the thermos blind trade


Active Member
Im gonna hop on to watch I dont have enough Rare'ities yet to participate.
Imagine opening it up and getting a batch of Cyano
.... LMAO... well.. it should be a rare find..even though in alot of cases its not. ok ok it was a joke..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Im gonna hop on to watch I dont have enough Rare'ities yet to participate.
Imagine opening it up and getting a batch of Cyano
.... LMAO... well.. it should be a rare find..even though in alot of cases its not. ok ok it was a joke..

I am in. So you put the item in a bag in the thermos? I have a thermas I could start a trade with someone. My thermos is not water proof though, hance the bag question.


Active Member
Haha, Id be in, but the frags Isistius gave me havent grown in yet

Most of what I have left is sps


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
just slightly confued on the shipping?!?! if i pay for shipping in and shipping out, and the next person pays for shipping in also, that's double shipping. i'm just confused. maybe you can clarify.

you trade with both people, you ship something to them not in the thermos, when its your turn to recieve the thermos. then you ship out to the next person in the thermos, and they send you something. so its 2 trades really, but for about 18bucks you can end up with two rareish frags.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NewBostonConst
I am in. So you put the item in a bag in the thermos? I have a thermas I could start a trade with someone. My thermos is not water proof though, hance the bag question.
the Idea of this trade circle is to use the thermos thats already out there and has our autographs on it, so we get as many names on the thing as possible. and to have the thermos make its way all over the united states. basically just to see how many different SWF.COM people we can pass this thermos around to. the people recieving the thermos dont need to send one they just need to ship back however they want. we use the thermos to the next person in line.


Active Member
ok. let me get this straight. i will ship something to the person sending me the thermos, then ship the thermos to a third person, who will also send me something?? i think that's it?!?!


Active Member
hey this is kind of like the story of the travelling guitar. anyone know what im blabbing about?


Active Member
OK I'm going to leave enrollment open for 24 more hours.
maxalmon and coraljunky please exchange shipping information your the first two to trade
then coraljunky will trade Isistius sending the thermos.
Isistius to newbostonconstruct sending the thermos.
newbostonconst will then trade with saltn00b sending the thermos.
saltnoob you get the next person to join. if no others join it will default to me.
remember when your recieving the thermos PLEASE send the person your getting it from something. it is two trades not just recieve and send.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
ok. let me get this straight. i will ship something to the person sending me the thermos, then ship the thermos to a third person, who will also send me something?? i think that's it?!?!
thats it in a nutshell.


Active Member
Isistius and noob your technically in line with eachother but since your brothers you probably share frags anyways so I split you up. I hope thats cool with you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
hey this is kind of like the story of the travelling guitar. anyone know what im blabbing about?
not a clue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Isistius and noob your technically in line with eachother but since your brothers you probably share frags anyways so I split you up. I hope thats cool with you.
how dare you make the assumption that i even talk to my brother, let alone share things in my tank.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
(read as: i have pretty much all of his crap and he has all of mine)
that basically sums it up, doesn't it?