the thermos blind trade



Grabbit package arrived! They are in my frag tank now. Guess would be they are the atomic dragon eye as they are many polyps on rock.


Active Member
OK who has pictures of their blind trade stuff? I really want to see them. (the stuff you have recieved)


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I wanna get behind Mr. X lol!!! sdo I can get WMC
i think fats71 is getting the WMC. i'll be sure to cut a piece with multiple mouths from the parent colony


Active Member
the lists as they stand now apparantly I overlooked some one who requested to join many posts ago. the current order stands new additions are at the bottom of the list just so i dont create chaos and confusion.
first a recap of the original post (the guidelines for trading are in this portion)
I did a trade with a member and they sent it in a thermos that had been used for other trades amongst members. there were a couple screen names on it already, I added mine and the person I recieved it from as well as who I was sending it to.
when I sent it out, it was for a thing some of my friends and I do called blind trading. we dont know what we are gettting, the frags are small, but its fun, we try not to trade super commons, usually moderately rare stuff nothing super rare, but uncommon stuff. its fun to not have any idea what your getting. maxalmon now has the thermos. if any one else is interested in joining the blind trade circle, post here, there are never any set dates or any strict guidlines we do singles of rics 3-5 polyps on zoas. stuff like that. nothing huge. (it has to fit in the thermos) I want to see how many SWF names we can cram on this little thermos. and when the thermos runs out of rooms hopefully whoever has it at the time can spare a buck or two and add a little autograph book to the package with the thermos to keep it going. I would have but I didnt think of it untill after I sent off the thermos.
keep in mind you end up doing two trades one to get the thermos and one to send it off on its way. if you cant afford to ship twice PLEASE dont participate as it would halt the thermos's journey around the US of A. and please keep it amongst posters, dont send it to some one who is never going to trade with another member.
there is a chance that you may get something you already have. thats life in a blind trade, its happened to me more than once, but its still fun.
we ship USPS priority, so the coral has to be hardy enough to handle the shipping zoas palys, uncommon shrooms etcetera. try not to ship super commons please. I figure I'll let the thermos go through several trades before jumping back into the loop.
if there are any hang ups or confusion during this run of trades PM me and I will try and sort things out as best I can.
So who wants to play?

the waiting list the newest additions (now the active list as the previous list is complete once morval returns a frag to Grabbit)
rebel pretty boy
shaun larlee
Sula (sorry I missed your original request to join the trade)
Silver Dak
I would like to reiterate that this is for uncommon corals so we can all share harder to get stuff for dirt rate cost, and keep it interesting, please dont request to join if you cant provide an uncommon color or morph or specimen.

my thanks to all who have participated and made this a sucess for the second season so far, I would love to keep this going indefinatly (we will break for extreme weather and pick up again the following spring)


ok matt b is out. silver dak still needs time to fill his tank with tradable corals so would like to be bumped down in the order, clownfish 11 is MIA, so were on to flricordia and grabbit i need ur address. want to ship monday


all packages are in the mail!!!
everyone should have there frags in 2-3 days. tracking #'s will be PM'ed


Active Member
okay well i can send it out today, but with not to much goods..or you can wait a week and I can send it out? which do you want me to do


you might want to wait till monday just in case one of them runs into the weekend and gets stuck sitting somewhere


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
grabbit and floricordia did you guys get ur packages? i know clownfish11 did
I did and the sunpolyp is eating like a little piggy as I type this. Now do I send back to you and to clownfish and/or Grabbit? I knew I knew the way this worked, but now I guess I am getting a bit confused again.