the worst christmas gift !!!!


Disregarding the fact I told everybody not to get me anything, one family member bought me 2 movies i've already seen many times.
wow. sometimes I wonder why, if men hate women so much, they bother to court and marry us at all?
Anyway, I'm still trying to decide what to do with the Dancing pig figurine that I got for Christmas. LOL!! I dont even like Pigs!!!


I know I'm dating myself with this, but ...
One Christmas I really wanted a Transformer (yea I'm over 30 so whAT!). My Great Grandmother got me just that...except it was the electrical kind. You know glass and metal and stuff (I'm not very handy either). The thing is I loved it because she tried. She was 80+ at the time and by Gosh she was going to get me what I wanted whether she understood or not. God I miss her. A few years later, as senility set in, she gave me a roll of pennies. It was a tradition that I always got a gift from her and a roll of quarters. Well she forgot what coins were what.
Shoot! Her or my grandparents could give me a lump of dog doodle if they were just here to give it!

30-xtra high

Active Member
i'm in 9nth grade, and my orchestra had a christmas gaME WHEN YOU ALL BUY A PRESENT AND PUT IT IN the middle and we all pick one ( sorry bout caps accidently hit cap lock), i gave a box of tick-tacks
, and i got a crossword puzzle cut out of a newspaper. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
I know I'm dating myself with this, but ...
One Christmas I really wanted a Transformer (yea I'm over 30 so whAT!). My Great Grandmother got me just that...except it was the electrical kind. You know glass and metal and stuff (I'm not very handy either). The thing is I loved it because she tried. She was 80+ at the time and by Gosh she was going to get me what I wanted whether she understood or not. God I miss her. A few years later, as senility set in, she gave me a roll of pennies. It was a tradition that I always got a gift from her and a roll of quarters. Well she forgot what coins were what.
Shoot! Her or my grandparents could give me a lump of dog doodle if they were just here to give it!
thats funny , i still have my transformers and i gave them to my son to play with , i thought it was pretty cool


New Member
One year my grandmother gave me a casino prize as a christmas gift with the staff's signatures.Thanks grandma