The war on terror?


Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Whatever you say TangWispr, whatever you say. I'm not gonna say a word in response to your post because I'll start sayin stuff I shouldn't.
If we were all like you we would truly be in a world of hurt...if you choose to be ignorant, thats your choice, but you might want to look into other things besides what you see on the news channels....closed minded followers is why the country is quickly turning into a 3rd world I said before, you don't have think what I say is the gospel, but it really wouldn't hurt you to investigate other possiblities.

37g joe

popular mecahinics has a great article about how these myths can be easly explained I dont belive tang well be convinced but here you go also here is a pic of debrie found page 6 should help some out alot
popular mechanics article


OK well im not in the mood for typing alot right now so ill jst give everyone my background....I spent 6 years in the United Sates Air force Special Operations Medic(we did missions not only for the air force but for any military branch that had someone who needed rescueing and was in a hard place to get to or needed to be extracted fast)....bascially parachute out of a plane find the downed pilot(or who ever we were after) give him medical attention if he needed it and get the F*** outta there before someone relzes you are there....Anyways i was in Afaghanistan for the first two years of Bush's presidency. During that time alone i lost 5 good friends who should not have died and all because stupid decissions were made by Bush...the previous four years while Clinton was president i was stationed in Isreal and Afgnanistan and did 2-3 missions from each location and never lost one friend during those 4 years...Why??? i think it was because we were never put into bad situations that we had no business being in like what Bush did with us. Also i noticed that when Bush became president that tests of our skill were not required near as often and the acceptable standard was lowered quite a bit. Anyways most people dont think of air force as anything more than air planes and helicopter dropping bombs and that is simply not true there is much more to the air force than planes and helicopters...


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
popular mecahinics has a great article about how these myths can be easly explained I dont belive tang well be convinced but here you go also here is a pic of debrie found page 6 should help some out alot
popular mechanics article

Most of those have been countered by someone else...I really don't know what happened, maybe it was a plane, a missle or a UFO, but we seriously need to question the government and its potential roles in what happens to this country.

37g joe

Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Most of those have been countered by someone else...I really don't know what happened, maybe it was a plane, a missle or a UFO, but we seriously need to question the government and its potential roles in what happens to this country.
to what point it does not matter how much evidence comes forword proving these myths are false people well still belibve in them. and as you read in the pm article you read about how these nuts have harrased the eye witnesses and other people involved also it demoralises are nation. false propoganda is just as bad as terrorism. The fact is even the most liberal senators well tell you 9/11 happened. How aobut the liberals start listening to people like Joe liberman. He is convinced that we need to be in this war to win. When people attack the goverment with these false ideas it demoralises are troops and our standing in the world comunity. I would not be suprsed if some of these people who made up this propoganda where assoiated with bin laden.


Staff member
Lets look at the map.
What stands out in terms of strategy on this map?


Active Member
:thinking: From a tactical perspective, if Syria were to invade Turkey from the rear Greece might help. :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Lets look at the map.
What stands out in terms of strategy on this map?
:thinking: If Syria were to invade Turkey from the rear, Greece might help. :hilarious


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
to what point it does not matter how much evidence comes forword proving these myths are false people well still belibve in them. and as you read in the pm article you read about how these nuts have harrased the eye witnesses and other people involved also it demoralises are nation. false propoganda is just as bad as terrorism. The fact is even the most liberal senators well tell you 9/11 happened. How aobut the liberals start listening to people like Joe liberman. He is convinced that we need to be in this war to win. When people attack the goverment with these false ideas it demoralises are troops and our standing in the world comunity. I would not be suprsed if some of these people who made up this propoganda where assoiated with bin laden.

I wish i could agree, but i see too many inconsistancies with the story the government tells us...keep in mind I fully support our troops so don't think for a second I don't, I just don't support our government which in my opinion is nothing but crooks.

