The unfortunate perception of a lot of people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Well, she couldn't identify the Bush Doctrine when asked about it in an interview. I also thought that I specified my reasons in the original post.

Neither could several foreign policy "experts" when asked in such vague terms. There is no official policy listed as the Bush doctrine. Even some of Obama's campaign staff over at MSNBC had to admit that.


Active Member
I can't wait till this is over and the boards can go back to "fish talk" When I came here it was so much fun and a nice place to learn and meet people. But over the last 2-3months i have learned more then I need , or ever wanted to know, about too many people here. I understand that it effects us all , and yes I do talk about it and even debate with friends and family.... but this is just WAYYYYYY too much! every day the same old same old. God bless America and vote for whoever you want!!! My God people stop trying to change each other's mind. Hope to see all of you back on the Fish boards soon!

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Hasn't been mentioned much but she had a child out of wedlock, just like her daughter is about to. This lady is marginally educated, has a husband with a high school education and a DUI history. When she speaks (without a scripted speech), her ignorance is apparent. How can anybody suggest that she is qualified to be the 2nd in charge?

And the Kennedy's are a picture perfect example of how to live a sober life . Let alone their ability to keep their pants on ?


Staff member
Our country would be run by the large metropolitan cities (where the majority of the population is), and the rest of the country would always take a back seat.
The system we have now is the fairest, representative of our nation in its entirety, without the vote going and therefore the presidency being decided entirely by large cities.
Lets face it, large cities have their own lifestyle and concerns, that are not necessarily representative of the nation's population as a whole.


Staff member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
I can't wait till this is over and the boards can go back to "fish talk" When I came here it was so much fun and a nice place to learn and meet people. But over the last 2-3months i have learned more then I need , or ever wanted to know, about too many people here. I understand that it effects us all , and yes I do talk about it and even debate with friends and family.... but this is just WAYYYYYY too much! every day the same old same old. God bless America and vote for whoever you want!!! My God people stop trying to change each other's mind. Hope to see all of you back on the Fish boards soon!
Its the internet, and people tend to be a lot looser with the tongues and opinions online.
There are many hobby related forums on this board. If all you want to do is talk fish for the next few months and avoid the Aquarium, then by all means do, but don't think topics that go on in the Aquarium are what is about, because it is definitely not.
The Aquarium is what you make it. Nothing should be taken too personally here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Its the internet, and people tend to be a lot looser with the tongues and opinions online.
There are many hobby related forums on this board. If all you want to do is talk fish for the next few months and avoid the Aquarium, then by all means do, but don't think topics that go on in the Aquarium are what is about, because it is definitely not.
The Aquarium is what you make it. Nothing should be taken too personally here.
There are plenty of good people giving good info here. Not just the riff-raff in the aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This election is going to be based on perception... and I hope it doesn't... but I think its possible this election will come down to hom much of an impact the 'Bradley Effect' will have. Obama should be ahead given the war in Iraq and ecomomic crisis we are in.... Obama's policies are superior than McCain's in the effect it will have on the middle class and most of the other issues we face... McCain does equal more of the same. There is an elephant in the room that people aren't talking about.
You mean the War we're winning that Obama repeatedly said we weren't?
Economic crisis? Could it possibly be Americans know enough to understand handing over large chunks of our economy to Federal control goes against the fiber of our country?
The elephant is Socialism... I don't care what color it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
.... Reform... yea right.
Let's talk about reform;
One of Obama's leading economic advisors worked for Fanny Mae. In the 6 years there he made over 80 million dollars while cooking the books to allow himself a bonus.
Obama received more money in 3 years than 98 other Senators, many of whom have served far longer terms, from the now struggling M ortgage groups Freddy and Fanny.
Obama has refused to turn over school records from his college days.
Obama is nothing more than a typical Leftist, East Coast Elitist Democrat. Let's not forget how he feels about those Pennsylvanian "gun and Bible carrying" Xenophobes...
Hope=Hype. Nothing more. His policies, once examined, are the failed policies of Carter and Clinton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I think his name is actually "reefraff".

hehe, I guess I kind of walked into that one.
btw Journey. The post is now backing away from their story. They in a nut shell said that they aren't a good source of information.
Apparently in the variety column they were interviewing the guy and he said, he was receiving calls from the Obama campaign about economics and stuff. But the post doesn't consider that valid news... You do have to laugh, you have a news paper saying that they aren't a valid source of information. In order to discredit a McCain add.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Whoa, I disagree with that, his policies are Carter's not Clinton's.....Clinton I could tolerate and give him his due credit where it is warranted, Carter....hmmmm...can't think of a single policy of his that worked yet we want to try it all again.
Rylan, if Obama's policies and message were so superior, why wouldn't he go on the town halls with McCain and debate on a small unscripted venue?
Crimzy, you think Palin isn't intelligent without a teleprompter. yet You will back a guy that utters the word Uhhh, more times in one interview or town hall than in the entire Debbie does dallas p-orn series.
you see
it is
well it is
like this.
we have here...
,,,,,MY GOD WOULD YOU JUST TALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT THE RIGHT THING TO SAY!!! That is why I don't trust him, he spends more time weighing a one word answer than anyone I have ever seen. Dude, the answer is yes or no, how hard is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Whoa, I disagree with that, his policies are Carter's not Clinton's........
Thinking primarily Socialized medicine here.
Originally Posted by darthtang

... Dude, the answer is yes or no, how hard is that?
Asking a guy, who set the record for voting "present", to vote yes or no? That's just mean...


