Originally Posted by Murph
For the return pump I would suggest mag drives. I have been through more than a few return pumps and mag drive and capcom brands have been the only ones that have lasted.
If you want to run two 600 gph hang on overflows a mag 9.5 should do the trick. Overkill on the pump GPH wise is better than purchasing too weak a pump. If the pump is to much GPH for the overflows you can always rig a ball valve to direct some flow back to the sump.
To weak of a pump and you will find that the U tubes on the overflow will begin to collect air at the tops of the u tubes. This can lead to siphon break and this is your major concern as far as water on the floor. Otherwise these hang on overflows are 99 percent reliable and will function fine even with power disruptions.
On your return line from the pump drill a small hole in the pipe just under water level of your display. This is your siphon break (necessary in only the return line from pump) in case of power outage.
The overflow in the picture is fine. I would avoid the CPR brand which are more expensive and from what I hear much more prone to siphon break problems due to there reliance on a air lift pump to operate.
For start up have your hang ons plumbed and U tubes primed. Have sump filled to capacity. Turn on return pump. You will notice water level in sump fall some what. Make sure no air is trapped in U tubes and overflows are draining. If water level in DT starts to get high and looks like its going to come over edge of display turn off pump. This means return pump is to strong for overflows and you will have to rig up a ball valve to direct some of the flow back to sump rather than up to DT.
Hopefully this wont happen you will be good to go. Now just let system run and observe for a few minutes. Make sure U tubes have good siphon and any air bubbles are quickly drawen through and down to sump. If not your pump is to weak and air will collect in top of U tubes risking siphon break and water on floor.
Ok provided everything has gone well to this point take note of the water level in your sump. It should have fallen somewhat. Take a black marker and draw a line at this water level on the side of your sump. This is your top off point when adding water. Do not exceed it.
Now for the fun part. Simulate power outage by unplugging return pump. You should here the hole you drilled in your return line suck a little air. This is your siphon break working as planned. Now wait as overflows drain down to the level you have set your inside tank boxes to and then stop draining. The water level in your sump should have returned to capacity without coming over the edge.
If all went as planned your done. Plug return pump back in and sit down and enjoy your tank for awhile.
but were do i get the mag drive pump?
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