The war on terror?


Ishaq is not a surah in the Qur'an and I know nothing of it.
The fact that you do none of your own research to try to make another religion look bad is a reflection of yourself. All of those passages from the Qur'an and not any other book
have a meaning behind them. If you know nothing on a subject except a few headlines what good is bringing it up in the first place. Basically what I'm saying is you have no foundation for anything. You claim to have read the Qur'an. Funny thing is those quotes are already researched by another anti-islamist all ready to go. You have no legitimacy. The books listed other than the Qur'an I have nothing to do with. BTW racism in Islam... the third person to convert to Islam was black. However hows racism on your end? How are the hooded meetings going?
As for your claim of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) attacking caravans could you give me a source? A credible one would be nice but I won't get my hopes up.


Active Member

Originally Posted by akbuuur
Ishaq is not a surah in the Qur'an and I know nothing of it.
The fact that you do none of your own research to try to make another religion look bad is a reflection of yourself. All of those passages from the Qur'an and not any other book
have a meaning behind them. If you know nothing on a subject except a few headlines what good is bringing it up in the first place. Basically what I'm saying is you have no foundation for anything. You claim to have read the Qur'an. Funny thing is those quotes are already researched by another anti-islamist all ready to go. You have no legitimacy. The books listed other than the Qur'an I have nothing to do with. BTW racism in Islam... the third person to convert to Islam was black. However hows racism on your end? How are the hooded meetings going?
As for your claim of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) attacking caravans could you give me a source? A credible one would be nice but I won't get my hopes up.
If Islam is a religion of peace then why do terrorists continually delare each act of violence in the name of Islam or Allah? they perpetuate the idea that Islam is not a religion of peace through their actions. And the Islamic leaders support them instead of discouraging it. You dont hear the same being done in the name of any other religion. Im certainly no expert on world or religious history and wont pretend to know 1/2 of what you guys may know but this seems to be the case in plain view.
Joe, I wasnt on the moon either but believe we went there. How can you be sure that what you have been told to this point about anything is true without first questioning authority? authority provides a perception, and for most, perception is reality but how do you know its accurate until you question it? the truth comes from questioning authority. IMO freedom also means free thought. I would rather form my own conclusions or opinions without being told how to think.


If Islam is a religion of peace then why do terrorists continually delare each act of violence in the name of Islam or Allah? they perpetuate the idea that Islam is not a religion of peace through their actions. And the Islamic leaders support them instead of discouraging it. You dont hear the same being done in the name of any other religion. Im certainly no expert on world or religious history and wont pretend to know 1/2 of what you guys may know but this seems to be the case in plain view.
The fact is that where ever there is ignorance or lack of schooling and education there is obviously going to be a high amount of misjudgment and people who are "quick to act". For example right on this forum you have A3NIMA21 who doesn't care what anyone has to say but is stuck in his beliefs that every Muslim is a _______. If you look at Rwanda and the mass genocide there was lack of education. Another example, in Rwanda, the Lord's Resistance Army. As you most certainly known bad news is news that sells and unfortunately for us Muslims were just the jackpot right now. Our country can make anyone look good or bad in the eyes of the general public because they know the general public is too busy with America's Next Top Model and American Idol. I even admit it, I don't like hearing about the atrocities around the world because it is down right depressing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by akbuuur
The fact is that where ever there is ignorance or lack of schooling and education there is obviously going to be a high amount of misjudgment and people who are "quick to act". For example right on this forum you have A3NIMA21 who doesn't care what anyone has to say but is stuck in his beliefs that every Muslim is a _______. If you look at Rwanda and the mass genocide there was lack of education. Another example, in Rwanda, the Lord's Resistance Army. As you most certainly known bad news is news that sells and unfortunately for us Muslims were just the jackpot right now. Our country can make anyone look good or bad in the eyes of the general public because they know the general public is too busy with America's Next Top Model and American Idol. I even admit it, I don't like hearing about the atrocities around the world because it is down right depressing.
Then educate. But first ask yourself why someone with a brain would think that way. Forgive me if I sound condescending I dont mean too. But in order to change the perspective view of the Islamic faith. Its leaders both religious and governmental should start by condeming such acts of terrorism the way the Pope has for example. Maybe then they will realize that their silence is what promotes misunderstanding. Why would the leaders of any religion of peace idlely remain silent when its strongest supporters are giving it the reputation for violence. Attacking the innocent in the name of Islam? how else could this be taken?
This is why IMO many people in the free world see Islam as a violent religion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by akbuuur
What else do you want it seems you will only be happy when you hear the words "islam is bad" come out. Your quite funny maybe theres some invisible font your typing your questions in.