37g joe

vaporise might of not been the correct terminoligy but Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F aluminium melting point is 1220.58 °F whis is what the plane was mostly made up of. if any one has ever accidently droped a pop can in a camp fire which does not even get close to the temp of what happened that day can tell you that if the fire gets hot enough thier well be no traces of the can. even at lower tempetures it becomes a thin ashly like substance. compounded by the mass pressure of the plane crashing shreding the plane up into nice bits perfect for this to occure. thier are the parts of the plane that had highe heat thresholds but peices of the plane have been found. and what about eye witness acounts of people who have seen the plane crash into the pentagon. I guess they where liars huh

37g joe

here are some witness acounts:
Alan Wallace -- firefighter with safety crew at Pentagon's heliport
We have had a commercial carrier crash into the west side of the Pentagon at the heliport, Washington Boulevard side. The crew is OK. The airplane was a 757 Boeing or a 320 Airbus.
Albert Hemphill -- from inside the Naval Annex
Immediately, the large silver cylinder of an aircraft appeared in my window, coming over my right shoulder as I faced the Westside of the Pentagon directly towards the heliport. The aircraft, looking to be either a 757 or Airbus, seemed to come directly over the annex
James S. Robbins -- Robbins, a national-security analyst and 'nationalreviewonline' contributor, watched from his 6th story office window in Arlington
The Pentagon is about a mile and half distant in the center of the tableau. I was looking directly at it when the aircraft struck. The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory, ...
Tim Timmerman -- from 16th floor apartment near National Airport
It was a Boeing 757, American Airlines, no question.
Mike Dobbs -- observed from upper level of outer ring of Pentagon
... looking out the window when he saw an American Airlines 737 twin-engine airliner strike the building.
Terry Morin -- watched from 5th wing of BMDO offices at the old Navy Annex
The plane had a silver body with red and blue stripes down the fuselage. I believed at the time that it belonged to American Airlines, but I couldn't be sure. It looked like a 737 and I so reported to authorities.
Jim Sutherland -- from his car
... saw ... a white 737 twin-engine plane with multicolored trim fly 50 feet over I-395 in a straight line, striking the side of the Pentagon.
Noel Sepulveda --
... saw a commercial airliner coming from the direction of Henderson Hall the Marine Corps headquarters.
Madelyn Zakhem --
... she heard what she thought was a jet fighter directly overhead. It wasn't. It was an airliner coming straight up Columbia Pike at tree-top level. It was huge! It was silver. It was low -- unbelievable! I could see the cockpit.
Joel Sucherman --
Do you know how many engines? - I did not see the engines, I saw the body and the tail; it was a silver jet with the markings along the windows that spoke to me as an American Airlines jet, it was not a commercial, excuse me, a business jet, it was not a Lear jet, ... it was a bigger plane than that.
Dave Winslow -- Winslow is an AP reporter
I saw the tail of a large airliner ... It ploughed right into the Pentagon.
Steve Anderson -- from 19th floor office in USA TODAY building in Arlington
Then it dawned on me what was about to happen. I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange fireball. Then black smoke. Then white smoke.
Jeff and Deb Anlauf -- from 14th floor of Sheraton Hotel, 1.6 miles from explosion
Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window. You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible. Then it shot straight across from where we are and flew right into the Pentagon. It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon).
Gary Bauer -- in car just past exit on 395
We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon.
Mickey Bell -- near trailer in construction zone outside Pentagon
The jet came in from the south and banked left as it entered the building, narrowly missing the Singleton Electric trailer and the on-site foreman, Mickey Bell. Bell had just left the trailer when he heard a loud noise.
Sean Boger -- from heliport control tower
I just looked up and I saw the big nose and the wings of the aircraft coming right at us and I just watched it hit the building. It exploded. I fell to the ground and covered my head. I could actually hear the metal going through the building.
if you want to read tons more acounts goto this site and go down to the botom for different options


Plus where would the missing plane be......and the people....does this sound right to u tangwhisper...A plane crashed into the world trade center....and theres a big hole in the side of the pentagon...on the exact same day...that there were multiple hijackings....hundreds of eye witnesses said it was a 737 boeing...the exact same plane that was missing....american airlines....but all those ppl were lying and u still don't think a plane crashed into it....wake up tang and listen to urself....theres no way that that could happen...cuz if that was the case ppl would have to notice a plane crash somewhere...cuz where else could the plane have gone...


