known Member
Nassarious = "nAss-sarious"
Astrina = "Ass-trina"
Astrea = "ass-trea"
Margarita = the alcoholic beverage
Cerith = "serith"
Urchin = "erchin"
A lot depends on what part of the country you are from. lol! I live in Louisiana, so some of what I hear is southern.