This guy wants to be president?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well evidently they can vote in the primaries...
because they did!
The primaries are held by political parties and not dictated by the US Constitution. You know, that little piece of paper your candidate seems destined to ignore at every turn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Heck who are we to point out facts

Look it up... all these places voted during the Presidential Primaries... fact is ... it is not a fact... but just plain wrong...
So how is it over there Journey?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I really don't care anymore about all the hate all you haters are expressing...
You Republicans are done!
Pot meet Kettle....
I don't hate any candidate or anyone who votes for a particular candidate Rylan.
I will never try to tell anyone how to vote. I will, however, vehemently exert my right to challenge said voters when they try to propagate misleading or blatantly incorrect information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The primaries are held by political parties and not dictated by the US Constitution. You know, that little piece of paper your candidate seems destined to ignore at every turn.
doesn't matter.... because the point is ... is that there were 57 contests... we have not gone to the General Election yet... so no he did not miscount... I think a Harvard graduate knows how manny States we have... So your arguement doesn't fly, because it doesn't apply to the topic...
Yet, you keep overlooking your grandfather's foreign policy "experience" how much experience can one have, if they don't know about key things like...Czech, Sunni/Shitte, Anbar Awakining? It seems he doesn't know a lot of things or is able to answer a question w/o being prepped first... like that whole women's health/insurance/VI agra question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No one is telling you too... but this is a MOVEMENT that is now World Wide. The only thing you all can do to counter is more VP talk... You guys are screwed ... You're welcome to jump on board...
Did you see that Bush now, is letting the Housing Rescue plan role through Congress... In his final days he is actually doing a little better.
Or worse, you ever think why his approval rating is sooo low, it is because dems are too partisan to say yes, and conservatives see stuff like this where he has allowed the govt to grow and say they aren't happy with him either.
Now as for the movement. I ask you this, if it is truely a movement, (and not a bowel movement) then why in the world is McCain, (the worst possible choice for a republican candidate besides nominating a democrat) tied or withing the margin of error in current polls.
Stop drinking the coolaid and think about this for a second.


Active Member
That is funny the great orator, very clearly said 57 states, with more to go. Not 57 states and territories facts are facts no matter what you may try and spin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Pot meet Kettle....
I don't hate any candidate or anyone who votes for a particular candidate Rylan.
I will never try to tell anyone how to vote. I will, however, vehemently exert my right to challenge said voters when they try to propagate misleading or blatantly incorrect information.
So then, did Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and others vote in primaries?
Yes or no... were there 57 contests or not? Is this what Obama was referring to or not... ? If I am wrong than fine, if you are just admit it one time.. gosh


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
They sure don't....just like when McCain says that Obama is going to raise taxes on middle class and small business owners...
go to
Watch them some time. It's halarious. Maybe they are putting something in the water

And yes Obama will raise taxes on the middle class. Anyone with investments or even a 401K will get nailed by his plan to double capital gains taxes directly. Everyone that works for a living will be hurt by the hit the economy would take from all the capital moved offshore to avoid the doubling of the taxes. I know I am making contengency plans for all my investements. I'll put mine in the same place Ted Kennedy's family keeps theirs to avoid taxes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Or worse, you ever think why his approval rating is sooo low, it is because dems are too partisan to say yes, and conservatives see stuff like this where he has allowed the govt to grow and say they aren't happy with him either.
Now as for the movement. I ask you this, if it is truely a movement, (and not a bowel movement) then why in the world is McCain, (the worst possible choice for a republican candidate besides nominating a democrat) tied or withing the margin of error in current polls.
Stop drinking the coolaid and think about this for a second.
You can ask your party that question... he surely is lacking support. I don't believe polls are as close as media reports... Just the lack of enthusiam I see from his supporters... I did some volunteering for Obama last week... Crazy... support everywhere..
I've yet to see anything with McCain's name on it... he doesn't have the attendence to events like Obama does... he is getting killed in fundraising.. even in his best month ever... Top that w/ support Obama is getting overseas... McCain is a none issue in the press... which fuels these polls... and Obama can show his foreign policy experience and apptitude from this current trip. Then when you put the two of these men together.... it will give Obama a futher edge... because of his sharpness and image compared to McCain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
It also seems that Bush Admin are adopting some of Obama's policy plans.... Bush has talked about a "timeline", and have also began talks with Iran, as well as more troops to Afganistan.
Difference is everyone else, Bush, military leaders, Iraq politicians are talking about timelines triggered by events on the ground. Obama just wants a timeline based on a date, conditions be damned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No, he and Iraqi president have had discussion of a timeline of 20 months... which is very similar to Obama's of 16. The Iraqi president has said "off the record" that he perfers Obama.
If it was "Off the record" how do you know he really said it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You can ask your party that question... he surely is lacking support. I don't believe polls are as close as media reports... Just the lack of enthusiam I see from his supporters... I did some volunteering for Obama last week... Crazy... support everywhere..
I've yet to see anything with McCain's name on it... he doesn't have the attendence to events like Obama does... he is getting killed in fundraising.. even in his best month ever... Top that w/ support Obama is getting overseas... McCain is a none issue in the press... which fuels these polls... and Obama can show his foreign policy experience and apptitude from this current trip. Then when you put the two of these men together.... it will give Obama a futher edge... because of his sharpness and image compared to McCain.
Or with this trip he has shown his ineptitude, by denying the surge worked while suggesting a surge in Afghanistan, saying that we should use the "stick and a carrot method" with Iran as if we haven't been already. And lets not forget his complete arrogance by going around pretending to be prez while he is just a candidate.
hmm, I disagree on the opinion of the polls two weeks or 3 weeks ago someone produced a poll with obama ahead by 15 points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Watch them some time. It's halarious. Maybe they are putting something in the water