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
here are some witness acounts:

What about all the other accounts...who didn't see a plane...they are all lying? what about not a mark on the lawn where a plane would have skided, what about the light poles? in all prior accidents light poles ripped the wings off, but this plane could take 7 of them and why is the only wreckage a small piece of aluminum fuselage, and a impeller that Ro?
Lets say for arguments sake you are right...why don't the simply release the video from the gas station and the ramada, all the have released is 3 frames showing a fireball.


Originally Posted by Mebanesox7
Plus where would the missing plane be......and the people....does this sound right to u tangwhisper...A plane crashed into the world trade center....and theres a big hole in the side of the pentagon...on the exact same day...that there were multiple hijackings....hundreds of eye witnesses said it was a 737 boeing...the exact same plane that was missing....american airlines....but all those ppl were lying and u still don't think a plane crashed into it....wake up tang and listen to urself....theres no way that that could happen...cuz if that was the case ppl would have to notice a plane crash somewhere...cuz where else could the plane have gone...

You're right...the government has never covered anything up and all politians are honest as well....people like you make this country really suck....just follow your appointed taxes and die.


I'm done with this post...some of you people just amaze me...whats great about this forum is we all have our own opinions, ideas and thoughts....You're not gonna change the way I feel and likewise I'm not gonna change how you whole point to this argument is take off the blinders and look at other possibliltes...whatever or whoever caused 911 doesn't matter, there were lots of people injured and killed, and we as a country unite for what...a few months??? I just proves how much this place sucks, people can't use the garbage, they throw crap on the street, people lie, cheat and steal, and hey if you can't keep your legs closed, its ok, we'll support you and your 4 kids....seriously...the USA is a turd. Untill people get off there asses and do something, stand up for whats right instead of not wanting to hurt someones feelings in gonna continue its downward spiral.

37g joe

Originally Posted by TangWhispr
whatever or whoever caused 911 doesn't matter,
talking about loose change well buddy you have some loose wires. also the coment what about people who did not see anything. why dont we take thier accounts because they saw nothing. if a burgarlar comes into a store and robs it. you have 5 people who saw the rober and one who did not you dont say well because this guy wasnt paying attention we are gonna discount the other 5 witnesses. hey tang if you ever get in a car accident call me up i well be one of the witnesses who did not see anything. :notsure: :notsure:

37g joe

tang so do you believe al qaeda had nothing to do with it even though they tookk 100% responsibility


i dissagree with tang, about the plane never crashing but i do feel theres something fishy with it
i also dont see why we give israel 6.some billion a year to buy us some enemies
and them killing 900 people... only 55 of them being hezbollah fighters is a horrible statistic
they got them self into something that they thought they were gonna breeze through... its not turning out that way
for hezbollah not loosing is winning and thats what there doing and for to israel to think they can "destroy" hezbollah has got to be up there with the most retarded ideas ive heard...
when they bomb using there sophisticated equipment that we gave them, and miss killing civilians there only breeding more hate towards israel...
just my thoughts


joshd thats awesome your bro was able to get them but also you should be sensitive to the issue that maybe one of those people were not responsible for those bombs?
that would suck horribly
my cousins were living in riyadh at some american complex when that big bomb exploded in 94'? they lived 15 minutes away and saw the smoke coming up from it
scary stuff

37g joe

Originally Posted by akbuuur
i dissagree with tang, about the plane never crashing but i do feel theres something fishy with it
i also dont see why we give israel 6.some billion a year to buy us some enemies
and them killing 900 people... only 55 of them being hezbollah fighters is a horrible statistic
they got them self into something that they thought they were gonna breeze through... its not turning out that way
for hezbollah not loosing is winning and thats what there doing and for to israel to think they can "destroy" hezbollah has got to be up there with the most retarded ideas ive heard...
when they bomb using there sophisticated equipment that we gave them, and miss killing civilians there only breeding more hate towards israel...
just my thoughts
so do you think israel should do nothing? thats what thier enemies want them to do they want the world to put so much scrutiny on them that they well become compleetly impotent. the fact is everything thats going on now hapened 1400 years ago when the former eastern roman empire was attacked. north africa, constantanople, and spain thought they could make allies and hold back the wave only spain finally did.