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
With, potentially the oldest incoming president ever, isn't his running mate even more important.
BTW, this lady is a complete nitwit. She didn't even have a passport until just a couple of years ago. Hasn't been mentioned much but she had a child out of wedlock, just like her daughter is about to. This lady is marginally educated, has a husband with a high school education and a DUI history. When she speaks (without a scripted speech), her ignorance is apparent. How can anybody suggest that she is qualified to be the 2nd in charge?
BTW, has anyone else heard that Biden will be bowing out of the election for apparent medical reasons, and will be replaced by Hillary?
Did not Obama come from premarital ---?
Ok, Mr Paliin has a DUI, Mr Ayers bombed the US. Let's compare our friends.
Mr. Obama does not function well off the teleprompter either.
Obama has told us to leave his wife out of the debate, yet Mr. Palin is free game?
It's funny that everything we cannot ask Obama is asked of Palin by the "free press".
I'd not be surprised if Biden bows out, especially after his speech about how much better Hillary would be than him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Let's talk about reform;
One of Obama's leading economic advisors worked for Fanny Mae. In the 6 years there he made over 80 million dollars while cooking the books to allow himself a bonus.
Obama received more money in 3 years than 98 other Senators, many of whom have served far longer terms, from the now struggling M ortgage groups Freddy and Fanny.
Obama is nothing more than a typical Leftist, East Coast Elitist Democrat. Let's not forget how he feels about those Pennsylvanian "gun and Bible carrying" Xenophobes...
Hope=Hype. Nothing more. His policies, once examined, are the failed policies of Carter and Clinton.
I ownder why the press is not reporting on the economic advisors of "change"?


Active Member
Oscar, your comparisons below are pretty much of a stretch on each count.
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Did not Obama come from premarital ---?
I think it's appropriate to judge a person based on his/her own actions and the actions of the children that they have raised/molded and taught their version of values to. What could you possibly assess about Obama if his mother had him out of wedlock?

Ok, Mr Paliin has a DUI, Mr Ayers bombed the US. Let's compare our friends.
I'd say there's a significant difference between a spouse and a political association. Sounds like you're stretching here to support your guy.

Mr. Obama does not function well off the teleprompter either.
I disagree. I think he is pretty articulate when he speaks unrehearsed. I guess the debates will provide more material for us all to scrutinize. And, at the end, we will all probably maintain the same impressions that we have now.

Obama has told us to leave his wife out of the debate, yet Mr. Palin is free game?
The guy is uneducated, was part of an Anti-American group and has a substance related criminal history. These aren't red flags for you? And let's be honest here, if there were these type of character issues with Mrs. Obama, you and your ilk would be killing her on them.

It's funny that everything we cannot ask Obama is asked of Palin by the "free press".
What can't Obama be asked?

I'd not be surprised if Biden bows out, especially after his speech about how much better Hillary would be than him.
It's funny that none of you staunch Republicans can answer my two simple questions... "Is this the 2nd best presidential possibility that the Republicans have? Would you feel comfortable with this lady as president if something happened to McCain?"
It's pretty apparent to me that anybody with the intelligence of a monkey or better is going to answer "No" to both questions, regardless of your party affiliation. Can you imagine this idiot "hockey mom" as President of the United States? It would be like a bad movie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
It's pretty apparent to me that anybody with the intelligence of a monkey or better is going to answer "No" to both questions, regardless of your party affiliation. Can you imagine this idiot "hockey mom" as President of the United States? It would be like a bad movie.

Absolutely, she is a strong conservative, and well has actually ran something, besides being the figure head of a presidential campain. I'd vote for her for president. Why can't you actually answer why you think she is an idiot? Because she supports a pro-life platform? Because she fired people? Because she personifies the American dream? Because she isn't a democrat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
.... Can you imagine this idiot "hockey mom" as President of the United States? It would be like a bad movie.

As opposed to a drug using, chain smoking, failed State Senator with ties to domestic terrorists, Far Left Wing Lobbyist Groups, corrupt business partners, racist religious leaders as "mentors" and political advisers, a spouse who has never been proud of America....
What kind of movies is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Absolutely, she is a strong conservative, and well has actually ran something, besides being the figure head of a presidential campain. I'd vote for her for president. Why can't you actually answer why you think she is an idiot? Because she supports a pro-life platform? Because she fired people? Because she personifies the American dream? Because she isn't a democrat?
My last 3 or 4 posts identified why I think she's an idiot. Go back and read them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My last 3 or 4 posts identified why I think she's an idiot. Go back and read them.
Because her husband has a DUI? She doesn't have a law degree from harvard? And didn't have a passport? wow. brilliant.