This is life or death im not joking this is serious please help me!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by James Larocque
it was a very nice tank. The liverock is rally nice. ill post a pic of my tank
ok sorry that a old pic i have more LR than that and i have another PH
how much more LR because that's not nearly enough? Is that algae still on that rock?


Originally Posted by Gemmy
I would not recommend it. Frequent water changes and following the advice you have been given will do the trick. Those chemicals mask the problem and I have seen them do more damage than good. If you decide to, you could go with SeaChem Prime or Amquel plus. I would also suggest that you look up the nitrogen cycle so you can understand the biological process that is occurring in our tanks (I would explain but I feel you need to do more research).
In no way am I recommending that he use it every time he sees a reading he doesn't like, BUT it is a good thing to have in an emergency.
I actually use test strips for new fish arrivals because it gives me a fast reading on what's in the water, which can be key if something is wrong. If the test strip reads low, I'll use the bottled kit to get a more accurate reading. Under any other circumstance I'd say that a test strip was garbage, but even this does serve a purpose for an emergency.
Of course, keeping up with water changes, and doing them more frequently when there is an issue is the best way to address the problem. ALWAYS HAVE WATER AND SALT AVAILABLE...
the ingredient on the flake are herring salmon halibut cod krill rockfish shrimp squid clams salmon eggs octopus wheat flour wheat gluten fresh kelp spirulina garlic vitamin c vitamin a vitaminb12 vitamin e riboflavin niacin folic acid biotin and preservative


Originally Posted by James Larocque
the ingredient on the flake are herring salmon halibut cod krill rockfish shrimp squid clams salmon eggs octopus wheat flour wheat gluten fresh kelp spirulina garlic vitamin c vitamin a vitaminb12 vitamin e riboflavin niacin folic acid biotin and preservative
Does not matter what's in it when it's flake, it's still garbage. Just trust us, we are ALL telling you it's garbage. Flake food should be reserved for goldfish, NOT salt water fish.
my crabs and snails ate the hair algae. And btw i forgot to mention my firend gave me a small GSP frag but it seems to be doing fine.


Originally Posted by James Larocque
my crabs and snails ate the hair algae. And btw i forgot to mention my firend gave me a small GSP frag but it seems to be doing fine.
So do you have a current pic of the tank?


Originally Posted by James Larocque
my crabs and snails ate the hair algae. And btw i forgot to mention my firend gave me a small GSP frag but it seems to be doing fine.
GSP is very resilient, but I highly advise you against any other corals under you get a better understanding of water chemistry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I actually use test strips for new fish arrivals because it gives me a fast reading on what's in the water, which can be key if something is wrong. If the test strip reads low, I'll use the bottled kit to get a more accurate reading. Under any other circumstance I'd say that a test strip was garbage, but even this does serve a purpose for an emergency.
LOL...I use test strips too. I test my water on MWF with my API kit and the other days I use the strips. If the strip comes up odd, I use the kit. I use them as gauge to give me an idea of my water quality.
i could take a cell phone pic and txt it to somone but my moms laptop is in her room and shes sleeping and this comp wont let me upload images.


Active Member
wow i havnt seen such rapid writing on this board in a while.this is just how my tanks are set up but some people like the toys to 90 reef has 120 lbs of lr and 30 lbs of rubble in the mechanical filters at 250 fowlr has only 4 korilia ph's .my 35 mantis tank has 15 lbs lr and a hob bio wheel.55 gallon qt 2 hob one two biowheel with no carbon,and a smaller hob sponge .i havnt used a skimmer in years.i do a water change every two weeks about 10%.i believe bacteria on the lr as long as you add livestock slow adjusts to the the bioload and i never have any water condition problems.not to say a skimmer wouldnt help but i have yet to see it in water testing.the whole key to this hobby is to let mother nature do its thing .but thats just me.a tank with a skimmer ,turf scrubber,macro ect does look high tech though.
lol yeah just remember guys im only 15 and already have about 500$ invested in this. So i cant go out on a moments notice and buy a skimmer.


Deejeff442, I think you're far more advanced in the hobby than James is, so your set ups work for you, BUT I don't know if I would recommend that to a beginner, that has already proved he has not done enough research and now has to cover lost ground.
Meowzer your great and im going to bed now because i have school tomorrow and i cant miss ap lit lang first block and the fish have calmed down. Tomorrow=water change


Originally Posted by James Larocque
lol yeah just remember guys im only 15 and already have about 500$ invested in this. So i cant go out on a moments notice and buy a skimmer.
A skimmer isn't going to make or break you to be honest, but it's something to think about for the future.
The first thing you should look at getting is your own RO/DI and a bucket of salt.
Do lots of research.
A plus to you is that you ask questions and take criticism very well, which is a lot more than I can say for many new hobbyists!


Active Member
i sure as hell aint saying i dont have problems.just not water quality it took me almost a year to finally get rid of an ich problem.still crossing my finger.but right now its looking good.i just knocked on my wood desk.


Originally Posted by deejeff442
i sure as hell aint saying i dont have problems.just not water quality it took me almost a year to finally get rid of an ich problem.still crossing my finger.but right now its looking good.i just knocked on my wood desk.
Good luck with that! Thank goodness I've never had to battle ich in my DT thus far (knocks on wood desk as well). I have battled it in a QT with a fish that I "rescued" from the LFS and even in the QT it was a nightmare!