This guy wants to be president?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
It also seems that Bush Admin are adopting some of Obama's policy plans.... Bush has talked about a "timeline", and have also began talks with Iran, as well as more troops to Afganistan.
No bush has been saying for longer than Obama has even been senator, that we will be there till the they can take care of themselves. And at that point we can start bringing troops home, so after the success of the (obama opposed) surge, now their is some stability that will allow for us to begin withdrawing victoriously. There is no bush is tailoring to obama. It is simply assinine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
no he called them states, not territories. And with 3 or 4 more to go... But don't worry he did top himself. He said "the people I will be working with for the next 8-10 years" (insinuating as president)...
This is irrelevant... the # of places that vote for the president is the # that counts... and I think he said we've had "x" number of contests.. don't remember... but I would put greater importance in things like Sunni and Shitte, and Czechlovakia... than states vs territories.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
No bush has been saying for longer than Obama has even been senator, that we will be there till the they can take care of themselves. And at that point we can start bringing troops home, so after the success of the (obama opposed) surge, now their is some stability that will allow for us to begin withdrawing victoriously. There is no bush is tailoring to obama. It is simply assinine.
No, he and Iraqi president have had discussion of a timeline of 20 months... which is very similar to Obama's of 16. The Iraqi president has said "off the record" that he perfers Obama.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Anyone else find it interesting that he said he was a "citizen of the world" and based more importance on that than being a us citizen.
It is more important... being human comes before nationality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Seriously, what do you really expect from an extreemist liberal running for office.
Anyone think it is funny that he is still against the surge, but he suggests a "surge" of 10,000 troops in afghanistan.
Makes me laugh.
I agree with Jmick however, and have mentioned this in a thread, what can he possibly learn by going over their that he could have learned in the usa. It is just silly.
Well the Taliban have control again and it is a sancturary for Al Qaeda... Isn't this the place that birthed 9/11... I think we have lost sight of why we went to war in the 1st place.... and who actually was responsible for our anger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is irrelevant... the # of places that vote for the president is the # that counts... and I think he said we've had "x" number of contests.. don't remember... but I would put greater importance in things like Sunni and Shitte, and Czechlovakia... than states vs territories.
I'm not saying don't vote because, more of a lets laugh at his gaff. I find it however highly ironic that you still are trying to justify a man running for president refering to 57 states or 10 years in office...
Why can't you accept at face value that the guy was really tired and made himself look like a goofball.
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No, he and Iraqi president have had discussion of a timeline of 20 months... which is very similar to Obama's of 16. The Iraqi president has said "off the record" that he perfers Obama.
I tend to believe forwhatever the reason that the guy does too. Doesn't mean he is right. However there are many in the govt who totally disagree with the guy. But that is government.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

It is more important... being human comes before nationality.
Ummm fine then let him run the UN and not the United States, where he is sworn to defend and protect the USA not the world. This job isn't about what is "best for the world" but what is best for the USA.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

Well the Taliban have control again and it is a sancturary for Al Qaeda... Isn't this the place that birthed 9/11... I think we have lost sight of why we went to war in the 1st place.... and who actually was responsible for our anger.
yawn, the sky is falling, and that is why we need a "surge" in afghanistan yeah yeah, I get it. I've got a great Idea we need a surge in afghanistan now. A surge is good when BHO comes up with the idea...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
When the King of Jordan personally drives you to the Airport in his car... that says a lot.
Thats pretty funny...Yeah that says a ton that a Muslum leader of another country wants Obama in office...Thats what is gonna swing me


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Thats pretty funny...Yeah that says a ton that a Muslum leader of another country wants Obama in office...Thats what is gonna swing me

Hey after all didn't he say, they are going to look at my middle name and say this might be a guy we could trust...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Hey after all didn't he say, they are going to look at my middle name and say this might be a guy we could trust...
You maybe able to say this about the Middle East, even though I disagree with the logic... but not Europe... Did you see the reception and mass of people who greeted him in Germany.... If we want to restore credibility around the world.. this guy is the one to do it.... This even proves my point more, he will be able to achieve more diplomatically than any president since Reagan...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm not saying don't vote because, more of a lets laugh at his gaff. I find it however highly ironic that you still are trying to justify a man running for president refering to 57 states or 10 years in office...
Why can't you accept at face value that the guy was really tired and made himself look like a goofball.
I tend to believe forwhatever the reason that the guy does too. Doesn't mean he is right. However there are many in the govt who totally disagree with the guy. But that is government.
Ummm fine then let him run the UN and not the United States, where he is sworn to defend and protect the USA not the world. This job isn't about what is "best for the world" but what is best for the USA.
yawn, the sky is falling, and that is why we need a "surge" in afghanistan yeah yeah, I get it. I've got a great Idea we need a surge in afghanistan now. A surge is good when BHO comes up with the idea...

