This guy wants to be president?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
I take that as a NO . So there you go blowing smoke out of your donkey
Smoke out of my donkey would be a statement like this,
Originally Posted by mgatdog
That's sad .Here is another tear jerker.While many people retire here in USA are loosing there health benefits.Which they worked hard for and the big corps can't pay because they got to worry about the stock holders(the rich) . I guess thats all right the retire people can die because of no health benefits.Just another casualty in USA.SEND MORE TO HELP OUT OTHER PEOPLE P_SS ON THE TAX PAYER IN THE US.Seems like our gov needs help here.
or calling me a
Originally Posted by mgatdog

.DIP S_ _ _
However saying that we spend almost .7 trillion dollars on Federal Healthcare with programs like Medicare and Medicaid, is a factual statement.
But if you must know, I do handle my grandmother's finances and yes, medicare does pay quite a bit of the bill. That and her insurance that she has paid to handle the difference.
I ask you this, if you think Medicare and Medicaid don't pay anything, hence imo don't work then why in the world would the solution be expand it, or create some sort of other federal program to pay for medical expenses? That is just asinine.


That is just asinine.
It must be nice to be able to afford other insurance to pick up the bill that medicare doesn't pay. Hows that for asinine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
That is just asinine.
It must be nice to be able to afford other insurance to pick up the bill that medicare doesn't pay. Hows that for asinine.
It is called planning for your future, lots of people do it, it is really nice.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
It must be nice to be able to afford other insurance to pick up the bill that medicare doesn't pay. Hows that for asinine.
It is called planning for your future, lots of people do it, it is really nice.

Well I hope you don't become disabled in a young life and lose everything before you build your nest egg in the future like some of us. Oh I forgot some people are born with golden spoon in there mouth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
It is called planning for your future, lots of people do it, it is really nice.

Well I hope you don't become disabled in a young life and lose everything before you build your nest egg in the future like some of us. Oh I forgot some people are born with golden spoon in there mouth.
That your convertible in your avatar?


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Well I hope you don't become disabled in a young life and lose everything before you build your nest egg in the future like some of us. Oh I forgot some people are born with golden spoon in there mouth.
That your convertible in your avatar?
It was and gone like my savings and everything else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
Oh I forgot some people are born with golden spoon in there mouth.

BTW, I worked my way through school. I wasn't handed a dern thing. Life can't be that bad for you, you are a SW hobbyist.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
BTW, I worked my way through school. I wasn't handed a dern thing. Life can't be that bad for you, you are a SW hobbyist.
Well then you know a little about life isn't easy. I have 3 kids it was hard for them .All 3 were honor grad in high school and did what I could to help and get them through college .So my nest egg was shot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
Well then you know a little about life isn't easy. I have 3 kids it was hard for them .All 3 were honor grad in high school and did what I could to help and get them through college .So my nest egg was shot.
Last year, I got my first car with Air Conditioning.
And I live in south texas.


People just don't get it.REP or DEM that are in congress and senate when they retire . I love to have there health benefits.Better yet stick them in medicare.You see alot of changes if it came out of there pocket for bills.Both party's are a joke. Its like spin the bottle who's the biggest bull

that you trust to put in office


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
Well then you know a little about life isn't easy. I have 3 kids it was hard for them .All 3 were honor grad in high school and did what I could to help and get them through college .So my nest egg was shot.
I'm going to tell you what I tell alot of people who think it is really hard in the USA. Go live in a 3rd world country, for say 6 months, but work for a humanitarian organization. That will put our "plight" in some perspective. That is why you'll never hear me seriously complain about my economic status. Because I unlike billions overseas, have AC a car a tv and a roof over my head.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Funny, when it comes to your fellow Americans you're content that everyone take care of themselves and if some people fall through the cracks so be it. However, when it comes to a foreign nation that has its own sovereign government you're all for over government and military to play "big brother".
No, again not true.
I've repeatedly said I'm for allowing the Iraqi's to choose for themselves what they want. The people have said, repeatedly, they want a functioning Democracy...
Are you trying to compare a country occupied with insurgents and foreign terrorists to the greatest Democracy in the world?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mgatdog
Are you on medicare?
If you have issues now with the government system of health care I'd be interested in hearing what you think of Obama's Universal Plan... Do you believe it will be better or worse? Cheaper or more expensive?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If you have issues now with the government system of health care I'd be interested in hearing what you think of Obama's Universal Plan... Do you believe it will be better or worse? Cheaper or more expensive?
I don't care for Obama or McCain.Neither of them are doing the right things for the people.