Thank you ... and nice job tap dancing around the subject.
Have another sip of Kool aid and try again.


Active Member
How many wars have been in the name of Christianity again? And doesn't Bush believe God wanted him to be in office?


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
How many wars have been in the name of Christianity again? And doesn't Bush believe God wanted him to be in office?
Who knows? But I dont hear the Pope calling for a Jihad every day either. Or Buddist monks running into restaurants injuring innocent people. And our country wasnt attacked by a team of trained Omish rebels either.


But in order to change the perspective view of the Islamic faith. its leaders both religious and governmental should start by condeming such acts of terrorism the way the Pope has for example.
When the the soviet union invaded afghanistan who supported bin laden? Who supports saudia rabia, a country on extremist law today? Who helped bring about the rise of Sadaam? Who sold weapons to both Iranians and Iraqis during the 8 year long Iran-Iraq war? You also have to look at the pyschological effects of the wars that have been going on through out the middle east. For example the Germans fell under the spell of Hitler so easily was because they themselves had gone through so much, seeing death and destruction to their families and fathers that they wanted to put an end to this. But in anycase bring forth these leaders you speak of that call for the killing of innocents in the name of Islam.


Active Member
Once again.
I dont hear the Pope calling for a Jihad every day either. Or Buddist monks running into restaurants injuring innocent people. And our country wasnt attacked by a team of trained Omish rebels either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by akbuuur
When the the soviet union invaded afghanistan who supported bin laden? Who supports saudia rabia, a country on extremist law today? Who helped bring about the rise of Sadaam? Who sold weapons to both Iranians and Iraqis during the 8 year long Iran-Iraq war? You also have to look at the pyschological effects of the wars that have been going on through out the middle east. For example the Germans fell under the spell of Hitler so easily was because they themselves had gone through so much, seeing death and destruction to their families and fathers that they wanted to put an end to this. But in anycase bring forth these leaders you speak of that call for the killing of innocents in the name of Islam.

And none of it was done in the name of Christianity or Judism or Buddism ...
The terrorists who attacked us did so in the name of Islam, the terrorists were trained in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran have done absoloutly nothing since then, the leaders of Islam have done nothing to condem these acts since then.


You can continue to use your magnifying glass and stare down at a select group of extremist or you can look at the big picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by akbuuur
You can continue to use your magnifying glass and stare down at a select group of extremist or you can look at the big picture.
Nice try. Once again... So why havent the leaders of Islam condemed these acts? In the mean time please accept another glass of:

37g joe


Originally Posted by akbuuur
Ishaq is not a surah in the Qur'an and I know nothing of it.
The fact that you do none of your own research to try to make another religion look bad is a reflection of yourself. All of those passages from the Qur'an and not any other book
have a meaning behind them. If you know nothing on a subject except a few headlines what good is bringing it up in the first place. Basically what I'm saying is you have no foundation for anything. You claim to have read the Qur'an. Funny thing is those quotes are already researched by another anti-islamist all ready to go. You have no legitimacy. The books listed other than the Qur'an I have nothing to do with. BTW racism in Islam... the third person to convert to Islam was black. However hows racism on your end? How are the hooded meetings going?
As for your claim of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) attacking caravans could you give me a source? A credible one would be nice but I won't get my hopes up.
first you ask me to show sorces and then you tell me to do my own work I have not written a book on islam but swoed you enough and others the truth. also I have taken class on islam so I guess its more then simple research.
Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, provides the sole account of Muhammad’s life and the formation of Islam written within 200 years of the prophet’s death. It is a Hadith collection, comprised of oral reports from Muhammad and his companions. There is no earlier or more accurate source. While the character, message, and deeds portrayed within its pages are the antithesis of Christ’s and his disciples, the Sira’s chronological presentation is as indispensable to Muslims as are the Gospels to Christians. The Qur’an can’t be understood or followed without it.
ishaq also issac one of the prophets of islam you should know this if you have done any studing its sad that I know more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
And none of it was done in the name of Christianity or Judism or Buddism ...
Well, that would depend on how you want to look at it or how they look at it....
There is a much bigger picture, a lot of histiry. He!!, you could go all the way back to when Abraham kicked Ishmael out of the his family.
Its like two brothers fighting over Daddy's will....
The Arabs remember all this, they have lived thru it..
Isralite's wars conquering the Palistinians
Romans conquering Arabia, Palitsine and Juda
The Crusades, Crusades, and Crusades
Western nations exploting the land in WWII
and then there is the United Nations setting up the state of Israel in '47
and the 6 day war where Israel took more land from the Palistinians then the Partitioning Agreement allowed
The on going occupation of the Palistinain's territory since
Then theres Nixon's Shaw
And Carter ???
Reagan trading rockets with drug money to Iran/hezbala for the hostages
then playing toy soilder with Iraq and Iran as revenge
Abandoning Afganistan after Russia pulled out
Saudi Arabia pi$$ing off BinLaudin by calling their oil buddy Bush1 to come defend the oil feilds from Sadam who he wouldnt take out because he helped put him in power when they were in the CIA
Clinton scewing up Bosnia and refusing to make his Justice dept. take BinLaden prisner
And now Bush2 in Iraq and not doing anything about the Road Map, ha a joke, he does not want peace there any more the the Israel Goverment does.
And who knows what else, the Arabs know more than any regular American citizen could/can.
All this done or suported by the West ( who the Arabs see as mostly Christains )
Western manipulations of their natural resorces and Goverments by western goverments and corporations....
American politics supports Isreal no matter what, money, weapons, never with any consern to the Arabs as they see it.
And the hatered is inflamed by extreamist religous leaders preaching up a furry...
Just as many extream religous Christain Zionism ( haha, whatever they call themselfs ) leaders in America preach up a furry of hate and beat the war drums because they beleive Israel should be protected for the Jews no matter what because thats the will of God....
May think Im sound anti-semetic or pro-terrorist but I am not, And I am not saying that Arab goverments and leaders have no blame in any of this either. They do. But to ask if any of this has done in the name of Christianity, well alot has been done 'by' so called Christain nations. In the name of WHAT ?? Land, oil, peace, money, Isreal, votes, power ???? You tell me.
I just know that its all been handle badly over the time and still being handled badly now and that I understand why theres alot of angry people over there and now over here too.
IMO, the world is has and still is handling the whole issue wrong and now its just gotten to a point were no one remembers why or how it all go so messed up in the first place, or cares.....


Nice try. Once again... So why havent the leaders of Islam condemed these acts? In the mean time please accept another glass of:
Its easy not opening your eyes to see whats going on.
As for you 37gJoe yes I know Ishaq was a prophet but the bottom line is its not in the qur'an the book you sited is a sunni book that I have nothing to do with as I am shia. All those pictures you put up are of extremists that the US helped bring about most of them probably come from Saudi Arabia go look up wahabi(i think thats how you spell it). They are comparable to the evangelicals of christianity and I have nothing to do with them.

How about abortion clinic bombings?
I like my 7-up thank you very much.

37g joe

Originally Posted by akbuuur
Its easy not opening your eyes to see whats going on.
As for you 37gJoe yes I know Ishaq was a prophet but the bottom line is its not in the qur'an the book you sited is a sunni book that I have nothing to do with as I am shia. All those pictures you put up are of extremists that the US helped bring about most of them probably come from Saudi Arabia go look up wahabi(i think thats how you spell it). They are comparable to the evangelicals of christianity and I have nothing to do with them.

How about abortion clinic bombings?
I like my 7-up thank you very much.

so you dont follow the hadith? beacuase thats what ishaq is apart of also first you say you have never heard of ishaq then you sya that you have?
and the picture you have abouve that shows the people with the Ied poster is a church that has a few hundred folowers who hate pretty much evcery other church and I would not be oposed to thier leaders sharing cells in gutoninmo