Why haven't we had the surge before? Because we were spread thin by being in Iraq.... The Taliban has retaken the gov't.... and Al Qaeda is there... Your whole argument is absurd because we went to war to fight terrorism, yet you want to put the main source on the back burner... the question is .. is this war about oil or terrorism.... your comments and defense of the Bush/McCain Admin/Campaign suggest that you are mislead to the reasonsing we are supposed to be there...
Everyone wants to talk about Foreign Policy Experience... instead of Foreign Policy effectivness... It is clear who is better able to work with and whom is better recieved when it comes to foreign gov'ts.
There were 57 contests for the elections... your point is silly IMO... Yet, you give your guy a pass on idiotic comments he and his crew are making about "Whinning" and "Czechlovakia" among the many others...
He gets lectured by his own volunteers on how to run a campaign... I also have not heard anything or seen McCain supporters on the ground... No signs.. no voter registrations... no nothing... except commecials that potray falsehoods... your guy has no chance... he running a terrible campaign.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You maybe able to say this about the Middle East, even though I disagree with the logic... but not Europe... Did you see the reception and mass of people who greeted him in Germany.... If we want to restore credibility around the world.. this guy is the one to do it.... This even proves my point more, he will be able to achieve more diplomatically than any president since Reagan...
You mean like "use a carrot and stick method with Iran"
I didn't say the middle name thing, BHO said that. See here is the thing, the rest of the world doesn't have to live in my country, I don't care one bit who they think I should vote for. It isn't their country, they live in their own screwed up democracies. I have absolutely no intention to take the advice of the people in a country with 9-10% unemployment. OBSCENE tax rates, and that we built in the first place!


Active Member
I saw the reception Obama received here in the IZ....
Many Europeans do love Obama. Of course, many Europeans want to see America's economy and army weakened, America to become more socialist, and America to begin to let them tell us what to do on a day to day basis.
There have been a lot of comments made by the various Iraqi leaders regarding troop withdrawals. What can't be denied, however, is that everyone over here that wants Iraq's Democracy to succeed doesn't want America to withdraw prematurely. The Iraqi people recently were polled. They (Sunni Shiite and Kurds) all said they don't want to be "occupied" but they don't want US forces to leave too soon either.
When the masses in the Middle East and Europe are fans of a candidate it should make you pause and ask yourself why.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Thats pretty funny...Yeah that says a ton that a Muslum leader of another country wants Obama in office...Thats what is gonna swing me

Watch the thousands who gathered to hear him speech on your news tonight...
And this is significant... our main issues deal with Islamic countries right now... don't you think it is relevant when it comes to diplomacy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I saw the reception Obama received here in the IZ....
Many Europeans do love Obama. Of course, many Europeans want to see America's economy and army weakened, America to become more socialist, and America to begin to let them tell us what to do on a day to day basis.
There have been a lot of comments made by the various Iraqi leaders regarding troop withdrawals. What can't be denied, however, is that everyone over here that wants Iraq's Democracy to succeed doesn't want America to withdraw prematurely. The Iraqi people recently were polled. They (Sunni Shiite and Kurds) all said they don't want to be "occupied" but they don't want US forces to leave too soon either.
When the masses in the Middle East and Europe are fans of a candidate it should make you pause and ask yourself why.
I disagree... Europe and most of the World want the USA to be the example... Did you see all the flags waiving? The only time I saw an American flag in the past in a foreign country... it was burning.
The new leader of Iraq has said he wants a timetable... and of course people are fearful of violence once America leaves... The people of Europe have been our allies... I don't think they mean us ill will...


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Actually, he was correct.. I think the # of voting states or territories is 57...
We forget about Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam?, etc
Actually, this is incorrect.
Can citizens in U.S. Territories vote for President?

No, the Electoral College system does not provide for residents of U.S. Territories, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa to vote for President. Unless citizens in U.S. Territories have official residency (domicile) in a U.S. State or the District of Columbia (and vote by absentee ballot or travel to their State to vote), they cannot vote in the Presidential election. Note that prior to the adoption of the 23rd Amendment, DC residents could not vote in the Presidential election.

Taken from


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You mean like "use a carrot and stick method with Iran"
I didn't say the middle name thing, BHO said that. See here is the thing, the rest of the world doesn't have to live in my country, I don't care one bit who they think I should vote for. It isn't their country, they live in their own screwed up democracies. I have absolutely no intention to take the advice of the people in a country with 9-10% unemployment. OBSCENE tax rates, and that we built in the first place!
No one is telling you too... but this is a MOVEMENT that is now World Wide. The only thing you all can do to counter is more VP talk... You guys are screwed ... You're welcome to jump on board...
Did you see that Bush now, is letting the Housing Rescue plan role through Congress... In his final days he is actually doing a little better.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Actually, this is incorrect.
Can citizens in U.S. Territories vote for President?

No, the Electoral College system does not provide for residents of U.S. Territories, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa to vote for President. Unless citizens in U.S. Territories have official residency (domicile) in a U.S. State or the District of Columbia (and vote by absentee ballot or travel to their State to vote), they cannot vote in the Presidential election. Note that prior to the adoption of the 23rd Amendment, DC residents could not vote in the Presidential election.

Taken from
Well evidently they can vote in the primaries...
because they did!


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Then let him go run for office in an islamic nation .
I really don't care anymore about all the hate all you haters are expressing...
You Republicans are done!

We'll welcome you if you want to join the movement...
I'l be doing this :
all the way to the polls... the last one will because of it being historically significant.