Hey all.
Not sure what to do here. My favorite fish, BlueDot Puffer (about 2-3 inches long, 20g hex tank) hasn't looked too great the last week or so. 6 days ago, I was worried about him because he was breathing a little heavy and looked pale. So I did a water measurement, and the results were as follows:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Hydrometer: 1.025
Nitrate: 20 (used to be 100, when the test bottle was blood red)
PH: 7.8
Seeing that everything was pretty good, I was confused. Obviously the nitrate could be better, but it was way better than it used to be, and the puffer thrived through that mess. I figured the pH could use a little improvement, so I put in a small amount of PH UP from API. I don't think it's the water quality that's doing anything to him, because the inverts in the tank (Chocolate Chip Starfish been in there as long as him, and the hermits 2 months longer) are fine and going everywhere.
Other than that I've been feeding him as I normally would, but he's been hesitant to eat or even come near me as he used to do.
He's also taken a lot longer to wake up the last couple days than he used to. He took so long to wake up today that the Starfish actually made his way over to him and put an arm on top of him to wake him up. His current state is he's been swimming ocassionally but spends most of the time hiding under a rock (nothing too close to the ground, kinda like standing under an awning) or actually sitting on top of the rock, at which time he breathes the most noticeably.
I tried thowing in a half of a frozen pea in case he's constipated, but he didn't go for it.
He's been in my tank for 4 months now and looked good the whole time until now. I don't know what to do. I don't see any spots on him like parasites or anything, but I put in some ich/parasite medicine anyway just in case.
Talked it over with my friend a little, and he brought up a few points:
1) Using the PH Up may have done something, as I should have tried to raise pH with crushed coral rather than chemicals.
2) He's been eating snails in my tank, maybe one of those was sick?
Along the lines of the PH Up, I was thinking that maybe my course of using Nitrate reducer in addition to water changes was not a good way to reduce nitrate?
Any help would be appreciated.
Not sure what to do here. My favorite fish, BlueDot Puffer (about 2-3 inches long, 20g hex tank) hasn't looked too great the last week or so. 6 days ago, I was worried about him because he was breathing a little heavy and looked pale. So I did a water measurement, and the results were as follows:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Hydrometer: 1.025
Nitrate: 20 (used to be 100, when the test bottle was blood red)
PH: 7.8
Seeing that everything was pretty good, I was confused. Obviously the nitrate could be better, but it was way better than it used to be, and the puffer thrived through that mess. I figured the pH could use a little improvement, so I put in a small amount of PH UP from API. I don't think it's the water quality that's doing anything to him, because the inverts in the tank (Chocolate Chip Starfish been in there as long as him, and the hermits 2 months longer) are fine and going everywhere.
Other than that I've been feeding him as I normally would, but he's been hesitant to eat or even come near me as he used to do.
He's also taken a lot longer to wake up the last couple days than he used to. He took so long to wake up today that the Starfish actually made his way over to him and put an arm on top of him to wake him up. His current state is he's been swimming ocassionally but spends most of the time hiding under a rock (nothing too close to the ground, kinda like standing under an awning) or actually sitting on top of the rock, at which time he breathes the most noticeably.
I tried thowing in a half of a frozen pea in case he's constipated, but he didn't go for it.
He's been in my tank for 4 months now and looked good the whole time until now. I don't know what to do. I don't see any spots on him like parasites or anything, but I put in some ich/parasite medicine anyway just in case.
Talked it over with my friend a little, and he brought up a few points:
1) Using the PH Up may have done something, as I should have tried to raise pH with crushed coral rather than chemicals.
2) He's been eating snails in my tank, maybe one of those was sick?
Along the lines of the PH Up, I was thinking that maybe my course of using Nitrate reducer in addition to water changes was not a good way to reduce nitrate?
Any help would be appreciated.