And yes Obama will raise taxes on the middle class. Anyone with investments or even a 401K will get nailed by his plan to double capital gains taxes directly. Everyone that works for a living will be hurt by the hit the economy would take from all the capital moved offshore to avoid the doubling of the taxes. I know I am making contengency plans for all my investements. I'll put mine in the same place Ted Kennedy's family keeps theirs to avoid taxes.

go to or prove me wrong in regards to taxes... all you listen to is this McCain propoganda.
2nd- A bank in Luxenburg ( I may have the country wrong, but a little tiny country in Europe smaller than Deleware) just got busted for these illegal accounts... You are not going to be able to do this much longer... IRS is coming after people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
go to or prove me wrong in regards to taxes... all you listen to is this McCain propoganda.
2nd- A bank in Luxenburg ( I may have the country wrong, but a little tiny country in Europe smaller than Deleware) just got busted for these illegal accounts... You are not going to be able to do this much longer... IRS is coming after people.
lol, no, we just don't listen have obamagazisms every time obama speaks so we must be brainwashed...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Look it up... all these places voted during the Presidential Primaries... fact is ... it is not a fact... but just plain wrong...
Rylan, you said
Originally Posted by Rylan
This is irrelevant... the # of places that vote for the president is the # that counts...
We have not yet had the vote for President in the upcoming election. When we do have it, as I pointed out, the US territories and protectorates will not be voting. Voting in a primary is a totally different ballgame.
Originally Posted by Rylan

So how is it over there Journey?
I appreciate you asking that Rylan; but in all honesty, and without any malice in my answer, I can honestly say you don't want to know. Your candidate and your party are completely invested in losing over here Rylan. Obama made that clear when he said he still opposes the troop surge, even though it seems to have helped.

This will be the third month in a row where casualties in Afghanistan are greater than Allied casualties in Iraq. How long before the same people that are calling for a withdrawal from Iraq are calling for the same from Afghanistan?
I resent Obama coming over here Rylan. He didn't come on a "fact finding" mission as he claimed. He came on a photo-opt tour. He shook a few hands, got his photo taken a lot, listened to his yes men, then hopped on a coptor and got back out of dodge.
I've met a lot of good people over here Rylan. They are supporters of the coalition forces. They and their families live in the IZ and work to support our mission. They are alive because Al Qaeda can't get to them in here. If we withdraw prematurely they will be slaughtered. Do you understand the ramification of that? Can you understand that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You maybe able to say this about the Middle East, even though I disagree with the logic... but not Europe... Did you see the reception and mass of people who greeted him in Germany.... If we want to restore credibility around the world.. this guy is the one to do it.... This even proves my point more, he will be able to achieve more diplomatically than any president since Reagan...
If the Germans love him so much maybe he is running for president of the wrong country. Based on the polling the US thinks he sucks little green apples. In the current political environment the Democrat candidate should be up on any Republican double digits. Add to that the press love affair with Obama and the way the McCain campaign has stumbled coming out of the gates as far as moving into general election mode and it should be a huge lead, maybe as high as 20% yet many of the latests polls show the race to be within the margin of error.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
go to or prove me wrong in regards to taxes... all you listen to is this McCain propoganda.
2nd- A bank in Luxenburg ( I may have the country wrong, but a little tiny country in Europe smaller than Deleware) just got busted for these illegal accounts... You are not going to be able to do this much longer... IRS is coming after people.
You don't really think the politicians are going to change the law to prevent them from avoiding taxes do you?
Taxpolicycenter is a propaganda mill so dont even bother mentioning them.
Here is Obama's capital gains tax plan straight from the horse's mouth


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rylan, you said
We have not yet had the vote for President in the upcoming election. When we do have it, as I pointed out, the US territories and protectorates will not be voting. Voting in a primary is a totally different ballgame.
I appreciate you asking that Rylan; but in all honesty, and without any malice in my answer, I can honestly say you don't want to know. Your candidate and your party are completely invested in losing over here Rylan. Obama made that clear when he said he still opposes the troop surge, even though it seems to have helped.

This will be the third month in a row where casualties in Afghanistan are greater than Allied casualties in Iraq. How long before the same people that are calling for a withdrawal from Iraq are calling for the same from Afghanistan?
I resent Obama coming over here Rylan. He didn't come on a "fact finding" mission as he claimed. He came on a photo-opt tour. He shook a few hands, got his photo taken a lot, listened to his yes men, then hopped on a coptor and got back out of dodge.
I've met a lot of good people over here Rylan. They are supporters of the coalition forces. They and their families live in the IZ and work to support our mission. They are alive because Al Qaeda can't get to them in here. If we withdraw prematurely they will be slaughtered. Do you understand the ramification of that? Can you understand that?
You should start a thread about what you are seeing over there. Lets just all agree we leave the politics out of it. It would be interesting. I get some stuff out of my son but he is reluctant to talk about it. He comes home on tuesday so he may be a little more willing to talk but he is pretty isolated up where he is based.