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And your point about Iraq proves my point... when the war was authorized it was to go after WMD. Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq at the time, they were based in Afganistan/Pakistan, places we have neglected. McCain has even said recently that the 'reasons' why we are in Iraq was wrong and that our intelligence was incorrect. Iraq had nothing to do with liberation... and as a citizen of the world, I am more applaud that we allow/accept the genocide in Darfur and Congo. The Iraq war was more about the Bush legacy and oil, than any of the things you mentioned.
I believe you to be the one "blindly following a canidate" because you ignore or down play all the problems we face as a nation and in the world. The passing of the Mortage Bill is very important, and it passed because both parties voted for it... This is not about political afflitiation, but much needed solutions to the very real problems we face..and it does have an impact in the bigger picture.. The greatest national security threat we face is the threat to our financial markets.. I don't believe it's terrorists directly... We have the military power to fight wars, but do we have the solutions to get out of the mess that truly affects are everyday lives?
You're not getting my message. It's not about who's the best candidate. It's not about what are the most important issues. It's about finding our own answers. You are simply repeating things that have been said over and over again by the media, left wing talk shows, and the Obama camp.
I commend you for getting involved. I applaud you for voting. But you seem more interested in arguing than learning. You're so busy defending the democratic point of view that when you read a republican point of view instead of letting it bounce around inside your skull a few times you are already pre-occupied with writing your rebuttal in your mind. And most of those rebuttals are copy and paste edits from whatever liberal talk show you obviously listen to.
I especially want to address this comment of yours.
"I believe you to be the one "blindly following a canidate" because you ignore or down play all the problems we face as a nation and in the world."
I am casting my vote primarily based on one issue, because I believe it to be the most important issue concerning American History as it will be viewed looking back on this election. It is an issue I think I am well informed on. It is an issue I can hardly be accused of ignoring. I am casting my vote based on a deep and meaningful heartfelt belief that we not only have an obligation to our own citizens as Americans to win the Global War on Terrorism but an even bigger obligation to secure religious freedom, provide personal freedom, and restore human rights to the citizens of Iraq. I served in our armed forces. I made three trips to the Middle East. My family did not downplay anything. We made the choice to sacrifice a degree of our own freedom to fight to give the citizens of Iraq a sliver of what we have been blessed enough to be given by God.
Your support for Obama is not wrong, it's non-objective. Your lack of support for McCain is not wrong, and it is even understandable. But your constant attacks on your President show your lack of patriotism. Get behind your leader. If Barrack Obama wins I will support him and maybe even follow him into battle again.
So next time you're in your vehicle driving to a sales meeting and you're listening to your favorite liberal talk show, do me a favor. Imagine another life. Imagine leaving your wife and children that you love with all of your heart for months at a time. Imagine trading in your suits for cammies. Imagine trading your ink pen for a rifle. And imagine just when you think you're about to meet your enemy and have to use that rifle instead meeting the citizens you are helping. Imagine shaking their hands and seeing the look of relief in their eyes when they thank you for coming to free them from a tyranny we Americans thought did not exist in this world.
And then ask yourself this question. Are you defending an ideal that you have been sold, or are you defending a belief that was born in your heart of truths that you saw with your own two eyes? God bless you for voting, and I hope you will continue to keep an open heart and an open mind from now until election day!