Thinking of Starting an Aggressive Tank... Suggestions Wanted...

clown boy

Active Member
Hello, all!

I've got a big Penguin Bio-Wheel sitting in a cupboard in my laundry room and a 55 gallon tank sitting empty in my Guest House. I am considering starting an agressive tank with them.
Can any of you give me suggestions for a good 55 gallon FOWLR Aggressive stock list?
Thanks in advance.


dwarf lionfish, ribbon eel (Very cool!), etc... make sure that you know the compatibility before you strat stocking. Bets of luck!!!!


A ribbon eel would probably be a very bad idea. Do a search on this species, it does not do well in captivity and usually perishes. It is a challenge to say the least to get them to eat.
A SFE and dwarf lionfish are good suggestions.


I'm stocking my 55 aggressive, and so far I have a green chromis, spotted puffer, christmas wrasse, and a SFE. People here keep telling me that my inverts won't last, but so far the puffer only messes with the snails. I have multiple hermits, two EC's, pincushion urchin, and a Sally Lightfoot he doesn't mess with. That could change of course. The wrasse may start at them, but my daughter just called me and told me he was floating on the bottom of the tank (just put him in yesterday. Such is the life of ordering online). If my levels don't get too high, and the tank doesn't get too messy, next month I may add a Coral Beauty or a Maroon Clown. Either those or a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
So a puffer would work with what I have? I really like them...

Maybe a Valentini...I think thats the spelling...
Most puffers will outgrow that tank sooner rather then later..

vegas made

Originally Posted by Clown Boy
hmm... ok.
What about a trigger?
I actually saw a Porcupine Puffer in a 55 gallon cube tank before...

i currently have a porcupine puffer in my 60 gallon it is still a juvi but he likes it right now and i am going to upgrade real soon but imo it would be fine as long as you put the puffers in at the same time or one shortly after the other becuase they are territorial and anything that comes in after them they will try and punk them especially if they are smaller then them

clown boy

Active Member
Ok, here is my wish list at the moment...
Tomato Clownfish
.... uh... that's it at the moment... I have a few more questions.
Are there any triggers that would work in a 55 gallon?
Also... what about a Flame Hawkfish? I really like them...
Are you all sure that I can't have a Porcupine Puffer in a 55 gallon long tank?


A Humu Humu Trigger could work in a 55. They're fitted for an aggressive tank. Just remember with the real aggressive fish like triggers and puffers, you won't be able to keep many inverts, if any at all. You could start with a juvi porc puffer, and it probably wouldn't outgrow the tank for a year or two. But if you add it and a trigger to the tank, you probably couldn't more than one or two more fish in that size tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
What about a Clown Trigger? I have seen them in 55 gallon cube tanks...
Triggers get rather large...I have seen a Humu that was about 7"
Imagine that in a 55...unless you were going to upgrade...But we all know how that goes..