There is no such thing as good versus evil


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
we all sin are you saying you are a saint
Sainthood is not on my to do list. That said, I live a good life, love my family, provide, love, laugh, forgive, forget and thank Lugh!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I don't know about you, but I'm just going to take my chances on being a good person.
well you kind of blew it on this thread, good luck to you


Originally Posted by Jmick
Sainthood is not on my to do list. That said, I live a good life, love my family, provide, love, laugh, forgive, forget and thank Lugh!
Apparently that will get us a pass to hell.


Active Member
Being a Catholic, we are taught that we don't know who will go to heaven or who will go to hell. It's God's decision. Nonbelievers who have lived a good life might go to heaven...we don't know for sure. Maybe nobody has made it to heaven, or maybe everyone has; I guess we will know when we die.

As for those before Jesus, we believe that nobody was allowed into heaven (Jesus opened the "gates"). Everyone before him was either held in hell, or some other place. When Jesus died, he freed the souls of the just, and then rose from the dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I don't know about you, but I'm just going to take my chances on being a good person.
As am I, I would rather have my kids remember me as a great dad and my wife as a great husband and my friends as a fun guy to have a few drinks with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Sainthood is not on my to do list. That said, I live a good life, love my family, provide, love, laugh, forgive, forget and thank Lugh!
im sure your a great person and im not judgeing you in any way


Originally Posted by reefreak29
well you kind of blew it on this thread, good luck to you

What, that was me being a good person. And I think now that you've judged me your going to hell. I don't think it's your job to judge me. Geez you're really going to have some repenting to do.


Originally Posted by Darknes
Being a Catholic, we are taught that we don't know who will go to heaven or who will go to hell. It's God's decision. Nonbelievers who have lived a good life might go to heaven...we don't know for sure.
As for those before Jesus, we believe that nobody was allowed into heaven (Jesus opened the "gates"). Everyone before him was either held in hell, or some other place. When Jesus died, he freed the souls of the just, and then rose from the dead.
At least I can agree with that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
As for those before Jesus, we believe that nobody was allowed into heaven (Jesus opened the "gates"). Everyone before him was either held in hell, or some other place. When Jesus died, he freed the souls of the just, and then rose from the dead.

that is correct


Originally Posted by Jmick
As am I, I would rather have my kids remember me as a great dad and my wife as a great husband and my friends as a fun guy to have a few drinks with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
What, that was me being a good person. And I think now that you've judged me your going to hell. I don't think it's your job to judge me. Geez you're really going to have some repenting to do.
yeah ill make sure i give myself 10 lashes tonight


Originally Posted by reefreak29
yeah ill make sure i give myself 10 lashes tonight

I was thinking get in an arena with a lion, but that didn't work out so well for chriistians the first time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I was thinking get in an arena with a lion, but that didn't work out so well for chriistians the first time.
Did you know that they imported Wolfhounds from Ireland to the Arena...that I would pay money to see. I believe the baited them against mastiffs, which were hardly Ron Mexico would have loved it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I was thinking get in an arena with a lion, but that didn't work out so well for chriistians the first time.
so what you think christians should be killed now thats nice


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Well, according to your fellow Christians there wasn't talk everywhere and it was an underground movement (would be curious how that assumption was made). Perhaps the Idol that was Jesus/figure head of Christianity was much more powerful then the man who may have lived and embellishing stories/tales was a benefit?
So has the burden of proof in this discussion...when it comes to historical evidence I don't think it's me. Hearsay is hearsay and until you have something of substance your points are rather mute. Answer these four questions.
Why are there no writings of Jesus that date to the TIME HE LIVED?
Why no sculptures, drawings or paintings?
Why did it take so long after his death to write the gospels and why in Greek, instead of either Latin or Hebrew?
Finally, why are Christians so desperate to find physical evidence of Jesus...the Shroud of Turin, the Burial Box of James and the Fictional Letters of Pontius Pilate?
The entire NT was written within 60 years of the death of Jesus. You keep saying you want "contempory" writings.... From a historical scolastic approach this is contemporay.
I already mentioned; The significant first century churches and crosses are a form of evidence.
I'm not at all interested in finding physical proof. Nor are anyone I know...


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Then why do Baptists still use this ritual?
Baptists don't.
Bsptists use "Baptism" the way Acts describes it; as an outward expression of your faith neccessary for membership into the church.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Ok seriously, this is like the 5th time I've seen this it's OUR not ARE. If I was God I would pick a different defender of my name.
Agent; Enough with the personal attacks.


Active Member
Ok... I finally read through the entire thread and I'm locking it.
Discussions are great; and this one lasted longer than normal. Unfortunately at the point where we go from discussing facts and beliefs to attacking each other the thread is lost.
As always, a reminder to all; This is a forum on the WWW. Not everyone is going to believe the same way you do. We do not require folks to think a like, but we do require civility.