The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD


your gonna have lots of fun mimzy. my GF and i bought a house 3.5 years ago and it great to have our own place but sux to not have a landlord to fix stuff. just be carefull and dont spend all your money on home projects in the first year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
your gonna have lots of fun mimzy. my GF and i bought a house 3.5 years ago and it great to have our own place but sux to not have a landlord to fix stuff. just be carefull and dont spend all your money on home projects in the first year.
thank you, yes I hope it's fun. LoL. It's a little bit of a fixer-upper, but it has SO MUCH potential. All we need to do ASAP is paint and put in new flooring - which will make it perfectly liveable and quite nice. We've got big plans for the place, I'm so excited!! And yes, we are impatient, but we know we've got to take it slow.


Active Member
alright y'all. i'm off to bed. gonna TRY to sleep as I've got to get up early 2morrow.
2 and 1/2hour drive 2the house for a final inspection, and another hour from there to the real estate office where we're having the actual closing.
im excited!!
...send me "get good sleep" vibes!
oh...and please pray for good weather too, we've got 10acres to inspect


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
eat rice.
hey guys i have a question my kids have myspace pages and i have been getting really mad at the p0r.n on myspace and everytime i see it now i report it is anyone else doing this or am i some kind of rat
i just got finished reporting a bunch of images
Yeah, I have many mobsters on there. I forget to delete them and some I just don't. I have my settings set to automatic updates. Some people get some NASTY stuff and it shows a lil pic or semi-video of what they have downloded on there. I have had to block several. My son is often in the room when I am on there. What happened??? I don't know. It used to say, when uploading pitures, that they cannot contain this or that. I haven't added pics in a few months though. Mine are all family. The one yesterday was VERY graphic and moving (two women). It showed up on my friend's updates page, which is all along the side of my home page.
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i am sooo grossed out right now. i am going on a day trip to new mexico tomorrow and i went to walmart to get snacks there was this woman that was behind us in line - complete white trash 250lbs-(at least ) no bra flopping around everywhere in a dingy red tank top a half smoked cigarette tucked behind her ear and the little boy she had with her was screaming and throwing things he opened 2 bags of candy on the shelf and both times threw them and candy went flying everywhere he looked like he hadnt had a bath in a week and was wearing nothing but a t shirt and filthy - and i mean filthy if ya catch my drift underwear !!!
he was screaming at her the whole time the clerk told her that if he tore up anymore candy she was going to charge her for it and that nasty woman told her 'the hell you will i aint gonna pay for it you shouldnt put it down so low'
why why why why why why

My goodness, I have heard so many bad stories about Wal marts
I don't go there often, but when I do it is in the middle of the day. I see some of the PJ wearers, but that is about it.
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

sittin here bored as usual
You need to move!!! It is boring every night there!


Active Member
omg just got back from a day trip to potales new was supposed to be like 2 and a half hour drive back but between the tornadoes and thunderstorms it took over 6 hours!!!!!!!
im drained goodnight all


Active Member
sweet u saw a tornado?
Midland is boring!
And see what happens if im playing the game and dont bump this thread up, u guys 4get about it. Unless yall all went to sleep 2night